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Valkyrie Noble

Scion of Arcadia
  • No Not Cast Young Adult

    Valkyrie is a cream colored pony with a broad wingspan and bare hoofs. She's athletic and lean with a blue eyes that are always eager to see what's next. She tends to have a grin on her face and if not that, a smirk. She holds herself in a way that suggests she's somewhat high class but more than ready to get her hoofs dirty, almost willing. When she walks, it's with the gait of a pony who she's being watched. She has a dual-colored mane that's long, flowing, and often wind-blown.

    Female Pegasus A pair of golden, crossed spears.

    Valkyrie views herself as a noble knight, albeit a self-appointed one, crusading across the land to protect others. Grown up on fantastical storybooks, she does her best to emulate the heroes portrayed in the stories. It helps that she really is a kind-hearted mare and not just trying to project that image. She's gracious and generous, doing things not for bits but because she likes the warm, fuzzy feeling it gives her. She thinks nothing of sacrificing her own petty wants for the sake of others. She's bold, brave, and pretty eager to solve things with her hooves. She doesn't scurry at the first sign of danger, she runs towards it. She lives by the motto of protect and serve, a kind wandering soul looking for rights to wrong.

    There is a bit of a flaw in her outlook though. Stories are stories and reality is something entirely different. Most ponies don't go around looking for fights so there isn't exactly a whole lot she can solve, which leaves her having to rely on the less... admirable features of being kind. To be sure, she wants to do the right thing, but she also wants to get attention for it. And lending a hand just doesn't make ponies cheer as much as defeating, say, a manticore. And because she styles herself as a knight, it means she tries hard to cultivate a good image. Which also means she doesn't like others trying to tear it down or doing the right thing when it makes her out to look bad. And of course there's her persistence. She actively goes out looking for problems and trying to solve them. And if she can't find a problem... well then maybe she can, maybe sort of, create a small problem to solve, or more likely build one up to be more than it is. There has been the rare instance where she made herself more of a problem than the one she was trying to fix.

    She has a bit of wanderlust to her. She just can't stay put. Not doing something is the bane of her and staying in one place is aggravating. So she prefers to stay on the move rather than stay at her place of residence. She is infatuated with the idea of alicorns, viewing them as the greatest symbols of being a noble knight. Flying about with the strength of an Earth Pony and the wicked magic of a unicorn, smiting all who dare do wrong. It's the most romantic thing she can think of. And kind of in a similar light, she looks up to the Elements of Harmony, and Twilight Sparkle in particular. If there was anyone who dealt with a bunch of monsters, it was them. If only she could join them, or something like that.

    Likes: Being modest<br />Doing common work<br />Being chained down<br />Commitment<br />High society

    As a young filly, Valkyrie's parents ingrained in her the importance of being dignified and respectable. Living in Canterlot, they had a pretty ritzy life style to look up to, and her family name didn't help matters. How could you be an ignoble Noble? So they made sure to teach her how to hold herself, how to act, and how to be gracious. Well, she didn't have any problems with this. In fact, she took to it very well, using the stories she had been told as a base, and a strong one at that. It was in her nature to be kind and considerate and acting the part of a sophisticate was all well and fine. Well, except for the part about trying to avoid scuffles. She was too fond of causing a ruckus for that to sink in. Still, she did her parents fairly proud, making a lovely mare when she wasn't antagonizing someone.

    In school, she was something of the popular filly. She learned how to fly relatively quickly, coming out of flight school, and the way she held herself really contributed to her seeming to be all that and a bag of... chips? She made decent grades and established herself as a fairly stand-up gal. Granted, she could be... something of a bully. She wasn't really doing it intentionally, but she did have a habit of being condescending to the less outgoing foals who were more withdrawn and she compensated for when she didn't have a Cutie Mark by talking down to those who brought it up. Kind of turning the tables on how Blank Flanks were usually treated.

    That was, however, until one day. As she was hanging out at the library, doing some requisite studying as it were, she noticed some fellow foals teasing a one of the colt's there who was often too shy to really stick up for themselves. No big deal, they didn't mean anything too seriously and she was sure the colt wouldn't take it seriously. Except... the more it continued on, the more she kept looking over her book at the group. Why was she so worried, this was common, she had done it a few times herself. But that colt's face... he didn't seem to think it wasn't too bad. It drew her in and she suddenly regretted all the times she had treated her classmates poorly. That wasn't very noble of her, it wasn't much like the ponies in the books. All of a sudden livid with this treatment, she sat her book down and marched over two the tormenting pair to put a stop to it. At first, they were understandably confused. Why did she all of a sudden have a problem with this? Confusion turned to trying to get her to join in. And when that didn't work, they threatened to make her unpopular, that they would let everyone know that she was hanging out with this nerd. ...This was kind of a big deal at her young age, whether to stick up for him and possibly lose popularity or to cave in and remain cool. But, she stuck to her guns and told them to make themselves scarce. Well, it worked and they left. And the colt she had protected, inspired by her sudden change of heart, thanked her. In that moment, hearing how her actions had really made someone happy, she got a big smile and her Cutie Mark.

    It was then and there she knew what she should do. She should be the knight from the stories, defending ponies honor and livelihood. But not everyone was exactly proud of her decision. Her parents, for instance didn't like her being so prolific and didn't appreciate that she was modeling herself so much off of fantasies. They tried to convince her otherwise, that maybe she shouldn't be so gung-ho. But it wasn't easy to argue against a Cutie Mark and her headstrong personality. So eventually, they just kind of gave up and let her do her own thing.

    She's been out of school for a while now and while she has a house in Canterlot, she doesn't stay there for long. She's a free spirit with the urge to go find somepony to help. So she takes to the skies and searches for wrongs to right and monsters to fight.

    She has considered joining with the royal guard but she can't bring herself to. That would require a lot more stability than she would like. She hasn't thought about being in the Wonderbolts though.


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This really doesn't need much change, but there are two things I'm a tad confused about, and I'm not sure if they're intentional.

  • She doesn't care for high society, but she's obsessed with Alicorns, which presumably they would be apart of.
  • The other is her picking on bookish foals. You talk about how she makes fun of them, but when starts defending the foal, she's in the library. I know that's when here aha moment happens, that's apart of it, but it seems a bit out of place. Additionally, presumably some of her interactions with the stories she loves so much would come from books. Perhaps changing the word bookish within the backstory to something like less popular would resolve that.
  • Finally, EQE doesn't usually allow for awarded titles. However, if the title of knight in this instance is self-appointed, I'm okay with that.
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She likes the idea of Alicorns. That they have the flight of a Pegasus, the magic of a Unicorn, and (I'm assuming) the strength of an Earth Pony. She views it as the perfect combination for taking on evildoers and monsters. She also thinks the Princesses are a lot more active and do lot more fighting than they really do. ...Unless your name is Twilight Sparkle, because she actually does do a fair amount of fighting.


It's not a title in the slightest. No one knighted her, she just calls herself one because it sounds dignified and references the old foal's tales she grew up on.


I changed her target of bullying to the shy and unsocial foals. Same idea, but not as much conflict with her interests as she still is pretty outgoing and extroverted.

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And fixed up some other minor things. Apparently when I went to edit the first time, some of her things defaulted. Namely, her status was shown to be a WIP and she was changed to a foal. Naturally these things had to be rectified. The reason I'm notifying you is I worried that you had seen my previous post but were also pushed away by the erroneous WIP status.

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Okay, so minor grammatical fix:

'...which leaves her having to really on the less...'

I think you were looking to put rely there. Apparently I missed that on the first go around.


Also, with what you said about the title, if you would add something along the lines of self-appointed knight, for clarifications sake.


As for the WIP and age change, there were alterations made to the database itself, to make it easier on the staff, so that's why those changes happened.

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