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Astral Empyrean

Poniverse Staff
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Everything posted by Astral Empyrean

  1. My apologies that I have not responded in the past few days. I've been working a lot as of late. Let me know when a good time to link up with you on the PoniArcade MC Server is, I'd also be in the PoniArcade Discord if you would like to have open communication. I should be around for a portion of tomorrow, but not in the afternoon. And I have Sunday and Monday off work as well.
  2. Cool! I should be available this Saturday, almost all day. Although I am attending a Law Enforcement Ball in the Evening. On another note, is it okay if I see some of the stuff you have created on the server, to see if you style of design matches the style I'm trying to go for. Cause I want a modern look to the inside. Let me know if this is okay with you, and when you might be on the server on the weekend.
  3. If anyone would be willing to spare the time or resources. I've got myself a rather large mansion build I put together. The frame work is easy for me, interior design is a pain, considering my imagination died long ago. I'd be willing to pay the last 2500 Bits I have on the PoniArcade Minecraft server. On the server you can find me as "LtRainbowDash" Just let me know down below if you'd be interested in helping, and what times you are available.
  4. Welcome Aboard Cadet! I expect great things from you! Enjoy your stay.
  5. Welcome Aboard Cadet! I expect great things from you! Enjoy your stay.
  6. Welcome aboard! Enjoy your stay.
  7. Today is the day that someone realizes that living without fingers sucks... And so does a medical bill. But then again what do I know. Alcohol and Fireworks... I see no issues here.


  8. Welcome aboard recruit! I expect great things from you!
  9. Welcome to the forums! I expect great things from you Recruit!
  10. She's my favorite, so my opinion is a bit bias, but strap yourselves in... Cause its about to get philosophical in here. Here is how I see it. RD doesn't do affection(at least not publicly) She would rather somepony else get hurt rather than have her air of toughness or her bravado damaged in front of the eyes of the public. Now lets take the Mane 6 and Tank into consideration. These are Dashie's life lines. Her loyal personality is sworn to these characters, and are the few exceptions where she will drop her guard and tough bravado, and openly show affection to another. This shows an extremely deep trusting and level of attachment to these characters. You could also take into account that Tank saves Dashie's life before she chose him as her pet, which also could be placing a high level of emotional burden on Dash in a time in which she feels she will lose him. And in a situation like this(even in human behavioral studies) RD went into full damage control mode, placing the safety and attentiveness to all other characters and their property under her need to keep control of her situation to prevent an unwanted change in her life and day to day activities. This is basically the same pattern of self destruction that an addict shows when they are faced with the possibility of having their high of choice taken away.
  11. $700 on a new gaming PC is probably my biggest purchase I've made to date. But just wait till I get more money... Cause here come the Jeep parts. xD
  12. Nice, National Hug a Pony day is on my B-Day!
  13. I see some things are still a little off here and there. When will the donation feature be back up. I tried to give a Subscriber Donation, but got stuck on an infinite loading wheel, and no transaction was charged to me(at least not to my knowledge yet). Also, will it be possible to add HTML widgets to profile descriptions in the future. For example, a Discord server viewer.
  14. Welcome to the forums! Enjoy your stay.
  15. MLPF 2.0... Shmancy :D

  16. Nope, I spoke to soon. Bronyland is dead as a door nail. Still outta the job... crud.

    1. The Cynical Lone Wolf

      The Cynical Lone Wolf

      Its been dead for a least a year

  17. Oh My Celestia! BRONYLAND LIVES AGAIN! Its Been Down For Months! BUT ITS BACK! Kinda...

  18. Just curious as to how many people here have heard of or are currently playing the new game Armored Warfare... and if anyone would like to join me to ease the boredom of random match making... You can find me on the North American server under the name : RainbowDash
  19. Well, its official my friends... I'm outta the job. Bronyland has been down for almost a month, and I've received no responses back from upper leadership in a long time. My days as Bronyland's top contributor are over, and Bronyland is done in... Makes me really sad to see it go. It was one of the very first MLP sites I found and joined when I discovered the fandom. Nostalgia is a powerful drug...

  20. WOO HOO!!! I just got promoted to Corporal in my Law Enforcement ROTC Post! Yes. I have a squad of like 60 or more people under me... Sweet!

    1. Astral Empyrean

      Astral Empyrean

      I can't wait to start being a full functioning part of the larger picture in my Explorer Post.

  21. Just donated blood at my school blood drive today. I didn't get lightheaded at all... But now that its getting late into the day, I can feel the effects of being one Whole Blood Donation short. I am very, very tired.

  22. Still no results to determine if my friend has cancer or not. The doctors are dragging this out for what feels like forever.

  23. I'm extremely nervous, and rather scared. My best friend has been in the hospital since 6:00 AM because she was in a lot of pain when she woke up. The doctors at the hospital did an X-Ray and found a large lesion and mass in her side. They started MRI scans and all sorts of tests. And came back with an un-conclusive answer until further notice. And they believe its a cancerous mass. The next few days will tell as the final exam and lab results come back. But I'm still scared shitless...

  24. I'm really nervous about the Moderator application I sent in... I'm worrying if I came in to strong on my application, or wasn't professional enough... I'm slowly killing myself with worry. :P

    1. Monsoon


      Even if you do somehow get turned down you can always try another time

    2. Monsoon


      Good luck though

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