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Posts posted by The-Master

  1. "Okay then, we'll stay a while longer. That stallion over there was acting strange, looking at Hop in a weird way. We saw him on the train. We were wondering why he's acting like that. That's all. It's nothing to worry about." She gave him a quick peck on the cheek. "So, would you like to head to the falls after this, or hang around town longer?"


    Remember when Star Keeper said he was indecisive? He wasn't lying. "Um...  well they both seem like two very good options, and it seems like everypony has their own plans... town would be cool but I get to spend more time with you at the falls...  um, I choose to use a lifeline, no wait never mind. Heck,lets go with the falls. I've always wanted to go seethe falls and who better to see them with?"


    "Oh, sorry, Star. I'm ready to get going if you want to. Do you want to hang around town for a while or go straight to the falls?"



    "No, sorry Keeper. And besides our food hasn't even come yet and really i am starving." Hop said, a low rumble from her agreeing with her statment. "I think ill join you guys after i eat, go have some fun." Hop gave Star a smile letting her know she would catch up with them.


    "It's just that..." Star Keeper tried to look in the direction they had just been staring at. "What exactly are you two looking at? Am I the only one here who's confused? You know what, forget I said anything. It doesn't matter. I'm not trying rushing you either, we can go whenever you like."

  3. You're right, that would be a cool episode! Even though she's already learned something many times, the whole point of the show is for the ponies to learn, right?

    I knew this would happen. Huh, well I can't say I'm surprised. I guess thats what I get for making another joke about one of the mane six. Doesn't really matter, have a nice day.

  4. @@@MelancholicMemory,


    Star Keeper looked at the two mares with confusion, not to sure what it was that was fascinating them. He waved a hoof in front of their faces in an attempt to regain their attention. "Hell, anyone home? What's got you both so distracted? We're not boring you, are we? I knew it." Star tightened his scarf and finished off his meal. "Maybe we should get going soon."

    • Brohoof 1
  5. House Stormwing - Cloudsdale/The Everfree Forest


    Cloudsdale had not seen war in years, the last rash assault made by the fools in Earthborn. Rest assured it was over quickly. But now this was on a whole new scale; Parasprites consumed all in their wake and ferocious pegasi from the forests of Everfree harassed the defences. Spitfire rallied to her all the strength she could muster, no less than 2000 Pegasi stood at the ready. Hoplite phalanxes took formation along the walls; Heavy Lancers took to the sky and began to bring down the Wildings. On the ground Earth Troops began to assault the ground forces, Thetes and slaves moving in under Stromwing’s banner.


    Wing Commander Soarin’ took flight with his formation of Sky Chariots, brutal and hard hitting. They managed to cast lighting at the swarms of Parasprites, scours falling to its devastating attacks. With throwing spears and iron shield at hoof, the forces of Storming began to fight back.



    Rainbow on the other hoof was long away from the battle, with but twenty guard under her command and a small band of scouts. When the falcon arrived with word from Commander Spitfire, she instantly moved to counter. “We have to go, now! Everfree have launched an assault on Cloudsdale. Slippery gits. Scootaloo, take your company and head north as fast as your wings will carry you. Don’t stop until you get back.”


    The orange pegasus gave a quick salute and then called her company to her side. “Okay guys, we’ve done okay so far, let’s get back and save our city.”


    “If we make it back in time.” Star Keeper mumbled under his breath. “If there’s even a city left to save.” In quick succession they took off, setting off north, back home. Commander Rainbow Dash looked on as they flew out of sight, her guard now ready to depart also. They had lingered in the halls of Everfree for too long and gained nothing. They would pay for what they’ve done, for their stupidity. And here now within Fluttershy's dining hall sat ponies who must be dear to her. Rage was now the only thing that seemed to fuel her next decision, a chance lying before her.


    “Soldiers…  kill them.”


    (OCC: Just in case I wasn't clear, everypony in the dining hall is now being targeted by some pissed of Stormwing soldiers. Have fun.)

  6. Everyone shut up for a moment. News from the big guy.



    Here's a quick update on what i've been doing recently concerning ED, just so you know I'm still here and working on stuff.

    1.Finished sketches for 8 of 9 initial Stormwing units. Those are as follows:
    -Pegasi Warriors
    -Ground Guard
    -Forward Scouts (name may change)
    -Heavy Lancers
    -Griffin Prowlers
    -Griffin Berserkers (name may change)
    -Sky Chariot

    2.Made a couple of rough sketches for Moon and Star:
    -Valkyries (name may change)
    -Inquisitorial Troops
    -Sunray Cannon
    -Arcane Amplifier

    3.Also made a couple of rough sketches for additional units:
    Cult: Giggling Ghosts, Alicorn Mockery
    Earthborn: Firespitters, Groundpounder
    Everfree: Manticore, Death Blossom

    I should have the Stormwing force sheet ready this weekend. Stay tuned.



    This can only mean good news. Also, Stormwing!!!

    • Brohoof 1
  7. Moonbeam exclaimed with a very apologetic tone "Oh! No no no no! It doesn't bother me at all. It just...it seemed like that was the case, but I couldn't be sure. I was just curious. I didn't mean to offend you. I'm happy for you both!" she said, forcing a small grin. She really was happy for them, and she hoped her comment didn't make them think she had a problem with their relationship. She didn't want to hurt such a new friendship.


    Star Keeper beamed happily at the news. "I'm sure they're not offended, maybe a bit shy about it, but no pony could stay mad at you. Oh and thanks for ordering for me. I'm not very decisive...  most of the time." He chuckled a bit and drew himself closer to Moonbeam, resting a wing over her shoulders. 


    (OCC:Hello, I'm back.)

    • Brohoof 1
  8. House Stormwing – The Everfree Forest – Fluttershy’s Chambers

    How could she ever forget? Even today after all these years the memories were vivid in her mind. Fluttershy’s intended that the Houses to set aside differences, that maybe her friends would find a way to finally be reunited. And now here she was to plead her case, but Rainbow could accept it. Could the world ever go back to what it was, could Rainbow take that chance? These though racked her brain to the point of breaking.

    Star Keeper could only watch on as his commander struggled to make a choice. Looking to either side is was obvious that his company felt equally as troubled. And yet there was nothing they could do, this was up to them to decide. The fate of Equestria rested on it.

    And then something snapped inside her. “No.” Commander Rainbow Dash cast off any expression of joy or sadness, her face a visage of stern rage. “No, I don’t think so. Sweet innocent Fluttershy, thinks she can just bat her eyes and make everything go back to the way it was. You’re just as idiotic as usual.” Scootaloo’s heart sank, unsure whether to be sad, afraid or glad. Commander Dash placed her helmet back onto her head, turning from her old friend in a huff. “Are you too blind to see it? There is no going back, never. This is war Fluttershy and I intend to win it for the glory of House Stormwing. By battle and bloodshed are we made, we shall have everlasting victory. You…” Dash turned back to face Fluttershy, no sympathy or pity in her words. “…you will rot in these woods, scared of the world around you. I can’t believe I used to care for you, I can’t believe I ever wanted to…” She quickly stopped herself, starring holes into the ground. “I’m leaving… now, and don’t try and stop me. It only takes twenty of my troops to deal with your rabble.” She exited the room, her hooves hitting hard on the ground.

    Scootaloo was close to tears, looking back at Fluttershy with nothing but utter sympathy. “I’m so sorry…” She quickly followed after her idol, her company following in quick succession. They reached the dining hall once more, Commander Rainbow Dash caring little for the others present, even the quivering mare behind the table.

    “Fluttershy may have done us a service, despite her obvious foolishness. She has drawn the others right into our grasp. I have some old scores to settle.” Scootaloo did not respond her face pail and her stomach unsettled. “Maybe someday you’ll know the price we pay for freedom Scoots. These ponies are insane and mutated, vermin. The world is full of taint and it is our duty to cleanse it, to perfect it.”

    (OCC: The deed is done, Equestria is doomed to yet more years of war and turmoil. I couldn't have asked for more.)

  9. House Stormwing - The Everfree Forest - Fluttershy's Chambers


    Friends? Even after all this time she couldn't help it. And yet somethings still gnawed at the back of her mind, things Rainbow could not ignore. Was this really Fluttershy? "We've all changed so much over the years, all of us have come so far. Maybe even beyond repair." Rainbow looked away from the yellow Pegasus, almost getting lost in her sight. Taking a deep breath she spoke once more. "I recognized the Falcon, he's much older than the last time I saw him. Well, we all are."


    And yet still images haunted her thoughts, clouded her mind in a veil of shadow and doubt. "What happened to us 'Shy? What did we become? What's happened to you after all these years? You're still kind, but it's become almost...  brutal." A serious tone began to creep into her voice suddenly, her eyes now focused and her worried expression replaced with a blank look. "This isn't right, you can't keep doing this. This forest isn't good for you, the force that rules it isn't good for you. Whatever this 'Liege' is, it's making you sick...  and I don't know if I can help you."


    House Everfree - The Everfree Forest - The Dining Hall


    Lily had remained quite for much of the conversation, sinking bellow the surface of the table in slight fear. Being her with her...  it sent chills down her spine, the fir on the back of her neck stood on edge. He hood now fully shielded her face from the outside world, a frail defense. And then came Stormwing, the warriors of the north. Lily had never seen them before, she didn't know whether to be fascinated or frightened. Maybe they were here on peaceful terms, even if they did have lots of sharp pointy weapons.


    But now Fluttershy had departed with the others, Rain had even left her. She was left to the mercy of the other guests. Lily let out a rather timid squeak at the thought. "Oh, I should have never left home. Is it too late to just go?"

  10. House Stormwing – The Everfree Forest - The Southern Ruins


    Pathos’ words were not very reassuring, and as the party entered the ruins she felt the sense of dread fill her. Funny, she hadn’t felt like that in years. Scootaloo made an effort to keep up with her commander, her company close in tow. The Pegasi Guard were silent for the journey, it was simply not their place to speak. Rainbow called the group to a halt as they reached the crumbling remains of the inner sanctum. She must be here.


    “Okay, here’s the plan. Guards fall back and take position around the perimeter. Be reading in case any drastic occurs.” With a silent nod they dispersed out, taking to their wings and finding a position. “Scoots, you and you group can come with me, I may need your help for what’s about to happen.”


    Scootaloo felt uneasy, the others sharing her opinion. The commander was not blind to this entirely, placing a reassuring hoof on her shoulder. “Before we go in there are some things I must warn you about. Do not speak to Fluttershy, only I can do so. Do not look into her eyes either, and most importantly do not compromise this. We have to be careful and one foul move could bring everything we’ve worked for crumbling down.”


    They all gave nods of understanding, Rainbow turning back to the entrance that lay ahead. Taking one last deep breath and adjusting her armour she pushed aside the doors, entering the sanctum of Lady Fluttershy of Everfree. It was a quant dining hall, be it a little overgrown, with many ponies seated around a table of oak. At their head sat none other than Fluttershy herself, her radiant beauty shining out across the room. Despite the gangly features that she’d acquired Rainbow could only see her old friend in front of her.




    House Earthborn – New Ponyville


    There was nothing left here for him, no hope of ever getting over the death of his family. He had seen so much and gained so little from it. Long Stride did not know what to do, where to go, but he knew that Earthborn had nothing left for him. He had no ties to the House, no bonds or oaths of servitude. They would never hold him here.


    And so he made his plans, gathering to him supplies and provisions for the journey ahead. Food, water, blankets, that kind of thing. It would last him a week of careful rationing. He kept his armour, but left his helm and all emblems of his house behind. No loyalty would bind him.


    The dignitaries were busying themselves talking to that Minotaur from Everfree, a more that opportune moment. Concealing himself with a worn green travel cloak, Long Stride left the town among a small band of merchants and craftponies and fled to the acropolis. He rested briefly before heading south towards Manehattan. He knew it was no paradise but it at least he would be away from the war for a while. The city was safe from what he had heard, away from danger. With no map and no proper road to follow, Long Stride left the acropolis overlooking New Ponyville. Taking one last look at the town, at his House, he felt no regret.

  11. I'm back (briefly) and I'd just like to make a few notes based on what I read in PoorYorickDA's RTS of Equestria Divided.



    Army type - Elite

    Strengths - awesome damage output, best maneuverability, ability to reposition their structures, relatively low costs of weather magic abilities, pegasi in your army get damage bonus when fighting enemy pegasi, awesome early game.
    Weaknesses - low durability of the pegasi (but not griffins) and high unit cost, almost no ranged capacity, no siege machines, relies on weather magic to damage structures, weak late game.

    Early game - abuse your speed and keep harrasing the enemy constantly, Ground Guard should be tasked with securing the territory, while Pegasi Warriors launch hit and run attacks and hunt down lone enemy units. Watch out for early ranged units, such as Earthborn Battle Buckers and M&S Legionnaires with magic blast.
    Mid game - Heavy Lancers and Griffin Prowlers should be your main source of damage at this stage of the game, but remember - they're slower thus easier to hit and outmaneuver; start researching some weather magic abilities - Chain Lightning is great against mass enemy troops; if you are winning, remember to reposition your structures closer to the frontline for quicker reinforcements;
    Late game - you're rather weak here, but don't worry - just keep playing cat and mouse with your opponent, reposition your buildings and keep harrasing their most valuable units; research the Tornado ability if you haven't already and get several Sky Chariots when facing large beasts.



    First off as we can see he has a pretty good idea in mind already of what he wants to see in the house. Next we can see he's already given us a few sneak peaks at what to expect. The first of these is the Pegasi Warriors. We know that they are generally well armed and trained soldiers, the core of Stormwing's forces. They don 't really come in large numbers, as you find when your main troop choice is completely elite.


    Next is the Heavy Lances. These sound like the equivalent of a heavy elite but little else is given about them. We also have Griffon Prowlers, which sound cool as well. And last of all we have the Sky Chariot, how awesome does that sound? We have a durable and mobile fighting platform that is perfect for air combat.


    Anyway, I'm sure there's also a bunch out there for the other Houses, but I'm a bit obsessed with Stormwing right now. My focus is fixed on them for now (being mod and all). Anyway, stay awesome peoples.

  12. post-10241-0-81525700-1357717018.jpg

    Oh? I thought it was because the light gave people physical pressure so they couldn't swing their weapon properly.




    Aside from that, I'm about to start talks with Everfree. This could either go really well or really bad. Let's get started then.


    I just need to point out that I wont be here for the next couple of days. It's a long story but I'll try and update where I can. Thanks everyone.

  13. Your grandma? Did she know someone by the name of The Doctor by any chance? And maybe been inside a big blue box perhaps?

    Her name was Susan.


    Anyway, Sky Warden brings up a very valuable point. Archimedes devised a way for mirrors to be weaponized as a method of blinding ships and horses. Through experience I have learned that it's very difficult to fight while blind.

  14. Moonbeam moved under Star Keeper's wing, turning her head to face him. "What about you, Star? Would you like to go on a boat ride with me at the falls?" she asked, blushing a little more. At the end of her sentence, they arrived at the cafe. It was a somewhat small, white building with large windows on every wall. There was a large area of outdoor seating in front of the place, with much of it covered by a large white awning.


    "Oh, do you all want to sit outside or inside?"


    (This is based on a real place I've been, by the way)

    Star Keeper blushed slightly, turning away to hide it briefly before nuzzling her again. "Sure, I'd love to go on a boat ride with you, I'm sure it will be very fun." Star sat directly next to Moonbeam at the table, almost remove his wing from her. "I sure hope they have something nice, I'm starving."

  15. As the others got off of the train and approached her, Moonbeam took out a brochure she had been given before the trip, unfolded it, and pointed at a page with her hoof. "Okay, everypony! According to this, there is a really nice cafe a short while from the train station. I thought we could have breakfast there. Nearby the cafe, there are carriages we can take to the Falls as well. The cafe should be that way," she said, pointing down a nearby street.

    Star Keeper placed a wing across Moonbeam, bringing her slightly closer in. "I guess we better get going then, if we want to have more time to go see some of the sights, and possibly get some time alone." Whoa, okay where did you learn to do that? That was almost...  smooth. "Ready to go?" Star nuzzled Moonbeam affectionately.

  16. House Stormwing - Eves of he Everfree


    The question caught Windslash of guard, he never expected Scootaloo to open up to him. It was obvious that she was talking about Rainbow Dash "Huhh... well i did have a mentor once, he taught me a few sword fighting style's. I always wanted to impress him with my skills in fighting. One day i had a sparing match with another student. We started with two swords each, i managed to disarm one of his sword's. So to make it fair, i dropped one of my sword's, and in the end i lost the match. My mentor was dissapointed in me for not taking advantage of both my swords. I felt so bad that i let him down. I failed him and i really wanted his approval. But i eventually realised that i should be my own pony and not need to try to live up to another pony. I hope that i managed to help, im not really the best at talking about my feeling. The whole reason I joined stormwing so that i could help put an end to the fighting. I just want to see this war end. Why did you join Scootaloo? 


    House Stormwing - Eves of the Everfree



    Scootaloo looked back down at the ground, kicking the brush under her hooves. After a few seconds of silence she looked back at the mare in front of her. Rainbow Dash was very much the legend they made her out to be, she was strong, she was courageous, she was daring. What was Scootaloo compared to her? But no matter how bad it got she would always be there for her.




    Scootaloo did feel a bit more relaxed, even with the slight tension between them. “Thanks for sharing that with me by the way. You’re an okay guy Windslash.”


    House Earthborn – New Ponyville – Medical Bay


    Long Stride didn't at first appreciate being dumped on the ground for the medical team to deal with, but the pain relief certainly made up for it. A lack of magic certainly didn't help, stitching up and cleaning the wound became clumsy and tedious. Still better that simply having the leg lopped off. After a few hours of rest and care he was free to leave, be that with a large number of makeshift bandages. No matter how much he tried he couldn't help but limp through the town with his leg in tow. How degrading.


    It was bad enough being wounded in battle without dying in the process, but now he must live with the humiliation of his inadequacy permanently etched into his flesh. A Pony at Arms was to either return victorious or to die, any other result is spat on. Long Stride hobbled his way to one of the local Inns, resting on a stool and taking the weight off his leg.

  17. @@@discorded,


    House Stormwing - Eves of the Everfree


    The thought of seeing Fluttershy after all these years sent chills down her spine, and yet another feeling she couldn't pinpoint. Rainbow turned back to Scootaloo, her gaze practically saying it all. "Scoots, I know you're egger, but I need you to be quiet right now." The orange mare shied away a bit, Rainbow returning to the matter at hoof. "You are truly as magnificent as the stories told to us a foals, and you have shown your honour. I will go with you along with my guard, we shall see your mistress to discuss these matters."


    Slowly but surely, the troops from Stormwing shuffled their way into the dense undergrowth. They felt confined and uncomfortable, the sky blocked off from them. But they pressed on none the less, Rainbow leading at the head followed by Scootaloo and her company. If this Parthos was leading them on the right path then it would be no longer than a few hours before they reach the Southern Ruins, and probably before nightfall even.


    Scootaloo hung back a bit surprisingly, arousing the suspicions of the others. Star Keeper took no notice on the other hoof, far more focussed on how the hell he was going to explain this to the council. Eventually Scootaloo walked up next to Windslash, her head still hung low. "Soldier...  I mean Windslash, do you mind if I ask you something?" She didn't exactly wait for a response  "Have you ever felt like you were trying to live up to somepony, or living in someponies shadow? Like you're never good enough or you keep slipping up at every turn?" Scootaloo's tone began to fade into incomprehensible mutters. "I'm sorry to weigh all this down on you, I just don't really have anypony to talk to."

    • Brohoof 1
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