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  • Awilix

    Fallen Valkyrie

    • Age: 27

      Gender: Female

      Species: Earth Pony

      Appearance: In her mane she have pure black rose.<br /><br /><br />She have two side orange beg on her back.In her left beg she have plant seeds and in right beg she have fresh fruit.<br /><br />On her back she cary spear.Spear stick is dark brow color.But insted of sharp rock on top,there is moon cristal.It is deep purple color.

      Cutie Mark: Her cutie mark is white purple full moon,and around the moon there where nine dark as night petals.<br /><br />Moon represend her tribe.And white purple color of it represent her moon cristal.Nine petals stend for her love for nature.And bleck color of petals stend for black roses(as they are her favorite flower)<br /><br /><br />

      Personality: In her tribe Awilix is know as intelligent pony thet enjoy puzzles over physical pursuits.She is never eager to fight,and will try to avoid danger at anny cost.In tough sitations Awilix would frst care for her safety and then maybi look ower the others.<br /><br />Awilix is pony thet like her personal space,and with thet she dont like for others creature to toche her.<br />Awilix is thinker,and with it she prefers words ower action.<br /><br />Even if Awilix if great worshiper of her godess of the Moon,she is afraid of darkness.And because of it she dont like to be outside on the night without anny light source.<br />

      Backstory: Awilix born in tribe in the midle of Hayseed forest.The tribe she was born in was called Lunites and they worshiped the moon,and its princess as the godess.<br /><br />In tribe of Lunites litle colts are teach to hunter as soon as they can cary there wepon.Awilix unlike her friends thet picked up swords,axe,bow and arrow picked up spear.One ordinary pice of wood with sharp rock on top of it.For small colt spear was one of hardes wepons to use,but she did not care.She thinked if she need to learn to use spear longer,she would not need to go in hunt with other.And just as she thinked she didnt,she stayed back and 'trained' some of the times.Most of the time she rushed out of her tribe settlement to claim threes and look for rear flowers.Her faborite was black rose,rear but butifull as the moon it self.She loved to colect seeds and save them when she would use them.Her plan was to make a garden with all of the rearest flowers and trees in all of Equestria.<br /><br />When Awilix was twenty two,on one summer night she looked at the full moon thet was in its throne on the sky.She planed to move back in side,but as she started to she seen some thing small but bright droped from the sky and her frst thought was "The godess of the moon droped something." She moved fest tru forest,like at anny other day before, until she reach the place she seen thing fall.She looked at the small deep purple color rock.It glowed,to Awilix it looked like star.She was scared to move closer,but then thinked "If the godess droped it,it could no be dangerus." And with thet tought in her head she moved closer,looking at this so called star.She made couple of circles around it and then taken big break and moved her hoove to toche it.On toche it falled apart in small pices.Awilix was scared,thinking the moon godess will kill her for what she done to one of her stars.She jumped back and picked up her spear from her back,ready for godess rage.She stand there for couple of minutes,but her rage never comed.Awilix thinked thet godess maybi dont know what she done,and she thinked if she could at list bring back one pice back to the sky-where it belonge- godess would not kill her.And she could contineu to live her life.Awilix quick runed to the destroyed star and picked up small pice.She placed it in her bag and started runing,far from her village.She did not know where is she going or how would she return the start,but she had to do it.At anny cost!<br /><br />Awilix journey from days turned in weeks,and weeks turned in month.And moon godess never atacked her,or at list talked.She thinked "Maybie moon godess droped the star on purpos,for my to find it,maybie she have something for my planed." Awilix pulled out pice of star,and it glowed with same pure purple as it glare the night she found it.She looked at it and then pulled out her spear,she trowed down the rock thet was on top of it and had put thet star pice on its place.Her tought was thet this way maybi this way moon godess would show her what she had planed for her.


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