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The Leafeon Pinkeh

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Blog Entries posted by The Leafeon Pinkeh

  1. The Leafeon Pinkeh
    First ever blog? Yeah, thought I'd make one now xD
    Okay so I just started a new anime pretty recently called A Certain Scientific Railgun
    I'm only on the 12th episode, so it may be one of those anime that gets horribly worse over time, but for now I can give my opinions so far.
    To start off, I'll say that this anime is a spin-off of A Certain Magical Index, which follows the view of a character who is only a side-character in Railgun. This show is more about the girl you see at the front of the cover above. Misaka Mikoto, who is one of the top seven students in a fancy school for elite espers. Mikoto worked her way up from the low Level 1 to a Level 5, achieving mastery over electricity, or something of the sort. Her and her friends, lower levels than herself, all try to climb up the ranks while facing the dangers you usually find in anime cities. Like.. people who throw litter on the ground, or girls who lose their purses!
    Monsters? Yeah, all that comes later.
    Is that a basic enough summary? Well time for opinions and such!
    So the show started off really well, character development and all. You find out that even one of the strongest people in the academy is willing to help the minorities of people. But that's normal for one of these shows, so I liked her more for her power. Controlling something like electricity is ... awesome! Not so much original, but pretty cool nonetheless I've been through one arc so far, which was lead up to very well from the beginning. A couple of plot-twists and cliffhangers which were well placed were included as well. This anime also had a lot of sad moments included, which led me to get the feels T_T Which alone is enough for me to count it as a great show and well worth my time watching.
    Now for one of the most important things I look for in a show: does it have comedy?
    A Certain Scientific Railgun has plenty of humor throughout the show! Not as much as I'd hope for, but has certainly had its great moments! It's proved that it can turn a serious moment into something more funny, ending an arc on a good note, instead of focusing on the sadder parts.
    Second most important thing for me: does it have romance?
    Well I say "romance" but really all I care about is whether or not I can find some shipping, because shipping is half the fun. And yes! I've found a very great shipping which I think is going to be canon ^-^ This anime is doing great building up the romance and all d: It has its "daaawww" moments, which are very important, I tell you.
    I'm looking forward to see what else will happen in the show :DD It's really good so far with the humor, characters, romance, and action. Have you seen this before? Did you think it was good? And how bad was my review (nevermind you don't need to even answer that one x: )
  2. The Leafeon Pinkeh
    Wow, I barely realized it in time! But wow it has been 3 years, huh?
    It seems like its been much more I joined as I started high school and still here while I'm ending it... needless to say I've changed a bit since I joined three years ago. The forums have changed a lot too. Change isn't so bad, though. If it weren't for change I would not have met some of the great people I have on here! I hope the forum treats me kindly again this year! :DD
    (I don't have much to say this year, since I was pretty absent from here this year x: )
  3. The Leafeon Pinkeh
    I'm not good at writing and can't stay on one topic, so I'm sorry about this in advanced.
    I've been on here for only two years but the forums have become a big part of my life. I have no idea what I'd be doing if I hadn't gone on here. I mean, I've learned so much from being on here, seriously. I've had so many people on here who I consider my friends as much as anyone I consider a friend in my school or elsewhere, actually more so on here. The relationships I've had with people on here are even closer and happier than those with people I know face-to-face. I never thought this was a possibility when I signed up xD
    I don't think of myself as an important member to the forums. I'm no artist, I can't contribute art or anything to here. I can't make music, voice act, have a leadership role (like a mod), or anything like that. From the very beginning, I spend most my time in the forum games, which is why my rank is still fairly low, and lower than members who are much newer here to me.
    I mentioned having a lot of nice friendships with people on here, and though I tried to avoid putting a list of people, I hate people feeling left out, I'd very much like to mention some special friends:
    @@Wingnut, We've been friends on here for so long! You're always really fun to play with on the games and contribute so much to here, I don't know what this place (or the skype group) would be like without you! I'm glad you're my friend :3
    @@Sugar Cube, xD I always put Sugar Cube and Wingnut next to each other, mod buddies! o: Anyways, you're such a sweetheart and so nice. You're the most shipped member of the shipping thread, probably xD I hope that trend keeps going for a long time, I really do.
    @, :3 *HUGS* You're by far the biggest sweetheart on the forums I know. I don't know how its possible for you to be so absolutely sweet. I love getting to talk to you ^^ One of my best forum memories was when we played truth or dare, do you remember that? XD
    @@LatinoChurro, You're a funny person d: You always make me smile when you show up on the skype group or whenever we get to talk. I still haven't watched Clannad, but it will always be on my list and I will watch it eventually. xD
    @, Ah, my tumblr buddy xD You're a very cool person and I love your art! I like getting to talk to you c:
    @@Lightwing, Fellow Kaneki Ken lover d: You are a nice person to make fanclubs for members, I must say that Sir Hugoholic deserves it very much, thank you for doing that. You're fun to play with on the forum games and a great friend c:
    @, You're fun to watch anime with d: WE NEED TO FINISH NGNL D: Sadly my laptop is lagging videos so terribly much I hope it's still possible.. also I love your voice, you could narrate my life.
    @@DaReaper, You're a great friend :3 You always make me smile when I see you on the forums or skype c:
    @@Dsanders, A sweet person, you've been on the forums for a loong time o: I miss getting to talk to you, I'm also so sorry I'm bad at keeping contact D; Also: Chatlog Sleepy Sanders and Pinkeh.txt (Quirky recorded the events of Dsanders and me (username: Taco Tuesday (story behind that one too) when we stayed up much too late and were delusional. My favorite forum-related moment ever.)
    @@Cakebandit :3, o: Cake! You're an awesome person and a good friend c: I just wish we could talk more D:
    So many others I'd like to mention... @@Sweet Dreams, @, @, @, and the old friend group from here: @@Bruno ©, @, @@Lightning Fluttershy,
    All of you mean so much to me. :') I'm so very glad I got to meet all of you. It's been two years only, but all of you means so much to my life. Even if life gets hard at school and stress piles on and I feel bad, I know that all of you are still my friends and are here for me. And please know it goes both ways, I'm here for all of you if you need someone. I'm not good with words but please know I'm cheering for you in whatever it is.
    ~~~ Extras!
    - My first post (took some time to find):
    I'd like to mention this is not the reason I joined. I had a mlp app on my phone and needed to add more friends on there to keep playing, that's why I joined. Being easily distracted, I noticed that there was a list on the side showing who all had a birthday that day. I thought it would be really nice to send people messages on their birthday! I haven't gotten everyone, for absolute sure, but over 2 years I've gotten most people who have been on that long.
    I spent an hour looking for the first post I made on the shipping thread, and sadly failed. If anyone is good at the search feature and could find that I would be forever grateful o:
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