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Happy Spark

Happy Spark is King
  • , No, Not Cast Young Stallion

    Happy Spark is a burnt orange colored unicorn with a double colored mane of black and yellow. He has a more mare looking snout. His eyes are a light blue And his hooves are talc with a line going down the middle of each. He is average height for his age and the same goes for body type

    male Unicorn His cutie mark is a lit black bomb with a smiley face on it

    It represents his positive personality (represented by the happy face), lit up and ready to blow up at any second to those who meet his inner ponyself (represented by lit bomb).

    The day he got his cutie mark as a very young colt was the day he met his forever long freind Blooming Flower. Before he had never had any real friends. Mostly out of shyness. It was this expierience when he realized that there is no reaseon to be shy and that he knew who he was as a pony and wanted to show her that he could be the best freind a pony could have. He overcame the barrier his shyness gave him and he introduced himself to her. After spending the day with her he got his cutiemark and from there on knew who he really was to become. Blooming Flower already had her cutiemark so she was humored on how similarly excited Happy Spark acted the next day showing off his cutie mark https://buffy.mlpforums.com/5adb40082b41c9af71a757f0d1578a27.jpg

    I could say Happy Spark has an "explosive" personality, lol the pun. But in all seriousness Happy Spark has always had a passion for explosives and fiery displays. Happy Spark is very nice and is a pleasure to have around. While he is very respectful he is also ready to back up and defend whatever he believes in with his life. If he thinks something is wrong, your gonna have a heard time trying to shut him up. This is not to be confused with the idea of him being stubborn, he is a bit stubborn but will accept when he is wrong. I would say he doesnt try to act talented but his actions can give that vibe for he doesnt fear anything (but cats) this fearlessness leads him to impressing others and showing them that they too can do whatever they wish to do if they overcome whats stopping them from doing so. Theres nothing that Happy Spark loves more than his freinds. They are a second family to him and would take a bullet for every single one. He tends to see the goodness in everyponies hearts and forgives quickly. Another big part of his individuality is that he believes in equality to everypony. He believes that everyone should be treated the same no matter what they look like on the outside and only by the pony they show they are. He realizes that not everypony is made equally or the same but that doesnt mean that they are better or worse than one another, everyone has differences and can do task better or not as good as others, that just makes us who we are. Happy Spark is very brave and heroic but wouldnt want to be a leader. He would if he was the only one capable or needed in the spot but would avoid it if others could lead. He is very capable of alot of things but a downside he has is that he doesnt like to challenge himself too hard. He goes above and beyond on the task given to him but wouldnt ever dream of doing anything else further than that, in other words, he likes to achieve what he can but always leave room for improvment. I wouldnt say Spark is highly intellegent for he didnt do too well at school, but he is wise and understands morals and knows how to deal with any situation he is in. Happy Spark really tries to be freinds and stay on good terms with everypony because he has realized that having enemies causes nothing but trouble. Speaking of trouble you know how i mentioned how he wont back down from something he believs in well, espically with the ways things are run he is kind of a rebel. Not in a bad way but if their is an unfair or unequal rule then he will do all he can to change it even if it means challenging higher powers. On his freetime Happy Spark is a philosipher. He likes to sit down and try to answer things that dont necassarily have an answer to them.

    Likes: bad attitudes<br />Tyranny<br />Bullies<br />Mean ponies<br />Cats <br />Fighting <br />Negative forces<br />

    Happy Spark's hometown in Equestria is in Ponyville and thats also where he currently resides in ponyville. At a young age he lost both his parents. His mom passed away of an uncurable illness which left him alone with his Father. With the loss of his mom, his dad (Cloud Spark) was crushed. Paranoia grew in Spark's father and soon he completely lost it. His dad would think crazy thoughts and board up the doors and windows because the "diseases were after them too". One day in a scramble to "protect the house" his father ran out like a lunatic screaming. He did that often so Spark didnt think too much about it and waited patiently for his return. Hours turned into days and days into weeks. He never returned and Happy Spark was worried for his father. He ran away searching for him but not knowing his way around left him as a lost orphan.

    Alone on the streets of Ponyville was where Happy Spark spent 8 moons of his life, this dosent seem like much but it taught him one some of the most valuable lessons in life. Thats when A friendly stallion flew by and asked what a little colt like himself was doing by himself in the rain. Happy Spark told him everything he could remeber and this pegasus proved to be the most heroic person in his life. He took Happy Spark in and adopted him as his own. His name was Iron Wing and he was a blacksmith. Happy Spark watching Iron Wing smelt tools and see all the cool fiery displays in his step fathers works, this inspired him to dedicated at least an hour a day everyday in learning how to use his Unicorn magic to help his father and help himself as well. So far he has learned two spells, "outburst" in which he can focus enough energy on a specific spot and heat it up enough for it to hurt to touch it, and "Ignition" which sends small sparks which Spark has used to start small fires. Although, these sounds potentially harming, he has been raised and even said himself to never to use these abilities to harm any living things unless provoked.

    Another significant person in his life is his best freind Blooming Flower. She is the same age as Happy Spark and have been best freind for years now. She has always been there whenever he needed her and he had done the same. He considered her his sister and trusts her with his life. There has always been chemistry between the two but they promised to never ruin their close freindship.

    When he got old enough, it was time for him to leave ironwing and start his own life. It was the hardest time for him leaving everything he has ever known. Espically Blooming Flower. He did all he could to not leave her but his desperate attempts failed. Not wanting to astray from his hometown, he stayed in ponyville, but on the other side if town. He was still saddened and a bit lonely being by himself again with no one to be happy with. Until one day about a month later he heard a knock on his new home in ponyville. He was overly filled with glee when he opened the door to see Blooming Flower ready to move in with him.

    Happy Spark wants to set out one day when he is ready and seek out his father whereever he has gone. He has stopped by his old abondoned house several times but only to find his old toys and belongings exactly where he had left them. Rumor has it that his father, Cloud Spark, got his life back together and has also been traveling Equestria to find his long lost son. Spark is not sure if that is true or not but even now he just is not ready to face his father. What would he be like? What would i say? What took him so long that he had not already found out about what happend to me? All these questions circle around Happy Sparks head and one day they will all be answered.

    The morals he has learned shaped who he is and will never forget who he is as a pony. A big one, like i metiined earlier, was being stuck on the streets. It showed him how fortunate he is to have a place to call home and people around you that will love you know matter what. He doesnt take things for granted and has demenstarted fortitude through the loss of his birth parents. He strives to leave his mark on the world and wont ever stop until he cant anymore, hitting whatever curveball life can throw at him.

    He has a pet named Ripper which is a friendly black falcon with a yellow beak and talons.
    He loves food almost to the point of worshipping it
    A goal he has in his life is to find that special somepony and raise another little pony to live an even better life than he had and exceed where he failed.


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Yeah i know but i felt like that look suited him more. The stallion type muzzle made his head look way too big and awkwardly shaped with his body. Also he himself is okay looking a little feminine; one of his codes are that it dossnt matter how you look on the outside, its the pony you are that counts. Thx for bringing it up do you think they would not approve my character for it though?

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Yeah i know but i felt like that look suited him more. The stallion type muzzle made his head look way too big and awkwardly shaped with his body. Also he himself is okay looking a little feminine; one of his codes are that it dossnt matter how you look on the outside, its the pony you are that counts. Thx for bringing it up do you think they would not approve my character for it though?


Hi Starlight :)


I'll be giving your character a full review just as soon as I can, but for now I'll answer this question you have. It is absolutely fine for you to have a male character with a more feminine appearance. While male pony characters are typically shown with squared-off muzzles, we do not feel that EqE characters should have to follow that convention.


Expect a proper review very soon, and for now just rest assured that that part of your character will be fine :)

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As promised, here is your full review. Happy is a very cute little stallion, but some revisions will need to be made in his application before he can be accepted.


  • The mention of Starlight Glimmer should be removed. These bios should be written essentially using only the knowledge that the pony himself has, and Happy Spark would not know who Starlight Glimmer is.

  • You say that Happy believes everypony should be treated equally “no matter what color”, yet we have never seen a single instance of anypony discriminating based on color, as this statement suggests.

  • The way you describe Happy’s laziness is somewhat odd. A character willing to go “above and beyond” on a task is by definition not lazy, not wanting to go further than that would simply mean he doesn’t overexert himself.

  • CyberSpark is not a name that can be considered canon, as the prefix “cyber” refers to the internet. Because of this, it is not allowed for this section.

  • The mention that Happy’s father is lost in the Everfree Forest comes rather out of nowhere and leaves a lot of unanswered questions. Why was he there in the first place? Does Happy know for sure that he’s there? Does he know for sure that he’s lost in there? How could a pony even be lost in there for so long? There also isn’t any information on how his mother died or how he came to be adopted by CyberSpark.

  • Happy’s ability to make objects explode is too powerful an ability for your character, especially with how open-ended the description of this spell is (as in, it leaves him implicitly able to blow apart pretty much anything).

  • Though you explain how hard it was for Happy to move away to Ponyville, you don’t explain why he did so in the first place. If he wanted to stay so badly, what compelled him to go so far away? He may have felt like it was time to leave his childhood home, but why did that have to mean going to a far away town for him?

  • In the last paragraph of your backstory, you wrote “as a person” instead of “as a pony”.

With these taken care of, your character should be good to go :)

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Ok so...


i removed the mention of starlight glimmer


Adjusted Happy Sparks philosiphy of Equality without color


Edit his personality to more fully describe him and not just using lazy as an example

I almost rewrote his backstory And succesfully changed his stepfathers name from Cyber Spark to Iron Wing And more clearly elaborate on what happend to his parents.


I changed his overpowered spell into something a little more cannon fitting (You be the judge of that)


Changed his choice of moving away so far from his neighboorhood which he didnt want to do anyways. He stays in ponyville just a different location.


Also he is a pony now and not a person :)


I did rewrite alot of the backstory so please review that and let me know if i created any other errors that would need to be changed or something added BROHOOF /)*(\

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I like the edits you’ve made to this pony. Happy Spark is now just about ready for acceptance, but there are a few more little things that need to be fixed first.


  • At one point in the personality section you write “person” instead of “pony”.

  • Where you previously described his laziness, you now have a sentence that ends in “he is a” without saying what he is.

  • You describe him as highly inteligent early in the personality section, then later say that you wouldn’t describe him as highly intelligent, which is rather confusing.

  • Iron Wing is still refferred to as CyberSpark at one point in the backstory.
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