Rose Quartz

By GreyScholar
Not Cast
Late Adolescent
Rose is a doe with a soft gem-like coat that is light pink in color with rose red hair as well on the tips of her ears and on her tail, also with light purple eyes. Mostly wears bright and cheerfully colored clothes, often of pastel shades. She always keeps with her a necklace made by her mother, a carved heart of rose quartz which reminds the her of who she is and motivation.
Female Deer N/AMost often keeps an upbeat and happy attitude though stress may pull her down just a bit. She does have impressive amount of patience, but there are things that can get under her coat enough to make her upset. She is a romantic in heart and with a fondness of foals, yet shows love to all her friends and family no matter who or what they are. She understands the importance of high self esteem and makes sure to try and teach those she meets to feel good about themselves.
She is always happy to help others that may be struggling in their relationships, especially couples and will offer advise when asked or when she feels it as important. Greatly enjoys potionmaking, of coming up with new recipes with the crystals she uses, experimenting to see what she can make. Is more then a bit shy, though that is more nature then anything as many deer are often timid.
Rose is the daughter of the lavender doe Meadow Heart, with father unknown as her mother never spoke of him. Instead, her father is that of the red stallion Ruby Star, a crystal pony. She was born a deer as her mother before her, though without antlers as some female deer had. Yet through living in the Crystal Empire she gained a gem-like coat and was raised among ponies. Her parents had met unexpectedly, her father a wandering doctor who had met her mother during his travels. They hit it off, and even managed to get into some trouble protecting Rose while having a few adventures together before setting down in the crystal Empire.
Their love, while misunderstood in the eyes of some, was strong and filled their lives with joy. While Ruby was not Rose's father by birth, he did become such for all intents, and the doe would also introduce him as such in the years to come. She would come to see him, and her mother, as very strong and would love both dearly. Admittingly, she was a little shy towards the the stallion when they first met so many years ago.
Yet the rise to power of King Sombra, his dark rule, would take from them the joy and hope they had once know. With Rose just a small filly at the time, Ruby would hide from the king his wife and adopted daughter. It was hard, especially since he had to work in the mines, but some how they managed to have it work. It was the arrival of the royal sisters from Equestria and the final curse of the tyrant that would mark the empire's disappearance.
When the Crystal Empire returned and brought with it all those who lived there, with six mares and a dragon saving everyone from King Sombra's dark rule, there was the return of hope into their hearts. Rose even remembered the Crystal Fair, how fun it had been, though she had been young at the time.
It would take some adjusting, but Rose and her family were able to live a peaceful life after this and she would grow up. With this would come to finding a special talent for herself, despite not being able to get a cutiemark, which came from messing around with her father's potions and medicine. She would use the recipes that Ruby had on hoof, but decided to experiment and use some powered topaz. To her surprise, she was able to make something tasty and which brightened her mood greatly. From there would come many more interesting and helpful potions and mixtures.
Though Rose loved making potions and experimenting with crystals, there is one thing that she has learned to be careful about. This being making and selling love potions since she has seen others use them to create love where it does not exist. There was even a filly that the doe considered a friend who was head over hooves for a colt in her class, she pressured Rose to make a love potion. Though she felt she shouldn't, the doe eventually gave in and did as she was asked.
It worked for about a week before wearing off, and the colt was not happy to realize what had happened and wanted nothing to do with the filly after that. The filly even got expelled for a week, and many ponies didn't trust her. Rose felt terrible, guilt of the part she played and in what had happened. Ever since then she has been careful of who she even tells about such, sometimes even lying she doesn't know how to make a love potions or making some other excuse. She promised to only offer or sell them to couples already together, to help strengthen their love for each other.
Feeling that she could be most useful traveling from city to city, town to town, much like her father before he settled down with her mother, selling her potions and medicines though she would always return home to the Crystal Empire. Rose would head out on her own but not without a heartfelt goodbye to her parents and a promise to always return, even monthly if she could, as well as a bag of supplies. She was nervous, even a bit afraid, yet her heart was determined and bright no matter the risk. Yet even still, while the doe would seek out a few friends and companions in her travels, she was much like her mother and the rest of her kin in being a bit shy when meeting others.
Her skill and talent lies is potionmaking, particularly when using gemstones to do so and when making potions that bring more positive emotions or healing. This includes love potions, but she is careful who she sells such to and does not often make them unless she felt it is needed.
Also, Rose's personality and inspiration is taken from that of the rose quartz crystal. Its meaning and uses, whether for healing or spirituality/meditation helped to create who this character is.
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