Edited by PathfinderCS

By Ashen Pathfinder (edited)
Not Cast
His overall color is a solid goldish-brown; which goes from his head to his legs. His mane is a darker gold while the tail interchanges between strips of goldish-brown and darker gold.
While he is a stallion, his build is not overly muscular. He is not far off of the build of a male pegasus, but he is not a weakling. He does have to work outside from time-to-time during archeological digs and the like.
His magical aura is a darker gold as well.
One of the basic tenants of his personality is to treat others with a basic kindness and understanding. He is also quite tender when it comes to certain things, but that doesn't make him a pushover. He will stand up if something calls for it.
He can also be quite the goofball. He likes making people laugh and smile, so he likes to be a little loose with his attitude and demeanor if he can. That doesn't mean he doesn't take things seriously though. He loves the work he is involved with at the museum; which includes the study of maps and the study of ancient cultures.
Not being a huge talker, he prefers to listen. While it may seem like he doesn't care, his ears are almost always open.
When things get tense, he prefers a diplomatic way dealing with things. If there can be a compromise, then that is what he will go for. Again, that doesn't mean he is a pushover.
Lastly, while he does have a temper that he hides, his most effective way of showing emotion through stress is by crying. Now, that has earned him some rather negative treatment, but that doesn't bother him.
Pathfinder was born to his parents in Trottingham, but he was adopted shortly afterwards by his mother's parents. His mother & father eventually divorced, but the young colt still grew up in a mostly happy home. He attended school in the small mining town and grew up generally happy and well provided for, but in the end he felt he was missing something. This was exemplified that he was still without his cutie mark; which was a mark of consternation with him and his family.
When he finished his schooling in Trottingham, he wanted to continue his education elsewhere. His adoptive parents weren't entirely okay with it as they wanted him close to home. In the end they relented and he went to the Derbyshire Academy of History. When he had first arrived, he really had no idea what he wanted to do. He had a love for history and he tried certain fields like teaching & archeology, but nothing really ever clicked...that was until he met one Sojourner.
The two became friends after their chance meeting in a an ancient cultures class. She convinced him to try his skills at something he actually enjoyed; not something that was guaranteed to 'kill his love for history,' as she put it. So he tried his luck at cartography, and it fit him just right. After a few weeks of mastering his knowledge and even adapting his magic to specialize in the use of maps, he finally got his cutie mark; the unfurled map.
He eventually graduated the Academy and with his friend and now partner Sojourner, they purchased a dilapidated building that was originally a staging house for pony races a long time back. With time and patience, they turned that building into a small, but expansive museum dedicated to the restoration and protection of the history of Equestria and the outside world. Thanks to the generosity of the Academy, they received donated historical items that they used as the basis for the collection of artifacts.
From there Pathfinder found his true calling. He is now a map-maker and lover of all things historical. Together with his friend they travel the world seeking to learn the history that is long forgotten by most of ponykind. Through archeological expeditions with the Academy to solo adventures to parts unknown, he seeks to map the world and bring an appreciation to his craft.
Signature Spells:
1. Holo-Map - He can memorize a map and create a holographic version of it with his magic. This includes intricate details such small roads, town names, and hills.
2. If he is on a path or trail that he is familiar with, he can essentially create a crude holographic compass arrow and find his way to where he needs to go.
Misc: He can of course do some limited, but intricate telekinesis as he has to take real care of his maps as they are drawn piece-by-piece. Taking care not to damage or hurt his maps takes great care.
Derbyshire: This is a fan-created town. I based the name on horse-racing (Kentucky Derby). Based in eastern Equestria, the town is laid out in three sections.
-Section 1, Residential: This is where the townsfolk themselves live at, as well as where the major markets are located at. As this is a small town, the houses are likewise small and simple. They're aligned close together which allows a close sense of community. Not far from them are the various markets where foodstuffs, clothing, and other small stuff can be purchased. Thanks to the towns close proximity to Baltimare and its location along the railroad; the townsfolk are rarely short on any essential goods they need.
-Section 2, Academy: You can also call this the education district. A small foal school sits here where the locals send their young ponies to school. The more well-known part of this area is the Academy of Histories and Antiquities; which, as its name suggests, specializes in various facets of history. Subjects taught include: History education, archeology, cartography, natural history, limited geography in relation to history, etc. Considering the town itself is small, the academy is likewise small. This might seem to be a disadvantage, but the small size of the academy allows more personal interaction between staff & students. As such, this is a preferred location for those wanting more personal help from their professors.
-Section 3, Museum: Originally referred to as the abandoned section, all that remained here was a dilapidated building that was used at the staging house for horse racing many years ago; as well as the remains of the dirt track itself, which runs into the old swamps. Before the formation of the academy, Derbyshire was known as a racing town. After an incident that left many ponies injured, the racing scene quickly died and the town was on the verge of death itself. By their good fortune, the town was seen as a good spot for the academy, so the town was thrown a life-line, but the racing area was left to ruin. That was the case until Sojourner and Pathfinder purchased the building, and used it as their Musuem of Pony History. The building itself is three stories in length with plenty of room for antiquity displays on the bottom floor with various rooms & offices above.
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