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Mister Jack

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Everything posted by Mister Jack

  1. This is the worst possible thing that could happen to this project. I'm not trying to be cute and make a Rarity reference here. This fucking sucks. I was on pins and needles waiting for this game to release, getting more and more excited every time new footage was put out. I have only one friend who likes fighting games as much as I do, but she has a 360 while I have a ps3. This was going to be the game we both played together on the PC, and now that's never going to happen. Hasbro, I don't know what your problem is. You knew this game existed for a long time. Don't act like you didn't. If you didn't want it to be released, you should have stopped it a long time ago. You should have killed it back when they'd barely done any work on it. It would still suck to lose it, but not nearly as much as it sucks to lose it now, after they've put so much work into it and built up this much hype among the fans. For fuck's sake, I actually bought an arcade stick to play this.
  2. Corey's a woman? Well damn, I've been calling her a man all this time like a jackass. I have never known a woman named Corey in my life. Well, until now, apparently.
  3. As of right now I have to say Corey Powell. He's new, but the two episodes he's written so far are just gold. If later episodes end up being not so good, I'll probably go back to M.A. Larson.
  4. Simple enough. Which writer do you feel is the best? Lauren Faust is on there but remember that the only episodes she is actually credited with writing are the first three.
  5. Ever since the Tea Party came to prominence I've been ashamed to be American. I think that sometimes, in the most extreme cases, it's acceptable to slap a woman. There are a lot of corrupt CEOs and politicians out there who are responsible for the mess we're in right now and I wish someone would murder them. I'm not exaggerating. I want them dead and displayed in public as a warning to the rest of them. I think that anyone who still bothers Lauren Faust about changes made to FiM is, at best, functionally retarded. How many times does she have to tell you that she doesn't work on the show anymore? Animal cruelty should have a minimum sentence of having five burly guys beat the shit out of you with pipes. Whenever I hear someone claim freedom of speech in circumstances where it doesn't apply, I automatically think they're a moron.
  6. Not to be a downer, but I feel like they wouldn't be making a whole new bunch of alicorn toys if it only lasts for one episode. I could be wrong on this but I dunno.
  7. Alicorn Twilight is no longer a rumor. It is an undeniable fact. The official merchandise and promotional material make it abundantly clear.
  8. This was a really cute episode. Corey is shaping up to be one of the best writers on the show, despite being new. Let's see what he did right. - Finally acknowledged PeeWee - Brought back Tank - Made a Spike episode that was actually interesting - Gave Spike and the CMC screentime together - Sweetie Belle. Oh. My. God. New favorite Crusader.
  9. Oh good, my objective is to get 20 chests. I really like having goals that are totally out of my control. Or goals that flat out require me to spend money.
  10. For the record, I'm not trying to start an angry letter writing campaign to Hasbro. We were lucky that the episodes weren't taken down much sooner. I just want to find a good streaming website besides youtube for new episodes.
  11. Well, it's finally happened. Hasbro has finally decided that they don't want episodes on youtube anymore, and are using a content ID system to automatically block season 2 episodes in the US. They will probably try to do this with seasons 1 and 3 soon enough. So, if anyone has a good alternative site for watching episodes, one that updates promptly when new ones air, it would be appreciated. And before anyone says anything, I don't get the HUB.
  12. Fighting is Magic is currently "stampeding" the other games in terms of charitable donations. I can't really say I'm surprised to hear that.
  13. This game is up for a possible spot in EVO 2k13. It's up against I believe 12 others games including Blazblue and DOA5. Which game gets the slot depends on which fan community raises the most charitable donations for breast cancer research. So it's probably a safe bet FiM is gonna win.
  14. The show's quality has always fluctuated. Even back in season one there were episodes every now and then that just weren't good. Likewise, season 3 has episodes that I just friggin hate (Spike at Your Service) and episodes I adore (Sleepless in Ponyville).
  15. Nobody needs an assault rifle in their home. Nobody. Nobody. At all. That includes you, whoever you are reading this right now.
  16. That's a fanmade episode. It has nothing to do with DHX or Hasbro whatsoever, so it can't be cited as any kind of proof one way or the other.
  17. Being in a fandom means you like something that's popular. You can't be forced to not like something. That's fucking stupid. I hope you pointed that out to them.
  18. I will admit I thought RD's self insert fic was pretty funny. I'M NOT RAINBOW DASH! I'M MY ORIGINAL CHARACTER: BLAINBOW BLASH!
  19. Need I remind you that Fluttershy stole Philomena without permission? Had Celestia known she was going to do that, I'm pretty sure she would have told her that Philomena was a phoenix.
  20. Ultra....mega Timber Wolf? NO. SHHH. HE IS LEGEND. But on a less heartening note, this is probably up there with Over a Barrel as my personal pick for worst episode in the entire series, and while I gave her quite a few passes before, even on Mare Do Well, this cements Merriweather Williams as the worst writer on staff for me as well. Believe me, I am not usually one to nitpick like this, but this episode had WAY too many problems. Where do I even begin? 1) Celestia assigns 12 books in one weekend? That's sadistic for ANY teacher, let alone one as reasonable and understanding as Princess Celestia. 2) We have seen this plotline probably a million times. That would be forgivable except we've also seen this EXACT SAME RESOLUTION a million times. Everyone who watched this episode knew exactly how it was going to end. Even the kids watching probably figured it out. 3) Why is Spike's dragon code so damn important? Until recently he'd never even SEEN another dragon. How did he even learn it? Did he make this code up himself? Why? 4) I find it really hard to swallow that Spike is suddenly that bad at doing domestic chores. He seems just fine catering to Twilight's needs in almost every situation in every single other episode in this show. 5) That giant timber wolf went down WAY too easily. 6) Why are we recycling Timber Wolves again anyway? While it was kinda cool to learn that they regenerate, I would have much preferred they made up a new creature for the Everfree instead of lifting one from Cindy Morrow. There were a few jokes that I liked, such as using Twilight's OCD to get her attention, but as a whole this was just really hackneyed writing. Oh yeah, and STILL no Derpy. We haven't seen her at ALL yet, and I'm really starting to worry about her. And no, back of the head shots don't count. Derp or GTFO.
  21. I believe that sometimes people deserve to die and others would even be justified in murdering them, and I don't mean the police or the military.
  22. The word "faggot" should be officially redefined so that it refers to stupid, obnoxious people instead of gay people. It's a great insult but you can't use it without creating all kinds of controversy. This is impossible to accomplish, of course, but a man can dream.
  23. Well I'm not about to take being accused of "hipocrysis" lying down. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=olLDrvc1qt4 That image there is the first known use of the term. I've bee in the fandom long enough to remember that much. Anybody can tell that it's being used facetiously.
  24. Oh yeah, here's another one. The whole "Love and Tolerate" thing is bullshit. It was made up as a counter-troll method against haters, which is how it should be. Don't tell me to be nice to people who are acting like complete dickheads. Also, I hate Christmas.
  25. I think it's fucking stupid when people attack and downvote a pony drawing that has Obama or something in it because "ponies and politics should be kept separate." Grow a pair of nuts you bunch of pussies.
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