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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


  • No Not Cast Young Adult

    Ghostweaver has a slightly spooky and ethereal look about her. Perhaps it comes from too many long hours spent staying awake at night tending her garden or curled up with a book in the moonlight, perhaps it was simply destined to be with the name her parents gave her, but in any case Ghostweaver is a rather stunning spectre of a mare!


    Her coat is silky soft and a rich shade of plum, plus it's fairly thin, much like her mane and tail. Her mane and tail are, in fact, so thin and pale that every stray wisp seems almost transparent! She is also a little taller and more slender than your average mare, with a very feminine and willowy physique. While her colour combo of dark plum and ghostly blue/white might normally be the stuff of scary stories, Ghostweaver herself is such a friendly ray of sunshine that it's just a matter of catching her eye to know there's nothing to be afraid of!


    On the rare occasion one spots this mare strolling through Canterlot before sunset, they are likely to see her sporting a very impressive large, floppy, burgundy hat. She has sensitive skin, you see - and protecting herself from the sunlight should be as fashionable as it is functional! It is also fairly common to see Ghostweaver with white flowers tucked into her mane, yet even without them there is always a lingering scent of jasmine and rose on her.

    Female Unicorn A ghostly-white adenium blossom with just four petals - it represents Ghostweaver's gentle nature and love of flowers. While adenium flowers typically have more than four petals, Ghost believes that her cutie mark has some reference to a compass rose - it was the scent of a white adenium flower which guided her on the path to her dreams, after all! https://buffy.mlpforums.com/d4fd127f0cc6cabd8e5231fe97126dec.png

    Ghostweaver is the type of mare whose personality and mood permeates the air around her. She is an extremely warm and gentle pony, with a soft voice that always sounds like she's quietly encouraging you. It's the sort of personality you'd anticipate a mare of her profession to have: Ghost is a self-made aromatherapist! She tends her own garden and grows flowers, fruits, veggies and herbs that she uses for essential oils that can be made into soothing oil blends, perfumes, room sprays, and more!


    While she is an introvert for the most part, Ghostweaver is an excellent shopkeeper and salesperson as well. She has a true passion and zest not just for her product, but also for her mission: to bring serenity to every pony who passes the threshold of her Canterlot shop! Sincerity, enthusiasm, and knowledge in her field tends to leave most ponies eager to try out her products when they visit. One would be unwise to assume her passive, softspoken nature sets her back as a businessmare, since Ghost is a very intelligent and successful entrepreneur. That side of her really comes out while she's working, too!


    Hard work and dedication that probably borders a little bit on the extreme side brought Ghostweaver her success, so she has a deep love for her business and her dreams. Unfortunately this means she's also pretty protective of them too, which can make her a little too sensitive. Her rigid work ethic can work against her on occasion, as well. She sets very high expectations for herself and while striving to meet them she can often become a flake in her social life. Those closest to her always make backup plans whenever they try to meet up with her since she tends to cancel plans so often.


    She often feels the effects of this as well - sometimes, sitting alone in her garden after she shuts her shop down for the night leaves her quite lonely.


    Ghostweaver's hobbies include singing, making tiny gem trees, and making creative sculptural flower arrangements.

    Likes: Foul smells, dirt, cooking, brain freeze, dust, and loud or obnoxious/rude ponies.

    Ghostweaver is the daughter of two authors known for their spooky horror stories and campfire thrillers. She grew up in a house that perfectly suited her parents' eccentric personalities and passion for frights, creepy crawlies, spooks, and ghastly creatures. She often felt as though she lived the life of one of the odd, quiet fillies her parents sometimes wrote about who would eventually be plunged into the weird and macabre side of Equestria - and that was exactly what she did not want. Those fillies were always odd little loners! And she was quickly becoming one...


    No matter how passionate her parents were about the weird and scary, Ghostweaver simply couldn't care for spooky stories. She wanted to take singing lessons and go to dance classes, she wanted to play dress-up with gowns and heels and red lipstick, not cobweb skirts and black lipstick. But her parents were often so involved with their own enthusiasm that they missed what their daughter was trying to say, partially because she just wasn't saying it loudly enough. After all, Ghost has always loved her kooky parents very dearly and when she was younger she wanted so badly to make them happy that she forgot the dance classes, the voice lessons and the frilly dresses so she could try to follow in their hoofsteps.


    All of that changed a little late in Ghostweaver's filly years. She ran out around sunset to fetch sugar so her mother could bake some spooky graveyard cupcakes for her grade's Nightmare Night party, and she had to rush in order to make it to the shop before it closed. She wasn't really paying attention while she was running, so all of a sudden she crashed right into an older mare! A basket went flying and white flowers fell all over the cobblestone street. The mare laughed and told Ghost to keep the flower that were stuck in her mane, because she seemed a little too stressed out for one so young and flowers should make everypony happy! The little filly took one deep breath, totally fuzzy and warm inside from the mare's kindness, and her cutiemark shone its way into existence!


    Something clicked for Ghostweaver that day. The smell of what she learned were white adenium flowers and that older mare's kind words inspired her to start on her own path. She researched all the ways one could use flowers to bring joy to other ponies and put her hoof down when she told her parents she just didn't want to write scary stories like them. When she learned about aromatherapy, Ghost plunged headfirst to learn everything she could. She also had the chance to take all those lessons and try all of those things she missed out on before! It helped her come out of her shell and make plenty of friends, and helped her shed the awkwardness and timidness that defined her when she was very young.


    Now she cares for her own garden and runs her own little shop in Canterlot called The Adenium's Spell. Ghost also spends as much of her free time indulging in her hobbies as she can, and has (in many ways) reverted back to the reclusive pony she was in her youth. She invests too much of her time into her business and has such a hard time peeling herself away from it she barely keep in touch with her family any more. At the very least she recognizes this, and she wants to be able to change - she just doesn't know how to step away from her work! Falling back into habits from her filly years, the passionate drive and dedication she inherited from her parents, and too much worrying over her garden and shop is really holding Ghostweaver back from improving her social life right now - and that has got to change!

    Ghostweaver's magic is a ghostly white in colour and her spells have a visual flare that no doubt comes from the eccentric streak that runs in her family. Her parents are very showy and visual, and while Ghost herself is a little more reserved, her magic reveals her true zest for showmanship.


    There are two spells unique to Ghost. One allows her to coax plants, particularly flowers, into growing stronger and healthier and enhances the purity and strength of their natural perfumes. The second is practical as well, but mostly cosmetic - she can drum up a swathe of small, bouncing purple-blue lights that will linger where she casts them for hours, unless she puts them out. She often reads by these lights, or uses them to brighten up her garden and shop at night (her shop tends to open and close later than others around Canterlot, only because Ghost herself is more of a nightowl).


    Her lights spell is quite visually impressive on its own, but her first spell (which she calls her plant therapy spell), gets an added flare of showmanship as it always creates ghostly images of white flowers blooming and fading in the air around where the spell has been cast.


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After reviewing the application I must say that this character is lovely, and I can't wait to RP with her when you're fully approved. :)


Sending to second approval...

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I think Ghostweaver is an absolutely fantastic character, and I cannot wait to see her in action! First though, if you would be so kind as to take care of a couple tiny things, I do notice a use of the word "salesperson" instead of "salespony" in the personality section, and "showmanship" instead of "showmareship" in the "other" section. Once these are taken care of, I will happily approve Ghostweaver :)

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