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Everything posted by Antismurf9001

  1. Hm... That's a good question. While I've mostly been a loner on here, I wouldn't mind meeting any of you in real life. I guess there are a few people that I could single out though: Brosparkles DashForever Kolth Skycoaster Stellafera Wingnut Wubsie (I need to thank you in person for making this awesome avatar and signature!) As far as I can tell, all of the staff seem like nice people who would be interesting to meet Pretty much anyone I've had a pleasant PM conversation (or just conversation in general) with Please forgive me if I forgot anyone . I can guarantee that it was completely unintentional.
  2. Really? Now that's interesting! If it doesn't say that it's a sale, then those reductions should be permanent (which is awesome!). I just have to wait for them to release this update for android now...
  3. There have actually been some attempts to start off a Mafia game before, so I don't think that there's anything wrong with it. There was a fair amount of interest at first, but neither of the ones I saw got very far unfortunately, though I believe that a lot of that had to do with the OP vanishing. As for where, the Forum Games would work well. If you wanted a heavy roleplaying element, you could probably get away with putting it in the Roleplay World, but Forum Games is probably your safest bet. (Also feel free to let me know if you do start a game, because I would be interested in joining )
  4. Alright, so that finishes up chapter 3... As usual, spoilers are below.
  5. I'd say that this was definitely a good, solid episode. And only one mention from the CMC about getting their cutie marks! *posts new academy record meme: gets stabbed repeatedly* That was a fun song too. I'm also glad that they finally addressed that Scootaloo is different from other young pegasi. And they addressed it well too. It didn't really do it in a new and exciting way, but that didn't make it bad. So yeah, an overall good episode and a fine addition to season 4.
  6. Antismurf9001

    movies/tv The Hobbit

    @@Jokuc, yeah, that's fair. There's definitely a lot of action in this one, so I can see that being very appealing. I just might have wanted to see a little more done with the characters (though they kind of went through all of the necessary character development in the first movie...). Yes, absolutely. I couldn't agree with you more.
  7. Antismurf9001

    movies/tv The Hobbit

    Alright, so it looks like I'm in the minority here, but I'm just going to come out and say that I thought that The Desolation of Smaug was terrible. It really hurts to say that, because I thought that The Lord of the Rings was so amazing, and I still cite The Return of the King as my favorite movie. I wasn't a huge fan of the first film, so I wasn't expecting too much, yet I was still disappointed. Spoiler-filled angry rant below: To anyone who had the misfortune of reading the above; please don't take it too seriously. It is an angry rant, and nothing more. I'm not a professional reviewer, nor do I claim to know anything about cinematography, so when I complain about the visuals, music, and writing, I mostly don't really know what I'm talking about. I just had to get that out of my system, because I loved the Lord of the Rings films, and I loved the book of The Hobbit, and it really irritates me to dislike the combination of the two.
  8. Ack! Sorry for the late response... I should probably follow this topic; I didn't originally because I didn't want to have an excessive amount of notifications, though I can see that that probably won't be a problem... Anyways, I have gotten farther in Chapter 3, but not by much. The reason is twofold: this was finals week and I had projects and such to finish; and I also spontaneously got into the anime Attack on Titan. Those are both done now though, so I can continue on! Concerning the chapter itself:
  9. Yeah, that sort of thing apparently happens a lot, especially with the males. That's why it's fairly rare to find a friendly llama that's attached to people. We actually had a llama like that for a little while. It was not fun, especially when he decided to snap and attack my mom... (They're both fine, my mom managed to scare him off before he could hurt her and he's now living with someone else's herd of llamas.) So yeah, if you ever want to get a llama, make sure to get it from someone who knows what they're doing. Also, a standoffish llama is infinitely better than a berserk one.
  10. I'm going to have to agree with everything said before me. I find modesty to ultimately be much more attractive. (In all honesty, I'm a HUGE fan of women in jeans, don't ask me why.) I mean, you're free to go around wearing whatever you want, but that's not what I'm looking for personally. Now that's not to say that I won't be looking at you, because saying that would be a blatant lie, but I guess it's like looking at a tiger: they're beautiful creatures to look at from a safe distance. Also, I'm not sure if this is related, but I've found that the more 'sexy' a woman tries to be, the less attractive I find her. I find that this mostly happens with the facial expression; I've never found the stereotypical 'sexy face' to be very attractive at all. It's just... so unnatural. Why not just smile? I find that a smile (or any more natural facial expression) is much more beautiful than whatever sort of facial contortion that 'sexy face' is.
  11. All I knew about the show was the insanely annoying theme song that would play in their old toy commercials that would get stuck in my head periodically, so I wasn't exactly a fan. It had been chiseled into my mind that MLP was the very definition of something that is in the 'girls only' territory, perhaps even moreso than Barbie. As for what I thought of FiM, it was mostly confusion (and irritation, because that accursed theme song was bound to return with it), and then I ignored it for months. I did think that the drawing style for the ponies was cute though.
  12. Is this one of those spot-the-x-differences games? ...can I phone a friend?
  13. Sorry about that! I didn't mean to sadden you... Please accept this mildly random gif I found as a token of my apology: And yes, I did see his Derpy Christmas video! That guy is excellent at what he does. Oh... er... okay. Thanks!
  14. Remember the ridiculously adorable Derpy animation from Anthology 3? Here's the full version: Apparently this is the same guy who did Ponies Sliding Into Boxes as well as several other really popular animations. It makes sense given that the art style is identical, I just never made the connection myself.
  15. I... didn't even know that Yamada x Togami was a thing. Huh, I guess you really do learn something new every day. Oh, by the way, could I ask you for one of those links to an alternate Let's Play? My original intention was to wait on the one linked earlier because I like its format, but the last update ended in one of the absolute worst possible spots. Additionally, to anyone who doesn't know, some guy is actually in the process of doing an Abridged Series of the anime, and it's quite good! I think that a lot of the jokes are more specific to the anime rather than the game, but it's still fun to watch. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZGEEfqzKDCs EDIT: Oh, well apparently it updated yesterday, though the end of this one wasn't much better...
  16. No. Bad snow. Go away, we don't want you here.

  17. I thought that it was fun. Personally, I think that their best one was the first (along with the opera duck a few really good skits from the second), but this was still good. Some stuff fell flat, and others were strangely excellent (Discord as Willy Wonka fits frighteningly well). Overall, I thought that it was fun and enjoyable.
  18. Hmm... Okay, why not? - People tell me that I have a pretty good impression of the Andy Serkis Smeagol voice. I don't think that it's terribly excellent, but I'll agree that it's better than most people's. - I've completed writing two separate comedic short novels (60-80 pages each) that should never see the light of day. Some people have seen them and they apparently enjoyed them, but still... - I enjoy talking to inanimate objects, usually either getting mad at them, thanking them, or pleading with them. I will do the same with computer code that I have written. - In a family plagued by poor vision, I have virtually perfect eyesight. I got very lucky with the genetics on that one. - Speaking of luck, I consider myself to be relatively unlucky unless I really need the luck. For example, last year, I ordered a textbook for a class. I didn't realize that this textbook was being shipped from Europe, and wouldn't arrive for weeks. Then comes the midterm exam, which just happens to be open-book. Miraculously, the textbook arrived that day, which was also a week earlier than expected. I can think of several other examples where this necessary luck came into play, one of which literally saved my life.
  19. Just finished watching the stream for it, and it was awesome! It's amazing that they've been able to keep this kind of quality without running out of things to do. Though I suppose uploading only one video a year helps...
  20. Sorry for harping on a small point, but having been to an all-male high school, I'm going to have to disagree with that example. Some of the female teachers could easily be confused for the most despised creature on the face of the earth. The teacher-student relationship tends to nullify those sort of feelings. However, if (for some odd reason) you put a female student in an all-male school... Anyways, on topic, I wouldn't say that gender is much of a factor in popularity here. I often don't learn that a member is female until quite some time after I've met them, which can sometimes be months. There are, however, certain places where a female in a male-dominated forum is more popular, such as the Picture thread, Finding Your Special Somepony, etc. Unfortunately, that's just sort of to be expected.
  21. I'm pretty sure that any episode, regardless of its content, will cause more shipping. We could have an entire 22 minute episode of a single blade of grass blowing in the wind and that would still result in shipping. So, in short, yes, I do believe that today's episode will cause more shipping; though perhaps this one even more than usual.
  22. I don't think that this episode was... bad necessarily. I'm not personally a huge fan of it. I was somewhat distracted by the fact that Twilight Velvet wasn't the author of the Daring Do books, which I thought was canon (though it may just be that she's a writer of adventure stories and everyone just assumes that it's the Daring Do books). Anyways, I don't think it was a bad episode, but I feel it was the weakest of the season so far.
  23. I luckily don't get hurt very often. I guess the worst would be when I fractured a growth plate in my ankle about a decade ago (I think that was in 3rd grade, so maybe it was as long as 15 years ago). To this day the stupid thing still hurts from time to time, particularly when seasons change (generally the first week it becomes really cold and the first week it becomes really warm). I'm not actually sure if that's the reason for it, but that's what I blame it on. I also sprained that same ankle 6-7 times in a period of 7-8 years after that, which was never fun. It got to the point where it was less, "Oh crap, I sprained my ankle!" and was more, "Oh goddammit, again?!"
  24. All of my hopes and dreams have been shattered.
  25. Question: which Togami? Togami v0.8 or Togami v2.0? So I just finished the second trial of SDR2... Spoilers below: So yeah, an even more excellent trial than the last one.
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