Leafy Quill

By RivkaBobble
Not Cast
Young Adult
Leafy's coat is a sweet minty green. Her mane and tail are black and mint green, just a little darker than her coat. She wears a white bow, white watch, white vest and big, round white glasses.
female Pegasus A quill surrounded by a vine. https://buffy.mlpforums.com/907a9e5b312a6cf12b0199038f497c34.pngLeafy is usually a quiet, but friendly pony. When she prefers not to talk, she's quite dull though. Leafy isn't a shy pony, but there are times when she's in the mood to talk, which is when she's outside her home, and times she doesn't, which is usually when she's writing. Leafy has an extremely broad range of ideas, and has no problem creating an entire book on a single event in Equestrian history.
When Leafy is in a good mood, she's your average friendly pony. She greets friends or acquaintances and talks to the shop or café ponies cheerfully.
When Leafy is in a depressed mood, often when she has strange snaps back to her past, she usually stays at home and just writes. When she's like that, she has more ideas than ever. Sometimes, she goes in a café to write, but doesn't order anything or talk to any of the ponies, in the café or on the way there.
Leafy is very smart and clever, and her books are one of kind. She always finds joy in writing down her ideas, and even more joyful when they're published. Fan mail means more to her than anything, since it means that she can have a normal life even without her parents, who she still longs for.
Likes: Attention <br />Crowds<br />Being mocked, laughed at or scolded <br />Being abandoned <br />As a filly, Leafy Quill had no father. He had gotten into an accident on the farm they lived on and was stuck in the hospital, where his injuries did away with him. Leafy, never really knowing her father, wasn't so hurt, but her mother, Wind Song, was devastated. So devastated that she had no capabilities to raise Leafy normally. Leafy was sent to her grown cousin in Canterlot. Leafy's cousin, Green Bliss, taught Leafy how to life a Canterlot life and sent her to a foal's school.
Sadly, Leafy was unable to not feel homesick, but her mother couldn't take her back. Leafy started to talk less and less, as she was longing for her mother. Green Bliss tried as hard as she could to help Leafy, but all attempts at sending her to professionals were in vain. Leafy thought that she would be that way forever if she couldn't get back to her mother.
Leafy's mother vacationed to Canterlot soon after, so Green Bliss sent Leafy to spend time with her. Sadly, Leafy's mother was too busy with her brother (not Green' s father), Breezen, who Wind said, "He is the only pony who understands me". Now Leafy thought that she would never be the same.
In this time, Leafy took a huge liking to history. She especially liked to read about events that almost resulted in the destruction of Equestria or other empires like Discord's rein or King Sombra's rule in the Crystal Empire. She read countless history books when an idea popped into her head, "Why don't I write historical fiction?"
Leafy made a story inspired from the coronation of a princess called The Coronation. It was her first book to introduce Lovesparkle, the kind and caring filly she loves, who saved the coronation of another original character, Princess Yellow Melon. Green Bliss was the first to notice at dinner that evening that Leafy had gotten her cutie mark: A quill surrounded by a smooth green vine. The quill represented her love of writing. The vine represented how her love would only grow. Green joked that as she loved it more and wrote more, the vine would grow larger. Leafy knew that now her ambitions would power her instead of the need for her mother.
She began to write books longer books. At first, they were still fairly short stories. As time went on, she made actual books and had them published. All off her published books took place in Discord's reign, the short while when Night Mare Moon had returned, King Sombra's rule, and many other events. Leafy now talks to some ponies, but not all, as she can tell she isn't totally helpless and can have her own ambitions with achieving such a goal.
Leafy' s books:
The Dark Princess Returns - Night Mare Moon
The Emperor of Chaos - Discord
He Who Darkens Crystals - King Sombra
Beasts of Song - The Sirens
The Changling Queen - Queen Chrysalis
A WIP: Thief of Magic - Tirek
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