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Posts posted by CloudFyre

  1. 10 hours ago, Johnny4life said:

    By the sound of staff there might be no update at all.


    Hmm, that's highly unfortunate. In some ways this feels like an unintentional self fulfilling prophecy - everyone halts their work temporarily due to scheduled updates, but then the server shuts down due to a low player base...caused by the indefinite waiting period for the aforementioned scheduled updates.  

  2. Hello all! Returning fan here; I find myself in need of your reading recommendations: what are your favorite comic/fanfiction series from the last half-decade or so?

    After getting caught up on the series after a 5 year hiatus I'm seeing that there are a lot of fan-created works that I have missed out on. Like, a metric ton of them. I can't reasonably get caught up on 5 years worth of fan content, so I figured I'd open it up to suggestions! Treat this as if I were a blank flank slate - if you could recommend any fan series from any point in the fandom's history, what would it be? It could mystery, action, adventure, human-in-Equestria, or even just some feel-good/slice of life/platonic/Hallmark ending type of stuff. (Bonus points if it's a long-running series.)

  3. Just a quick suggestion: add a command to allow players to toggle TNT world damage within specific zones. This would be immensely helpful for large scale excavation, as I have around 150,000-200,000 blocks that I need removed, and I would rather build a redstone machine to blast it to oblivion than sit around and try and do it by hand. (Even with an EFV Pick and a full power beacon, it's taking an eternity.)

    As this would be on a per-claim basis, the only people who could place/detonate TNT (or TNT-purposed redstone machines) in a claim would be the claim owner(s) themselves (as block placement/removal is already protected via claims).


  4. Pretty nasty bug that messes up some end game material: Elytra can only be used looking down, making them a bit pointless. Any attempt to use firework rockets (from the ground or from the air) to gain a height boost will lock you into a single block space, and teleport you back to that block over and over until you are looking down at least slightly.

    Similarly, lilypads are still horribly bugged. Nobody can walk on them, and if you try it teleports you back to the block you jumped from.

    5/28/2017: Another bug:

    Not sure if this is intentional or not, but both the Diamond and Diamond Ore shop signs have no text on them, making it a guessing game if you want to try buying or selling. (I tested it a bit just to see; Diamonds sell at 250 per diamond, and you can buy the ore at 4000 per block.)

    5/29/2017: Yet another bug:

    EF III/IV/V shovels are useless right now. The server already has issues with block change requests not going through (requiring you to break the block again), but EF shovels multiply that exponentially. About 9 out of every 10 blocks will turn into a glitched block that has to be replaced and broken by hand, or else you'll get caught in a shaky falling animation if you touch the space where the block used to be (and still is, technically).

  5. There are many programs out there:

    • FL Studio
    • Cubase
    • Logic
    • Reason
    • Adobe Audition
    • Ableton Live
    • Sony Acid
    • Avid Pro Tools
    • Cakewalk Sonar
    • LMMS (free)

    ...and the list goes on and on. The ones listed there are the most popular, and probably the best built.


    If you're just wanting to toy around with music, LMMS (Linux MultiMedia Studio) is free and has a Windows build. You'll have to find your own VST's (or Virtual Instruments), but those aren't terribly hard to find.


    If you want to go professional, I'd highly recommend FL Studio. The most expensive version is $300, and they'll give you lifetime free upgrades to their next editions, and they'll include any new plugins that they create. For example, I bought FL Studio 9, and I now own FL Studio 11, all with no extra cost to me.

    Some other people prefer Cubase, Pro Tools, etc., but their software is almost twice as expensive ($600+ in some cases), and if a new version comes out, you'll most likely have to buy ANOTHER copy of the new software if you want to stay up to date. Long story short: some of these can get very expensive, and fast.

    Should you choose to buy FL Studio, DO NOT buy their $50 or $100 versions. They're not worth the money. You can upgrade to the more powerful versions later, but it will cost you more in the long run. Their $200 and $300 versions, however, are as good as gold. It is relatively cheap compared to other programs, leaving you with more money to buy virtual instruments to use. I personally use FL Studio, and it's served me very well.

    • Brohoof 1
  6. I hope I'm posting in the right thread...


    So! One thing that has been bothering me for a few months now is that some people aren't over the fact that a certain member of MLP Forums has been banned. I won't be naming who, and I do respect others opinions on said member, but I do feel bad for making others feel that way.


    My question is this. Can members write a confession about how and why they banned a certain member? Or is it better off if said ban is kept between yourself and the staff? Are there also any consequences if you do get the chance to write a confession?

    This has been discussed before, and the general rule "bans aren't discussed" usually hold for a number of reasons.


    First off: the staff here are only human. Maybe on some other forum you can find infallible staff (I doubt it), but the moment you start talking about why someone was banned, then you get into a mess of things like "User X was banned for this, but why isn't user Y banned for __________?" In the end, bans are a judgement call.


    In general, taking time to explain bans just doesn't make for good community building, and in all honesty, some of the things members are banned for should not be talked about. People just don't need to know what was happening. The moment you start talking about it (especially with a more popular user being banned), all of their friends start rallying for a crusade against the mod/admin that made the final decision.


    Long story short: bans aren't discussed since it has led to messes in the past.

    • Brohoof 2
  7. I've seen plenty - some of which I probably shouldn't have laughed at.

    TF2 is a great game for finding random stuff (since you can change your username on the fly), so things like: "Ronald Ray Gun" (one of mine) and "FedoraTheExplora'" are entirely possible.

    I love to rename my weapons in TF2, but that's a topic for a different thread. :P

  8. The square root of n, is by definition, the number r such that r^2 = n.  So if n = 2, then r = -2 is a valid solution because (-2)^2 = 4.


     Agreed. This is the textbook definition. WolframAlpha actually says that in it's definition (and also makes the point that there are two different definitions that circulate, a generic "square root" which most people think of as the positive value, and the algebraic square root, in which there are 2 answers).

    • Brohoof 1
  9. I wasn't talking about taking means. When I said "if you mean the answers", I meant the answers you have in mind. I'll try to put it another way:

    XD I totally thought you meant "if you mean (or average) the answers".


    tl;dr version of this thread for those just joining us: mathematical definitions are important. Define everything before working on a problem. :muffins:

    • Brohoof 1
  10. But the problem is further defined.  You started with +1 before using the square root expressions, so when you switch back and get +1 and -1 as the answer, you better darn well pick +1.   This problem is little more than a sleight of hand that tricks the reader into choosing the wrong root, thus giving a nonsense answer.

    I was stating that generally, but yes, I suppose that's true in this case. :P



    Can't we, though?


    Put sqrt(4) into your calculator. You'll get one answer: 2. Your calculator isn't going to tell you it's -2, because the convention we use is that the square root function returns the positive value.


    In fact, if I put in sqrt(4) = -2, my nspire CX CAS actually returns "false." Before you say my calculator is being stupid, consider this:


    If I input sqrt(4) = a, and ask it to solve for a, it returns a = 2. If I input 4 = a2, then it returns a = -2 or a = 2. The square root function is always positive—this is the way it's defined. It's only when you solve for a number squared that you convert the answer to ± of the square root.


    In short, sqrt(4) =/= -2. That is an incorrect expression, because sqrt(4) = 2, and -sqrt(4) = -2.

    I see what you're saying. There have been many, many debates on this topic (and I'm just playing along for fun), and thus I'll return to a previous point that had been made: 


    x^2 (and other higher power functions) have multiple answers, x and -x. And while we have some speculation on the square root function, remember that the square root is merely a function of the power 1/2.


    So if we're using another power function x^(1/2), there very well could be 2 answers. The square ROOT (singular) has one answer, but the function of taking a square root has 2 answers.


  11. Are you sure about that?


    I'd say that the operation of taking the square root has two answers, and I'd even make it more precise: that it has two unique answers, because there are sometimes actually infinitely many answers, modulo 2 pi, each of them producing the same square.


    But square roots, if you mean the answers, which are single numbers, are... well... single numbers, so they don't have two answers – they're the answers themselves (each one of them).

    Yep, I'm...positive. (Insert the "AWWWW YEEEEAAAAH" sunglasses here.)


    To be precise: a square root function that gives ONLY a positive result is known as the principal root, while in practical cases, the square root is assumed to have 2 unique answers. (Your Oxford dictionary will give the principal root definition.)


    I suppose you said it right: the operation has two answers. But that's exactly what it means: two answers. Until the problem is defined further, you have to assume that either one is valid (perhaps the event does indeed occur twice, in which both of them are acceptable).


    And I'm not quite sure why you're talking about taking the mean of the answers. The mean is entirely different, and you wouldn't want to take an average when you need exact values.


    The logic holds, as long as you designate the sqrt function to only return a positive or negative number.

    Yes, however we weren't given this, so we can't assume it.


    which is:


        1/i   or   -1/i   or 1/-i    or    -1/-i


    which is:


        i   or   -i


    So the same as the first case.

    Unless I'm missing something vital here, 1/i does not equal i. There is a difference.


    1/(-1) does not equal (-1), in the same way that 1/(9) does not equal (9).



  13. Just to let it be clear:


    sqrt(4) = 2   (and only 2. -2 isn't in the definition for this)


    x^2 = 4 -> x = 2 or x = -2   (now -2 is included because it's in the definition


    True. I'll edit the post to reflect that.

  14. I'll work through it one by one:

    3 = 1 + 2                                          ☑ Good   ☐ No Good

    1 + 2 = i/i + 2                                   ☑ Good   ☐ No Good
    i/i + 2 = 2 + ([-1])/i                          ☑ Good   ☐ No Good
    2 + ([-1])/i   = 2 + ([1/-1])/i            ☑ Good   ☐ No Good
    2 + ([1/-1])/i   = 2 + ([1]/[-1])/i     ☐ Good   ☑ No Good

    This is where we break down. The square root of (1 / -1) IS NOT the same thing as the individual square roots [1]  divided by  [-1].

    The first case [square root of (1 / -1)] is equal to i OR -i.

    The second case [square root of (1) divided by the square root of (-1)] is equal to 1/i OR 1/-1, and those are NOT equal to i or -i.

    • Brohoof 1
  15. Actually, I jumped the gun on that one. What I originally had written was actually correct, it was just an unnecessary overcomplication.

    I'm in the process of editing mine; I misread a little of what you had written.


    Those darn parentheses.

    • Brohoof 1
  16. Really, the fifth? This just applies the rule sqrt(a/b) == sqrt(a)/sqrt( B), which I believe holds for all a and b where b is non-zero.


    I'd say the 6th one is the bad equals sign. The sixth one implies that:

    • sqrt(1) == 1
    • sqrt(-1) == i

    But actually:

    • sqrt(1) == 1 or -1
    • sqrt(-1) == i or -i

    The "or" bits have been conveniently forgotten.

    *Waves* Vital has it right.


    There are plenty of mathematical fallacies that can be found online; most of them involve either setting a variable equal to zero somewhere (which people don't think about), or someone misses the fact that square roots have two answers, assuming that the problem definition states that all numbers are being used. The principal square root definition is values greater than 0 (just the positive answer), and the full square root definition includes both the positive and negative answer. If the problem states that you only use positive numbers (X >= 0), then you only need to bother with the positive value.


    Edit: (Simplified.)

    • Brohoof 1
  17. This is adorable. x) I love your Disney-like art style and the way you colour the ponies. Keep it up. xP

    I agree - the Disney-esque drawing style surprised me at first (in a good way!) I look forward to seeing more of it!

    • Brohoof 2
  18. Well, is very interesting sounding! :D



    I still in Alaska. We been prepping for several months for moving. I already have house picked out in Reykjavik. We just need to pack everything, hire the moving company to help travel overseas, and get my brother along with us.


    Ah, I see. I'm pretty sure Reyjavik is the only place in Iceland that I've actually heard of before. :P Is your brother moving there too, or is he joining you just for the moving process?

  19. Everyone asking me that :lol:




    I heard about those "3-D" printers. They sound strange.

    Hah, I bet. It's a place that not a lot of people travel to, but everyone loves to look at.


    And I've never heard anyone say that exactly, but I guess it could be considered strange. It's a wonderful machine for prototyping, making stuff, and creating useful stuff in general.


    I'll post a thread when I'm all done and ready to print, and I'll probably take some requests/do some time lapse video.


    So are you already in Iceland, or are you preparing to move there?

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