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  • Allan Johnson

    • Age: 20

      Gender: Male

      Species: Non-Pony

      Appearance: Allan is a human that is about 5'5, has a stocky build, and short, messy brown hair. He also has blue eyes, and is clean shaved. He wears a pair of blue jeans with deep pockets, brown hiking boots, and a t-shirt with a picture of Wembley Fraggle. Over the t-shirt, Allan has a yellow hoodie that has metal plates covering his shoulders, torso, and upper and lower arms. And to top it all off, he wears a midnight blue ball cap with the letters, WVU on it.

      Personality: Allan is a hard working, wise-cracking, nice guy. He is constantly cracking jokes and making puns, no matter how grim the situation is; to keep everyone's spirits up. And even if a situation takes a turn for the worse, he remains realistically optimistic, and simply rolls with the punches until everything works out.<br /><br />He enjoys teaching, especially younger children. He feels that he has <br />When he sees people in danger, he puts his neck on the line by distracting the threat and taking it head on, to protect the endangered innocents.<br /><br />

      Backstory: Allan was a college student at WVU majoring in children's education. Everything in his life was relatively normal: schoolwork, hanging out with friends, interning at the campuses preschool center, etc. Relatively normal until he thought saw a shadow move without an owner, but he simply dismissed it as his imagination. Over the next few days, new rumors of missing people started to spread through the campus. Allan pushed those thoughts aside thinking that they were just people leaving the school without a notice.<br /><br />Several days after Allan's first shadow sighting, during one of the preschool's play times, he spots another one of the shadows on the playground making his way towards a teacher standing off to the side. He blinks once and the teacher is gone, and in her place, were two small, bug-like shadows. He starts to head towards the main building, and starts calling for the other children to come back inside. As Allan is beckoning for the kids to come inside, he sees a multitude of flat shadows as the buildings around him are being consumed by a massive wave of darkness.<br /><br />All of a sudden, the world seems to freeze as a voice enters his head, asking him what he want's to do.<br /><br />"I want to protect them."<br /><br />The voice responds, "Who?"<br /><br />"The children. I know that this darkness is bad, and they are to young, to innocent."<br /><br />"Then protect them."<br /><br />The world resumes, as a long, thick blade appears in Allan's hand as he charged towards the encroaching darkness. As he headed further away from the school building, a circle of light appears around it, preventing the evil from making its way inside. Seconds later, while Allan was swinging blindly at the bug things, the circle flashes as children the vanish into it.<br /><br />The young teacher pauses for a second as he looked around the playground for more distressed kids, then noticed that there is one little hand poking out from a black swirl of darkness in the ground. He reached out for the hand when it disapears into the nothingness.<br /><br />"NO!" Allan screams, and without thinking, dove right after the little boy, and then blacks out. What felt like moments later, Allan opened his eyes, head hurting, covered in scratches and blood, in the middle of the Traverse Town. <br /><br />Now he his mission is to not only stop the heartless, but find the kids that disappeared in the light, and the one that disappeared in the darkness.<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />

    Allan Johnson

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