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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


Ashen Pathfinder
  • Yes Not Cast Foal/Baby

    Stargazer's color-scheme is largely purple. Her body is a slight darker shade with her mane and tail being somewhat lighter in tone. The color is uniform with no strips and highlights.


    She prefers for her mane to be braided, but her tail to be largely plane. The overall styling of her mane is simple.


    Her physical build is that of an average mare, though she is somewhat small when compared to others.


    Her magical aura is a light purple, and she likes to wear braiding accessories at the ends of her mane and tail. In addition she wears glasses.

    female Crystal Pony A telescope looking out to the stars.

    Upon first meeting Stargazer one would immediately recognize her bubbly and kind demeanor. One of her basic tenants is to smile, and to treat others with basic kindness and respect. As a result of this she can be somewhat naive in perceiving the thoughts of others.


    Stargazer also likes to joke around with others, and has a tendency to laugh a lot if she finds something to even be a little bt funny. As such she can be seen as a general goofball, and she does love being generally goofy around others. She does like to make others laugh, though that doesn't mean her happiness is an impenetrable shield.


    Because of her naivety she can be hurt emotionally somewhat easily. Her general tenderness, however, is something she uses as a means of connecting with other; especially young foals.

    Likes: Large clouds that block her view of the night sky.<br />Overly harsh ponies.<br />Bullies and those who take advantage of others.

    In the days of the Crystal Empire before the coming of King Sombra, Stargazer was born to loving parents. As she grew up she found a certain affinity for the stars in the sky. Every night she would watch as the sun would lower and the moon would rise. Once the moon was in the sky, she marveled at the sparkling stars above; hoping to one day get a much clearer view of them. It always hit her hard that she could never touch what she found most enjoyable in her youth.


    On her birthday as a foal she received a simple telescope as a present; the giver of which was listed as anonymous. Excited she couldn't wait to try it out that night, and when she did she was gifted with a show she never could've imagined. Her eyes were treated to quite the scene as the stars glistened and glimmered in the dark night. The sight was so overwhelming that she barely even realized that mark that graced her flank at that moment. A cutie mark baring a telescope and stars appeared, and she finally found her love.


    Of course, as she grew older, there were already court astronomers in the castle, so she never could attain her dream to the point she wanted; however she didn't let that get her down. She instead took on being a teacher of basic history to foals, and being someone who already enjoyed history it suited her fine. She taught history during the day, and gazed at the stars during the night. This allowed her the perfect balance until that dark day Sombra took power.


    During his reign he consolidated his power by ridding the empire of any pony he saw as a threat; which included any with extensive knowledge. Most of the court astronomers were enslaved, and teachers were also targets. Stargazer, in fear, attempted to flee for her life after hiding for so long. She made it out of the empire and was running through the snow and ice of the tundra trying to reach the south. It was at this time that princesses Celestia and Luna arrived and banished the dark king; exiling him to the arctic north. However, his curse caused the empire to vanish, and every crystal pony with it; including Stargazer.

    One thousand years later; the Crystal Empire returned, and so did all of the crystal ponies. Stargazer found herself at the edge of the tundra; her happy demeanor now replaced by a feeling of disassociation and severe memory loss. When she tried to remember anything of note memories of Sombra flooded back. She found a nearby station with a waiting train and traveled aboard it towards the south; not caring wherever it may stop. After a while the train stopped at a small town called Derbyshire. Being a town she never even heard of she got off and wondered around; getting plenty of stares from the townsfolk.


    As she goes on she noticed a museum on a hill. Somewhat intrigued she wondered in and was greeted with a sight that reawakened her spirit some. Looking at the various artifacts and displays she rediscovered a love she had for history; though the exact memory of why eluded her. Seeking out the curator she found Sojourner and began a conversation with her when something marvelous happens. Unbeknownst to her Twilight Sparkle and her friends had gone to the Crystal Empire and vanquished the returning dark king. As such her memories of her love of the stars and teaching the foals returned to her; as well as the crystal sparkle in her coat.


    Sojourner was quite shocked to see this happen in front of her, and doubly shocked to see the mare ask for a job at the museum. Being somewhat scarred from the events of Sombra's reign she has issues with wanting to return; she found her calling at the museum. She heads a section on the Crystal Empire, and hopes to spread the knowledge of her homeland to the ponies of Equestria, while at the same time reliving her love of stargazing as well.


Edited by PathfinderCS

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Hey Pathfinder! Stargazer looks awesome, and as far as I can tell there are no issues with her. I'll go ahead and start her through the approval process.


I did notice one thing you might want to fix though. Part way through your backstory, in the third paragraph from the bottom, you abruptly change tense, and start mixing present and past tense. Since you won't be able to change this bio once its approved, you might want to proofread that bit ;)

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One thing I'll point out here, without which I'd throw it into "Approved" outright:




Most of the court astronomers were killed


Why killed? As far as I recall Sombra was all about enslaving every single pony possible. Is there any reasonable reason as to why they need to die in order for your application to work?

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One thing I'll point out here, without which I'd throw it into "Approved" outright:





Why killed? As far as I recall Sombra was all about enslaving every single pony possible. Is there any reasonable reason as to why they need to die in order for your application to work?


I was basing it off of Kay Dreamer's scenario as I didn't want to stray too far from established lore; considering she is the only other crystal pony.


But if it needs to be changed I can do that.

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Kay Dreamer's scenario is vague, while you specified things very clearly xD


Changes done, off to approved.



Fair point; ambitious interpreting on my part. XD


Thanks! :)

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