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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky

  • Ace &Amp; Blaze Starshielder

    Commander Frost

    • Age: 19

      Gender: Male

      Species: Pegasus

      Appearance: The necklace around his neck gives him the ability to use magic without a horn.

      Cutie Mark: Ace: His cutie mark Represents Protecting People from anything that may harm them.<br />Blaze: None

      Personality: Ace: Hes a very good friend but since hes a royal guard and a father he can't really go out and have fun often.<br />Blaze:Very outgoing and not afraid to show who he is.

      Backstory: Ace: He was a lonely colt who had no friends. His parent's abandoned him in a a cardboard box in a dark alley when he was a colt. He was sad and alone. One day he was trying to find food. He knew stealing was bad so he never stole. He was walking around Ponyville and saw a runaway carrige with about 20 ponies in it. He jumped on and stopped the carrige with a piece of wood from the floorboards. Everyone cheered for him and called him a hero. He then got his cutie mark. After all of thank you's, a mare named Fullbright saw him and followed him. She followed him to his alley where he laid down in his box and took a nap. She felt bad for this poor foal. She picked him up and carefully took him home. When he woke up he was startled by her and hid under the blanket. She then explained to him that she wanted to adopt him and take care of him. He came out of the covers and smiled. He grasped at his necklace to make sure it was still there. It was the last thing he had of his parents.<br />Blaze:(Main Backstory) His mom left them when he was born, but he doesn't care because his dad loves him. He's still looking for a cutie mark and wants to be just like his dad.

    Ace &Amp; Blaze Starshielder

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