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  • Battenberg

    Victoria Sponge

    • Age: 20 Years Old

      Gender: Female

      Species: Unicorn

      Appearance: <p> Battenberg is a light blue mare with a shy personality, she likes to hide behind her long, battenberg cake coloured hair and always keeps a long fringe over one of her turquoise-green eyes. Her mane is curled at all its ends and flows all around her head, her ear and horn have to poke through. She is always wearing the scarf her mother knitted for her when she was younger and can often be seen with a smile on her face.  </p>

      Cutie Mark: <p> Her cutiemark represents her baking abilities and her speciality, battenberg cake. She got it after baking a battenberg cake with her mother Lemon Drizzle which was exceptionally good. </p>

      Personality: <p> She is shy but kind, likes to help if she can but doesn't have a lot to say most of the time. She can be a bit quiet which may make her seem rude or awkward but she doesn't mean any harm. </p> <p> Battenberg is a very shy pony who normally keeps to herself. Despite this she prides herself on her work and is very professional and polite when needs be. She is much friendlier and more willing to talk when the subject is baking or cakes. She is a very helpful and kind pony and tries her best to be likeable, she always puts the customer first. She is a little more shy around stallions however as she is looking for love but is unsure of how exactly to go about it. </p>

      Backstory: <p> She grew up in Trottingham with her sister Victoria Sponge, her mother Lemon Drizzle, her Aunt Raspberry Drizzle, her cousins Red, Heather and Caramel, her grandmother Cotton Bud and sometimes her father Felix Carter. Her father's constant travels affected the family dynamic, especially with Victoria who began to feel Battenberg was the favourite and excelled further than her in every field. This led to tension between the two sisters as they grew older. After Cotton passed away and Raspberry fled to Cloudsdale, Battenberg and her family moved to Felix's hometown of Manehattan, where he and Lemon had lived for many years prior to the birth of their daughters. When she turned eighteen Battenberg began trying to make a living for herself and opened her first bakery in the town, Battenberg's Bakery. The bakery became very popular and various members of her family became involved, with her mother becoming the manager and her sister working alongside her in the kitchen. Her cousin Red Velvet occasionally produced grand multi-tiered cakes for the shop and Raspberry and her husband Citrus Orange provided the establishment with all kinds of wonderful jams to put in the cakes.  </p> <p> Because of the success of the bakery Battenberg began looking to expand and toured Equestria with her father, giving out her cakes and recording the responses. She found the most responsive location was Fillydelphia and set about trying to open her second bakery. During her time here she met the energetic pegasus Cupcake Sprinkles and her mother Strawberry Sprinkles. The two became close friends, bonding over their baking abilities and after Sprinkles told Battenberg about her wish to become a professional baker she agreed to take her on as an apprentice in the new Fillydelphia bakery. After a year's training Sprinkles in the Manehatten store and with arrangements complete Battenberg's Bakery became Battenberg's Bakeries and her Fillydelphia division opened with Sprinkles running the shop floor and kitchen and Strawberry becoming a co-manager of the business alongside Lemon. Sprinkles worked very hard and ran the shop so well that she was quickly upgraded from apprentice to Vice President of the company.  </p>

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