
By Eloquence
, No,
Not Cast
Young Mare
Lovestruck is a somewhat slender white mare with a hot pink mane and tail. Her mane and tail are straight and squared at the ends, and her mane is mid-length while her tail is long. She has straight-across bangs. Her eyes are rounded and lime green.
female Unicorn A pink bow with a heart-tipped arrow and three tiny hearts asymmetrically surrounding it is very bubbly, excitable, and optimistic. She is an utterly hopeless romantic, and believes in treating every day like Hearts and Hooves Day. Though an exceptional matchmaker, nearly always able to see who should be with who, she can at times get a little carried away while trying to bring two ponies together.
Though her pink coloring and her deep interest in romance may lead others to see her as soft, Lovestruck is also willing and able to get rough and get her hooves dirty. She is very fond of sports and athletic pursuits. Her personal favorite is archery, but she also enjoys track, hoofball, and yoga, and can always be found in the crowd of any athletic event that comes to Ponyville, cheering for all of the competitors equally as well as whoever else looks like they need encouragement.
Likes: Break-ups, broken hearts, sitting stillLovestruck grew up in Ponyville with her dad, Target Strike. Target and Lovestruck were very close, and Lovestruck loved going to the archery field with him, shooting arrows for fun while he practiced for the next competition. Although it was soon apparent that archery wasn’t her special talent, neither of them minded one bit, happy to spend the time together regardless. She still had a lot of fun shooting arrows, and was pretty good at it considering it wasn’t her special talent.
She loved school as well, though much more for the social scene than for the learning she was supposed to be doing. She loved getting to know all of her classmates, and one day she got to know something important about her best friend Forsythia, namely that she had a big crush on another classmate but was too shy to tell her how she felt. After more careful observation, she could see that this filly just might return her feelings. This shy secrecy just wouldn’t do, she decided, and she was going to help get them together! So she came up with a plan; one day she brought Forsythia out to the archery field and taught her how to shoot arrows, making sure she had the basics down within the day. The next week, she brought Forsythia back, but this time she also invited Amber, the filly she knew Forsythia liked. She got them both set up with equipment and then quickly excused herself to visit the little filly’s room, insisting that Forsythia begin Amber’s lesson without her. She ducked under a bush to watch her plan unfold, and before long the two were talking and Forsythia was getting all cozy with her crush as she taught her how to use the bow and arrows. She came back after they’d gotten comfortable and the two had another lesson planned within the hour. Lovestruck strode home that evening like she was walking on a cloud, even more elated when she got home and her father told her that a cutie mark had appeared on her flank.
Lovestruck continued to match up ponies, sometimes when they asked, other times when they just needed a little nudge. She also found a profession in her love of the amorous, and began writing romance novels. Eventually she found a love of her own, a pegasus stallion named Crescent, and the two now live happily together in Ponyville, where Lovestruck continues to nurture romance in the ponies around her.
Lovestruck is a character seen in the MLP;FiM Gameloft app as well as in certain blind bag sets. Although she is labeled as an OC, she is not owned by me. Though she does not appear in the show or comics, and thus cannot really be designated as a cast character, she is the property of Hasbro, and her design as well as some features of her personality were created by Hasbro.
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