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  • Carrick Murphy


    • Age: 21

      Gender: Male

      Species: Earth Pony

      Appearance: (The image is more of a idea of what the character looks like. Since I cannot draw well, I used it as a temple.)<br /><br />Carrick is an earth pony. A black fedora hat that is placed upon his head, covering his mane and shadows the forehead. His a generic brown. His brown body always touched by the leather of his trench coat. Black, just like his fedora. There always a notepad placed upon front pocket written with notes.

      Cutie Mark: A Notepad. Showing his research skills as a detective.

      Personality: A pony who's obsessive over one thing, mysteries. Though he can empathize with some ponies, but mostly doesn't bother with it if it doesn't seem to help him with his obsession. Unless a situation is necessary for him to be vocal, he tends to keep to himself. Writing down notes into his notepad, as to double check his memory. <br /><br />Carrick is very detail-oriented, so he tends to notice the small difference with ponies, by appearance or state of mind. He can get himself into trouble by this, by overthinking. Which can happen if he stays on a case or mystery for too long. It starts to take over him, as he gradually starts becoming desperate on the idea. <br /><br />When off a mystery or case, he tends to be more relax. Though he tries to keep a facade of somewhat easy to deal with when he's not with a case. Though he does have actual friends, it takes a long time for them to actual become friends. Usually they become friends after a mystery or partners.

      Backstory: Carrick was born in the small town of Ponyville. He was able to live of his life in a regular old town. Everything was pretty adequate for a normal colt. Loving parents, some acquaintances that has meet at school. Food, knowledge, just regular things that most would enjoy, though...<br /><br />He wasn't satisfied. A life of normal doesn't seem to fit him. He wanted more, something that he couldn't get out of just a regular pony could enjoy. Books seem to be a outlet over time, primarily, murder mysteries. He went and continue to read them more and start to integrate into his mind. He became more detail-oriented. Looking at small details and finding differences in them. As he grew of age, he started to become more of a detective. Filling life with small mysteries in the town of Ponyville. He starting gaining a small reputation as being the "colt detective," he even gained his cutie mark when he finally finish his first "big" case. <br /><br />He knew over time, he wouldn't be able to handle staying in the small town. He wanted something more than small potatoes. He wanted the big cases. Cases that involve better crimes than "someone stealing a pie." <br /><br />So he left when he started becoming more of a stallion. He went of into Manesdale. Though things became harsh at first. The small town and friendly ponies wasn't the same for this city. Ponies were more ruthless. They did not care for emotions and it became Carrick's job to read them. To see how everything plays out. <br /><br />It's been three years since then. Though not a skilled veteran just yet, but he has become a good, if not great detective. Time has made a bit obsessive with job. Always looking to find another mystery.... <br /><br />-------------------<br /><br />Backstory for: The Seventh Element<br /><br />Years has past by him, he is now 26. Various notepads full of notes of his adventure and mysterious. It isn't known yet if he is THE best detective in all of Equestria, however his skills have improved with experience on the field. His social skills have improve as well. Though he still has a monotone voice, he has the sliver tongue. One that can be used to tried to convince ponies otherwise in any interrogation and in clutch. <br /><br />He is taking a break back down of Manesdale and goes back down to Ponyville, his hometown. When he went there he had a urge to go into the forest, the forest that many ponies say to never go to alone. However, a tingly sensation came down his spine when the thought came upon him. He didn't know what he would find inside there, but there was only one way to find out...

    Carrick Murphy

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