Poly Lingua

By Poly Lingua
Not Cast
Young Adult
Mane: Long, pale blonde/yellow
Tail: Same as mane, pale blonde/yellow
Coat: Light blue-grey
Eyes: Light blue
She also wears a pink bowtie.
Poly is very introverted. She is analytical, inventive, but also reserved and often shy around large crowds. She is very socially awkward, impatient, and easily bored. She is horrible with emotions and rarely expresses them, however, it's not that she lacks emotions, simply they run so deep and so fierce that she covers them up with logic and stores them away. She abhors small talk, and most of her friendships are based around the exchange of knowledge; otherwise, she can get easily bored of other ponies, conversing with them often becoming a nuisance.
She is very perfectionist in nature, which can often lead to harsh self-criticism and many of her unfinished ideas never seeing the light of day. In many cases, if she does attempt to share one of her well thought out ideas or theories, she can struggle in effectively communicating it to others, usually resulting in her deserting the explanation entirely. Lots of times she can appear in a daze as though she's lost inside her head, often thinking or debating something. As a result she is very indecisive and nihilistic, her understanding of the world ever changing and unstable. Occasionally, however, she can act childish and humorous, even playing pranks on others, especially when around close friends or ponies she knows well.
Likes: Emotions, small talk, monotony, parties, large groups, loud noisesPoly was born in Appleloosa to Javajack and Pennifur Hooves. Her father, Javajack, a unicorn from Canterlot, was a Magic Programmer (one who uses a magic language to create encoded information/instructions for spells with specific purposes). Her mother, Pennifur, was an earth pony from Appleloosa who loved money, and eventually she became an accountant working for a bank in Canterlot. Her father, outside of magic programming, had a huge affinity for animals, and therefore, Poly grew up living with many different pets; snakes, frogs, hedgehogs, cats, etc. Her father also shares her personality, making him her closest friend in many ways. Her mother on the other hand comes from a very rustic family, speaking with a heavy country accent. She too is introverted, however, she is much more organized, strict, and emotional; she's the one who usually keeps Poly's father 'in check'.
When Poly was a little filly, her father moved away to Canterlot in order to find work and to help support her and her mother. During that time she stayed with her mother and her mother's parents. Eventually they had saved up enough money to buy their own house and move to Canterlot, finally reuniting with her father. Right after they had settled into their new home, Poly's sister, Julibee, was born. Julibee, much like her father, came to adore animals and pets, but eventually decided her real passion lay in teaching fillies. She is usually described as the opposite of Poly in that she can be very emotional and irrational, but they can still get along... most of the time at least.
After the birth of her sister, Poly found herself enrolled in an arts' school, playing the contrabass in their orchestra program. Most of the time she was isolated, never talked much, and spent most of her time in the library studying. It was during this time in the library where she discovered foreign languages and the many cultures and races outside of the domain of the ponies. She became obsessed and spent all of her free time teaching herself one language after another. She even began creating and theorizing her own languages and grammatical structures with her acquired knowledge. One day she discovered a book on linguistics by the famous stallion, Roan Chomsky. It was then that she got her cutie mark. Her parents, having been highly impressed by her dedication and her cutie mark, decided to send her abroad for a few moons to Griffonstone to practice speaking their language and to participate in a homestay.
Outside of her father, she also enjoys spending time with one of her uncles, Sherlock Hooves, often engaging in intellectual games and banter or playing their respective instruments together. She particularly likes to partake in cases with Sherlock when the opportunity presents itself, albeit the occasion is quite rare. Once she helped him to decipher an ancient language of some sort engraved on a piece of stone left at a crime scene; this ancient language, however, turned out not to be ancient at all, but a constructed language used by a secret underground society.
Currently, Poly studies at Canterlot University, focusing much of her time on language studies and playing the contrabass in the university's orchestra. Occasionally she ventures outside of Canterlot to document or study some enigmatic language that is either not yet documented or lacks substantial documentation; lots of times this can lead to some pretty wild adventures.
Special Talent/Occupation: Linguistics, Languages
Side Talents/Hobbies: Contrabass, Reading, Writing
Magical Abilities: She has the magic necessary to help her play contrabass, her magic makes her skilled in quill writing and penmanship, and she can produce sound proof bubbles of magic for getting rid of noise and distractions.
Admired Cast Characters: Octavia for her cello playing, Princess Twilight for her knowledge and studies, and Dr. Hooves for his scientific knowledge and discoveries
Side notes: This is more or less a ponysona of myself. My father is a computer programmer, but since Equestria lacks computers, the next best thing is magic. My family name is Holmes, and my father, his sister (my aunt), and I are all heavy INTPs much like many portrayals of Sherlock Holmes (I’ve been nicknamed Sherlock by my peers occasionally, and my aunt often goes by Sherlock since her name is ‘Sherry’). Therefore, I wanted to include Sherlock Hooves as an OC family member, possibly as a ponysona of my aunt. I think it also ties in greatly with the magnifying glass in my OC's cutie mark.
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