Pastel Lullaby

By Plume
Not Cast
Young Adult
Lullaby has a chaotic but still generally neat mane, which he tries hard to keep in order – little sleep gives him some real bed head. It is streaked three different colours – a pastel yellow, a warm pink, and a pale blue. His tail is similar, but it kept a bit shorter. His eyes are a pale lavender, and shaped differently to normal males, with a much more gentle curve. He sports a white, well-groomed, and clean coat, and tries his best to keep it as such.
When working, he dons a hat with a symbol that matches his cutie mark, and pins up his fringe with bobby pins. He generally just tucks the back of his mane into his hat to keep it out of the way.
Lullaby is as soothing as his name suggests. Gentle and soft-spoken, he is often the peacemaker in fights and struggles between ponies, or the cleric in times of distress. This skill is only further heightened by his exceptional ability to read the atmosphere and the emotions of other ponies, and occasionally understand what makes them tick. However, just because he is quiet, it does not mean he isn’t firm – if necessary, he can quickly command a situation, even though he dislikes being in charge. To him, leaders are important, but they bear the burden of responsibility – one which he cannot take. There comes a certain point where his calm façade crumbles under the pressure of failure, as his largest fear is being unable to help another pony.
Sometimes, he can appear wise beyond his years, displaying a maturity and detachment that allows him to make balanced and rational decisions. For a pony who seems to struggle with loud noises, Lullaby is oddly not afraid of blood, and becomes clinical and brisk when faced with others being harmed unless he is dealing with foals or fillies. With an affinity for the young, he is always soothing and gentle with them, knowing that the innocence they hold can be ruptured in the blink of an eye. He laughs little but smiles a lot, and considers actions to always speak louder than words – he prefers to communicate his affection through small gestures rather than long prose.
From as far back as he can remember, Lullaby never had a family. He was raised in an orphanage, and never knew anything of his real parents beyond what the owners (Quilted Dream and Morning Glory) told him, but he never really let that get him down. Sure, he didn’t get the love he needed, but the kindness he received from everybody around him made up for that in leaps and bounds. He was the eldest foal there, as everyone else eventually got adopted, but he was content with staying back and helping where he could, constantly have a feeling of needing to repay the owners who had basically filled in the role of his parents. Eventually, he was adopted by Quilted, simply because he had just been around so long that neither of them could really imagine the place without him.
Due to his rather pastel appearance, and also his gentle demeanour, he was an absolute hit with the young foals and fillies who loved nothing more than to hear him sing and tell stories. In fact, Lullaby had more friends in the younger years than he had closer to his age – a lot of the foals would tease him for looking “girly” and “feminine”. They laughed at him, and made a habit out of mocking him behind his back. However, he kept his head up, and never retaliated like they wanted him to. Effectively, he ‘killed them with kindness’, and they eventually backed down – oddly enough, he gained their respect through his refusal to react.
One day, while he was helping to mind some of the younger fillies as they played, one of them slipped and sprained her hoof. She immediately burst into tears, sobbing and crying for Quilted and Glory who would normally care for the injured. However, both of them were out on one of the rare shopping trips that they had to take, and would not return for an hour or two. With no options left, Lullaby quickly scooped her up in his hooves and rushed her to the infirmary, setting her down and taking a deep, slow breath to calm himself. Instantly, he knew what he had to do. He remembered where all the supplies were from watching Glory in action, and instinctively began treating and wrapping the wound. Before long, it was bandaged and cleaned, and she seemed to have calmed down, so much so that she fell asleep. He stayed by her side, watching over her until Quilted and Glory returned, and it was only when they pointed it out that he noticed the existence of a new cutie mark on his flank.
These days, he is employed as a nurse in the children's ward/nursery in Ponyville Hospital. He enjoys tending to the foals, and has developed a habit of singing to them and telling them stories to ward off their nightmares and quell their fears. When he has a spare day or two, he likes to travel, and see new cities.
Lullaby maintains the philosophy of: "Kindness is the universal language."
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