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Everything posted by roptiriolg

  1. Many times but been using forums since 2003. Usually lately it happens when arguing with arrogant kids, or people who like arguing for the sake of arguing, never admitting when they are wrong, even when you prove them you know more. And eventually the cup gets full and flame starts, That's why I avoid arguing or discussing political or other serious topics with kids or forum that is simply with too young guys to realize some things, no offense. And it's usually gaming communities, so it doesn't matter to me. I am pretty much done hanging out on forums very much, not to say discussing things out of the forums' scope.
  2. And while looking for a completely different things, I came across this site, that matches exactly the kind of boys I am talking about. I scanned for anything against the site rules, found no inacceptable nudity, so I am talking about these kind of 'candy boys' Not sure if all of them are gays there but this is the kind of guys I find attractive. Now, with such I would still rather be a friend and nothing more, while I would be with some very cute girl, since I have never tried anything like that and probably won't do. But to me these guys look cool and I would have such as a friend (and not more ^_^') any time..
  3. Exactly my thoughts, man! Just like I said in my previous posts. I suppose it's not the fans' fault but these Hasbro, Hub or whoever deices it is so cool to show us what happens. This killed a lot for me when watching the episode, all t hese spoilers of Twilight Alicorn and I always avoided spoilers. I could still send some complaint to loose the spoilers a bit, why did they decide ppl want to know what happens in advance, damn it.
  4. I was able to identify nearly every object on the night sky since I've studied astronomy and was examined on the sky in the northern hemisphere. The only encounter I've had was in a dream but it was realistic, I am sorry it doesn't count but I can say that some dreams of mine happen, dreams like this one have not happened ... yet. Well it was alarming, gonna post it anyway: 29.09.2012 (Level 3 Dream). My grandpa tells me of an artifact, a figurine that is capable of destruction. He acquired a piece of it during WW2 and shows it to me - it looks like a tiny submarine made of Plumbum. The entire figurine is made of lead and can be used if all pieces are brought together. He gives it to me. Later, I am somewhere outside, I encounter what seems to be aliens. Three of the entities are similar to humans but have different facial features, are pale white in skin, have something teal on their heads and are all wearing black clothing. Relatively tall. Together with them are two or three Grey aliens, except their skin is yellowish. I feel fear inside. The greys gaze at me and I do not know how they communicate but I learn that they want the piece that I have. The three entities behind them are waiting. They know that I do not have it with me as I actually put it at home together with some piece of meteorite that I have in reality. One evening, I am at home. My grandma is there. In my room I see an object of mine just levitating in the air (as if a ghost is doing that). I don't want my grandma to get heart attack, so I make sure she doesn't see that. Alone in my room, I know They are here and coming to take this piece of artifact. I feel the fear inside, my eyes get wet and I say 'Just leave me alone, please'. I take the piece of lead and it levitates off my hand, they are taking it from me. Then all becomes normal and I do not see or hear from them any further. The feeling was very real all the time, my eyes were wet when I woke up and realized it was a dream. _______________ Now I think it is possible some of the objects, because there are UFOs for sure, but lots of them are spy drones, test flights from nearby military bases, there are however some bizzare objects that make no sense on human technology, so I will not exclude some of them to be.. you know. I just stay open minded, I do not say what is here and what not until I s ee myself.
  5. I agree with the above statements about the episode wayy too fast-paced, like squeezing 2-3 episodes into one, also the excessive use of songs, as if it is a musical. I expected some more serious and deep presentation of Princess Twilight Sparkle. Nevertheless, one thing was great about this episode - the core idea - Twilight becoming an Alicorn and a Princess is fantastic! I would love to see how the show will go with such a major change waiting to happen. It's amazing but happened so fast that I didn't even realize how quickly did all that happen.
  6. The greatest episode of all! Yes, I mean it, because this is the direction MLP has to go - some actual changes, not all seasons to be just about the Mane 6 doing their daily and sometimes unusual things. I wonder, will MLP go in a new direction now? It would be great if now the Mane 6 had more adventure episodes, trying to stop some evil, you know, like all the cooler episodes from these 3 seasons. However, I feel it spoiled, I was supposed to get a very pleasant and unexpected surprise, that would make this episode for me times more enjoyable - IF NOT the constant spoilers of fan art, Twilight with wings, Princess Twilight Sparkle... shees I am good ar skipping and avoiding texts to not get spoilers but when I saw these arts in previous episodes threads where I was simply looking for the YouTube episodes... there was no freaking way to miss it. So I knew that was going to happen, Twilight with wings, how can anyone enjoy watching an episode after knowing all about it !?!?!? I didn't get as excited as I should have, all because of these spoilers, this was great how Twilight changed, I loved that something culminating happened for once. Can't wait for Season 4 to come but also this Season 3 ended so soon that I couldn't even realize it ended...
  7. I didn't even know ppl watch profiles (I know there is a visitors list). I think I do not usually read profiles but now that you started and asked about your profile, I gave it a look. Seems you like Trixie, your profile seems fine since the forum suggests more constructive and quality posts, then why not the profile to be also longer. Nice stuff on deviantArt, I've only 1 pony related 'art' there
  8. So this episode was the same as the previous one but seen from the other side, that of the mane 6, interesting idea, never seen it before to represent an episode from others' view. I can say this side of the episode was definitely more interesting than the previous one, funny how they confused the guest. Though, there wasn't much action or anything happening for that matter. When the episode started with cuts from the previous episode, I thought I was watching the wrong episode, the previous one, but then it was all fine. I see an issue though, the fact that this Season ends with only 13 episodes and these 2 episodes were a repeat, makes me think Hasbro are really running out of ideas here. We will see how Season 4 will go, strange to have a season with less episodes and next season again full episodes. Exactly, I thought it was going to be some competition.
  9. Nice to see so many fans in 20s Anyway, be yourself and you should be liked for whoever you are, with whatever likings you have. Sounds cheesy but that's it, don\t care in the end (well.. I dont usually let it become known I watch MLP.. so much for my advice lol)
  10. 26 here, and I am fan of another girls cartoon show too besides MLP (which idk is commonly considered for girls or?). I also watch serious things that people dont usually bother to watch, so I don't feel bad for watching MLP even the slightest When they aired first gen ponies, I disliked them, I was like 'lulz what is this sh*t' and I still don't like them, but MLP FiM is <3
  11. Large companies want to take out your health for not much money, so yup, I go to bed at 8PM to try to get up at 3AM for work which I do. End up going to bed at 9-10PM and feeling sleepy and on weekends when I am supposed to sleep 8 hours or 10 hours to compensate, I kind of sleep only 6 and I need at least 8 hours of sleep to feel fine. Anyway on weekeneds and when not having to go to work the next day, usually 1-2AM
  12. I found this episode better than Spike at your Services, as it had funny moments with the mess the animals did. Overall, not too impressed, I think Dragon's Quest from Season 2 is so far the best episode featuring spike, this one however was also nice, just not as much as episodes featuring ponies.
  13. I forgot to say, I laughed hard when I saw this spitting fish tea jug Someone could have totally made a gif with that fish
  14. As someone with large interest in outer space and knowledge in the area, especially planets, it would be this: Evil mode: off.
  15. Wow, amazing episode! Maybe because what happened was totally unpredictable it became more interesting than a lot of others I've seen! Fluttershy has always been my most favorite pony of the Mane Six and out of the Mane 6 as much favorite as Luna, sometimes more. When learning that the episode would focus on her, I was looking forward to watching it. Firstly, it didn't feel rushed at all to me because there was nothing to happen. I don't like spoilers but I learnt it was going to be with Discord. And I thought another time he returns and they stop him. NO: Celestia comes to tell the ponies to reform him?? I thought she may have been under mind control and that's why she gave such an order and that in the end they would stop Discord and Celestia would get off this control. Then when it became clear Discord was to be made good for real, I thought he was pretending and they were to stop him in the end when he turned evil. Strangely, no such thing, Discord was made good till the end of the episode, will he be always like Zecora, a character to appear from time to time? This was quite unexpected and interesting to see/question what will be from now on. And I am glad I am fan of Fluttershy as my most favorite because she showed once again toughness even more than before, I loved it, it was so nice to see her like that and she was even cuter! <3 Lovely episode!
  16. I am straight, what I feel towards girls I find attractive, I do not feel towards boys. Though, I admit there are a certain kind of look boys that attract me too and I may go a little gay about it, it is those that have such hair style and look like err this (and no, I do not like Justin Bieber just giving example of sweet looking ones maybe the word is 'twinks'!?). Maybe because I look a little bit that type of boys and well, I may feel something more towards such boys. Opposite of that, I do not have anything with those with more rude features, unshaved, bearded, looking more like someone in 30s, no not such. But it may be because similar to how I notice - girls when one girl looks attractive, she makes sure to have attractive looking friends like her. And maybe that's why I also like those who look similar to me..
  17. Imo show them The Canterlot Wedding, especially if they like starcraft, they are sure to love it! Hehe it really reminded me of it with the Queen and the changelings
  18. it's not good when even your own parents mock at you or consider you gay for watching/doing things MLP related! Best is/safest is hide your interests from the wide public, less trouble.
  19. Happy New Year 2013!
  20. - Become normal or underweight done already, now have to make sure I don't go too much underweight - Get back to gaming /esports/ more actively than before, was supposed to be so in 2012 but wasn't - get a new gf... not where I am going, no thx, not there, so NOT! - get actual real friend, not pseudo/fakes! ... yeah right another uncertain one - Idk lol... I've run out of purpose in my life... not good! Yeah I also dislike promises, sometimes they work, sometimes not Oh and if there is no official thread, Happy New Year 2013!
  21. The Crystal empire until it ended too soon. I like these serious types of episodes but there aren't many of them for obvious reasons.
  22. roptiriolg

    movies/tv Best movie of 2012?

    1. Hobbit: Unexpected Journey 2. Battleship 2012 3. Prometheus although there is a serious lack of movies lately but Hobbit did bring me memories of LotR thanks to the same actors playing, the good old LotR times when there was no 3D even 4. Resident Evil: Retribution 5. Dark Rift I like REvil and Mila Jovovic but I think from the 4th part it wasn't so decent, haven't seen RE5 though, nor Dark Rift which I would understand is an awful one but I was interested in watching the latter too.
  23. *Yawn* hating someone who likes MLP, what are we, in kindergarden to mock at such thing. I remember one guy even complained that they ruined the game when they added ponies (Diablo 3) but I loled, and besides it was no fun, it was a hateful deed by the game designers :/
  24. I am in the 20s, my roommate who is 32 watches Simpsons... so don't feel bad watching a cartoon! But yeah I still don't speak that I watch MLP, I am afraid of how some would react to that
  25. Most of my interests are in my profile descrip but overall... Totally Spies which happens to have a new Season and so far MLP was its replacement cause the former ended years ago and was starting to get forgotten. Now both shows available together, totally cool! This from the shows that really are with female chars and overall have similarities. Contrary to the well known sci fi, I am a V ... I wouldn't call myself a fan but I like it, to differ from all who are fan sof the overcommercialized Star Trek, Star Wars, Star Gate etc.
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