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Everything posted by Stellafera

  1. My headcanon is that Fluttershy grew up in a large family with many children, and was somewhat ignored due to her quiet and gentle nature compared to her rowdy siblings. Canon? I have no idea. They are probably in Cloudsdale, though.
  2. I became a fan in the summer before Season 2. I definitely wasn't one of the early bronies (not even close compared to people like Doctor-Whooves here), but I suppose I count as a separate class from the bronies who joined mid Season 2 or afterwards. There were hardly any big animation projects like there are now, definitely. Some of the truly innovative stuff I see now wasn't around then. Fanfics were scattered around; no FIMfiction. At the start of Season 2, we had to wait for days to get anything other than 480p uploads on youtube. The fact that Xyro could get out the premiere in 720p (no 1080p yet) in a matter of hours was OMG THE MOST AMAZING THING EVER. There was a lot of concern when Lesson Zero came out that without Lauren Faust, the show would just be shallow slapstick pandering to the fans. I wasn't one of the people who thought it was the end of the world, but it took until Sisterhooves Social for that to calm down, and until about mid season for people to recognize it for the great episode that it was. The stream broke when the Find A Pet song began. It was roughly equivalent to Gak in the amount of chat spam when that happened. I'm not sure if the fandom was better or worse back then. To be honest, I think it may have been just a teeny tiny bit worse.
  3. Apparently, judging by the votes, this was not a mismatch, although in my head it is. I think the worst mismatch has to go to Sonic Rainboom vs The Ticket Master. There was absolutely no way for The Ticket Master to win there. There were some good matches though: MMMystery on the Friendship Express vs Sweet and Elite Look Before You Sleep vs A Bird In The Hoof Baby Cakes vs A Friend In Deed Fall Weather Friends vs A Dog And A Pony Show (Round 2 will pit Party Of One vs Sonic Rainboom. Now that is a good match.)
  4. Sleepless in Ponyville. Magic Duel has the dubious honor of being the only mediocre episode in Season 3 to me, and I'd hate for it to lose to an amazing episode with the best episode ending ever.
  5. There is another apple orchard in Appleloosa, so clearly it isn't the only one in Equestria. It completely dominates the business in Ponyville, yes, but we aren't sure about other places.
  6. And now, Celestia appearances are almost as rare as Luna appearances. In fact, Luna is beating Celestia in terms of appearances this season, I believe. It's not Season 1 anymore. And yet nobody thinks its interesting when Celestia appears, but everyone goes OMGWTFBBQ when there's Luna? *sigh*
  7. *raises hand* I like Rainbow Dash's arrogance (hence why I like Mare Do Well). I think it's a very good character flaw, especially because it's not real but backed up by a lack of confidence. I never want that to completely go away, or I will probably stop finding Rainbow Dash an interesting character.
  8. I'm gonna be different and vote for 3.5. What can I say, it is absolutely hilarious. For all the wrong reasons. I just can't avoid bursting into laughter when I see this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ZkZb589HrI
  9. That story is very nice and all, yes, but surely it cannot compare with this harrowing tale of terror and fear? I don't think I can sleep at night after hearing this one:
  10. Actually, I thought that it'd be a lot less close, like 3 to 23 or something. I didn't realize that there were that many people who were fans of Trixie.
  11. The Find A Pet Song? Granted, it was a duet with Fluttershy, but she had a lot of time to shine in the spotlight there. I too would love a Rainbow Dash solo though.
  12. I'm reviewing Littlest Pet Shop! Check out my blog. :)

  13. First, on some technical notes, I'd recommend getting your footage from a watermark free source, as in my opinion it looks more professional. Also, make sure that whatever program you are editing in is working in a 16:9 aspect ratio, so that you don't get any black bars. On the other hand, you have a great sense of timing and good video clip choices. Maybe alter the glasses slightly so that they fit into the video appearance better, but I liked this PMV a lot as a whole, and I was suprised to see that it was your first! A lot better than my first pony video.
  14. Oh my, I love soundtracks so much! In fact, it's my favorite genre of music. I'd have to go with Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep. Ah, so emotional, so auditorially arresting .... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z6mwKBmsIi4
  15. I function best on 7 hours. If I get over 8 hours, I feel sleepy, and I rarely sleep in past 9 am. Thank goodness I need less sleep than most. Person: "I'm sooooo tired, I fell asleep at ELEVEN O' CLOCK last night. Do you hear me? ELEVEN O' CLOCK!" Me: *awkward moment when that is when I usually fall asleep* I'm not sure what I'm called. Early bird? But I don't go to bed early. Night owl? But I don't sleep in. Robot?
  16. I feel your pain. A lot of the activity with gaming lately has moved to the PC though, so you've got that. And with stuff like Minecraft and Team Fortress 2 around, I say that video games are doing pretty well for themselves. I'm going to be unexciting and be a teenager who actually likes new stuff. I don't like to judge quality by age. Older stuff has just had more time to prove itself and have the wheat separated from the chaff. I'll go and listen to a great classical piece (I <3 the Romantic era), and follow it up with a thoughtful electronic one made this year. I read The Odyssey and then The Hunger Games. I'll play Alpha Centauri, and be excitedly waiting for Skyrim to get delivered to my house. Trust me though, Regirock, your kind is definitely not rare. All it means is that you have a taste for the classics or the styles of those times.
  17. An Applejack fan. Considering that from Season 1 through most of Season 2, Rarity was my favorite, it's not like I can say that I would never change my favorites. My favorite episode is focused on my least favorite pony, and I think at times I sound more like a Rainbow Dash fan than an Applejack one. On the other hand, during the new episode streams it can be hard to resist the urge to shout "BEST PONY" every time that Applejack does anything, but that seems to be pretty normal on Bronystate, so I'm pretty sure that makes me just a average fan.
  18. Until Hurricane Fluttershy, Secret Of My Excess was my favorite Season 2 episode. It still has one of my favorite endings, and easily surpasses that episode with the terrible Scootaloo singing.
  19. I can imagine a totally epic episode happening if Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie were transported to some ancient ruins. They'd each function as a counterbalance to the other two at some point. Even Applejack can get overconfident and overexcited.
  20. That's a perfect way to sum up Rainbow Dash. I'm going with Rarity. There's a fine line between caring but dramatic and just a drama queen, and it seems in some episodes that they missed the mark. I remember hearing an interview somewhere with Mitch Larson I think, where he said that the hardest pony for him to write was Fluttershy, as it was difficult to not go too much or too little on her traits. My memory may be faulty though.
  21. I like having these loose ends though. Everyone wishes their favorite fanfictions could appear in the actual show, but the reason why those fanfics could be written was that the writers left that area for the viewers to explore and speculate on. We can all think of our very own history of Applejack.
  22. Ha, nice theme match up! And just in time for Christmas! I'm voting for Sisterhooves Social because I much prefer Sweetie Belle to Applebloom and I can relate to the dynamic on both ends, having both an older and a younger sister.
  23. Hmm, maybe that was just a smaller reunion? Ponies like Braeburn probably couldn't come that time around. Perhaps it was just the ones nearer by. The fact that a lot of them have similar accents implies that a large number of them live around the same area.
  24. I think that Fluttershy would be more of a Fuge diem (Flee the day) sort of mare, but you put up a pretty good argument for her survival. And Metatora brought up the interesting possibility of Rarity doing well. She might not win, but perhaps would last a few days.
  25. More Celestia. More Applejack and Pinkie Pie interaction. More interaction between Twilight and one of the Mane 6 other than Pinkie Pie. Sweetie Belle starting to do a little bit of magic. More letters to Celestia. Less Applebloom.
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