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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


  • WIP: Yes
Welp, that's life for ya.

Species: Breezie
Age: ~20
Gender: Female
Residence: The Hallow
Occupation: Librarian

Is sickly green with small yellow dots scattered around. Her hair and eyes are a dull pink but her eyes have a soft gradient to purple. Her hair is puffy but she has no tail. 

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Back home she simply worked the library but after a shortage of staff in the pollen department, she was thrown in. A squirrel chased her away from the others and she's been lost since. 


She is very quiet and calm but can be snarky when annoyed. She hates confrontation and fights in general so she does her best to avoid them- often reluctantly agreeing to do things she wouldn't if it means no arguing. She is very passive and wouldn't even fight for herself.

Likes: Books, she was a librarian for a reason. Music, more specifically songs covered by Music box and harps. Despite being a breezie she loves ponds and rain.
Dislikes: Loud noises, arguments, fights (physcal or verbal), hot summers.
Reality (Generation): Generation 4

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