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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by Fridge

  1. Just got confirmed to work Glastonbury festival! Awesome, although it is a month living in a field.

  2. Still working on my writing. It's going alright but writers block is such a pain.

  3. Happy Valentines all, I hope you enjoy the day even if you don't celebrate it.

  4. Man I'm gonna have to get adsl... What a rip

  5. Oh so tired, moved all my stuff to the new house but now I haven't got a bed to sleep in.... Oh well floor it is.

  6. Well in 3 hours I'm collecting the key to my new house... no wonder I've not slept

  7. Loving listening to Crazedramblings reading off Fallout Equestria. And now he's started the new stuff too :)

  8. At some point during my birthday.... I got engaged :)

    1. Caitlin Spark

      Caitlin Spark

      Yes! I Knew you would say yes!

    2. Fridge


      That obvious huh? Lol

    3. Caitlin Spark
  9. So the girls have passed out... good, I think they needed this.

  10. Waiting for the noms

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fridge


      Twas a shepards pie. :)

    3. Caitlin Spark

      Caitlin Spark

      well that's weird, I had that for dinner earlier :o

    4. Fridge


      My nan cooked it so technically it was dinner... sort of.

  11. right now to watch the new MLP episode... stupid friends getting in the way. :P

  12. Putting those photos of mine really makes me want to go back to my photography again... why did I stop in the first place?

  13. Damn I hate writers block

  14. Damn I need to eat. Looks like noodles again.

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