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With A Bang

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About With A Bang

  • Birthday March 13

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    In Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory
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    Other Stuff...

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  1. Well, for me it is 10:40ish right now and I don't think I'm doing anything tomorrow... If thst's the tomorrow you mean, anyway.
  2. Annabelle looked up as her friend greeted her. He already seemed to know some things about this strange new place, so she felt no need to argue with his suggestions. "Very interesting. Sugar Rush? Ponyville?" Belle found herself only getting more confused by the things going on around her. With a sigh, she decided to focus on standing for the moment. She wasn't used to having to deal with four legs all at the same time and actually clambering to her feet was a bit of a chore. By the time she managed it, Belle saw that the two other ponies had already started trotting off. She began to hurry after them, tripped, and started off again. This time she payed more attention to her hooves until she was alongside Sugar Rush and Flame. "So, um... Hello. I'm Belle," Belle began, introducing herself to the other pony.
  3. Fetched was just adding the last stroke of color to his creation. He took a step back and studied the scene that was now splashed over the canvas. It was nowhere near the quality of his other works, but this had been nothing more then a quick outpouring of enjoyment. The scene depicted was of the forest and its many hues of greens and browns and blues. Butterflies, and dragonflies, and birds flew among the trees. Snakes slithered on the grass, a frog hopped away in the background, and a fox was casting whoever viewed the painting a sly look. Just as Fetched bent to let go of his paintbrush, he heard a voice and jumped. Fetched hadn't noticed the arrival of the new pony. He looked up at Moonbeam and grinned. "Thank you. It's not one of my best, really, but I like scenes with lots of life in them and I had to get this one down," Fetched responded with a slight chuckle. At Moonbeam's offer to join them, his smile grew even wider. He cast a glance at his paint splattered body. The splotches of fresh paint stood out from his naturally occurring color and his mane was tangled with drying paint. "I would like that very much. Maybe I can get some of the paint out by going for a swim. I look a little ridiculous right now."
  4. Gah, sorry it took mess long to post again! I'll try and be more active tonight, but I have to sleep and Thanksgiving is tomorrow. Sorry guys XP Oh, and I would totally be up for an adventure sequel ^-^
  5. Fetched trotted back to camp. After Stacy had left, he'd spent more time then he meant to out there. It was just that all the colors in the trees had captured his imagination. Without a canvas or even a pencil, Fetched had had to make sure to remember every detail. Now, in a fervor of excitement, he headed for his tent and began to set up his art supplies. Soon enough the earth pony was busy painting, not bothering to be particularly neat. As usual, paint managed to find its way into his mane and added to the colorful patches on his coat. Fetched didn't pay it any mind, instead focusing on his creation.
  6. Annabelle had watched the rest go into the fountain, one by one. She had watched as they didn't emerge, even after an unreasonably long time. It had take her a moment to decide whether or not to follow them. Only a moment, of course, before her naturally motherly instincts kicked in and she started to worry about the others. Who knew where they were, or if they were okay? She couldn't just leave, not now. Ao Belle had taken a deep breath and plunged into the water after the rest of them. At first it felt like Belle was drowning. She kept expecting to touch the bottom of the fountain, yet never did. On and on she went, thankful that she knew how to swim. All the skill in the world did not help her aching lungs, however. Belle felt like she would burst if she didn't get oxygen soon. Just as her vision began to blur, there was a lightening of the water up ahead. Belle swam towards it, hooves flailing through the water. It was only after she'd clambered out and collapsed on the grass nearby that Belle realized something was off. "Hooves. And... I'm a horse," Belle said. She stared down at herself, fighting to find a positive side to this transformation. "I won't have to worry about what to wear anymore... None of my clothes would fit, anyway."
  7. Jeez, you guys move fast! I'll try and get an intro post up soon Anybody want/need someone to RP with amuse you're all alone or something?
  8. I'm pretty sure I'm U.S. Eastern. Either that or central... But I'm on the east coast, so I think it is Eastern. Heh, sorry! Never really known my time zone!
  9. I think it's been around... Two years, now. I've never really seen any of the older Generations. My parents didn't approve of TV when I was a kid, so I never really saw a lot of shows that others did.
  10. Anybody need someone to RP with? I couldn't get on the forums at all last night, so now I'm way behind...
  11. I am still terrified of any and all statues. Don't trust those stony bastards... Yay, thank you! I'm gonna be looking forward to the test enemy. Sun can show off her skillz XD
  12. Ohhh, okay! So, after the mane 6 is full, if there are still soldier spots, people can join after we've already started? That was terrible sentence structure... People can still join after we start if there are spots open, right?
  13. Name: Sun Razed Age: Twenty-Two Species: Pegasus Personality: Sun Razed is a very serious mare. She is very driven when it comes to her goals, such as becoming the best soldier. She has no real concept of doing anything other then training and fighting. It's all she's ever wanted to do, and Sun considers that the best fun she could have. She doesn't have much of a sense of humor, often not understanding the jokes tossed around by other soldiers. She gets confused by things like sarcasm, as Sun doesn't particularly read people well. Sun never had many friends as a filly. She focused much of her time on training, even when she was little, and this led to her having a serious, solemn demeanor and lacking social skills. Sun isn't good with small talk or casual conversation. She finds it difficult to read the smaller cues someone may exhibit, and often simply accepts things at face value. It is easy for her to be deceived, tricked, or pranked and she's been a target of these things quite a few times. Especially being pranked because her reaction is often confusion, but never irritation or anger. Despite being very stoic, Sun is quite easy going. She obeys orders but doesn't object if others don't. In fact, the Pegasus simply ignores what the other soldiers are doing most of the time. When pulled into a social situation, Sun is relaxed but silent. She may not really understand what other ponies are thinking, but she never really worries about it. Sun is also very loyal and driven. She will always stay loyal to her superiors, Princess Celestia, and the memory of her father. Even if somepony else tried to lie to her or trick her about these ponies, she will refuse to believe based on the fact that they have earned her trust. Well, the superiors she has already known, anyway. Any new ponies are at first regarded with wary suspicion. It is only after she sees that they know what they're doing that Sun will completely trust somepony to give her orders. Sun is also quite driven in her two simple goals in life: make her father's memory proud by being a great soldier, and avenging the death of her father on the Griffon that killed him. Sun truly loved and respected her father a great deal. Talents: Golden Sword. Represents her desire to fight for all things good and right.
  14. That is so cool! Seriously, Celestia was epic during that entire scene. I have a whole new respect for her... And this wallpaper is certainly helping with that. She looks downright awesome! (And a tad frightening...)
  15. "Ah, sounds like a good reason!" Fetched responded. He allowed his gaze to slip to Stacy's flank for a moment before he returned to smiling at her. The glance was to reaffirm what he already knew. Well, partly anyways. It was also partly because it really was rather shapely and Fetched was quite the admirer of the pony form. Fetched watched as Stacy thought, clearly having some trouble saying something. Then, when she finally spoke, he couldn't help but grin. It was such a delightfully innocent question and he certainly didn't want to say anything that might hurt the mare. "Stacy, sweet, I like everypony! Though I admit, I do admire your forthrightness," Fetched replied. Then, noting her apologetic demeanor, added, "Kind of forthright, anyway."
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