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  • Carto Sketch

    Once In A Blue Moon

    • Age: 23

      Gender: Female

      Species: Earth Pony

      Appearance: <p> A fairly short and wiry (for an earth pony - so still more solidly built than most unicorns and pegasus ponies) leaf-green pony with a short-cut pale blue mane. </p>

      Cutie Mark: <p> A pencil and dividers over a map. </p>

      Personality: <p> An inquisitive pony, prone to exploration from the moment she was born and always having a knack for finding her way back (and if she didn't, it was because she wanted to go another way first. She certainly never got lost - such a preposterous notion.)<br /><br /> She's generally friendly, if a little unimpressed by and less respectful towards those she sees as unambitious stay-at-homes. She also struggles with feelings of inferiority towards pegasus and unicorn ponies, unicorns in particular, which she hides behind a boisterous and banter-heavy exterior. </p>

      Backstory: <p> Born in the idyllic Pony Valley, Carto Sketch (or 'Cat' to her friends) was never able to truly indulge in her curiosity about the wider world. Initial discoveries, of what lay beyond her parents' house or neighbourhood, were quickly brought to an end at the valley's limits. Her entire world was contained within Pony Valley, but she was never really satisfied with just that despite the stern lectures from her parents, teachers and even friends to forget about places that don't matter. So when she displayed the necessary aptitudes to become an Apprentice Officer she leapt at the opportunity to see something new - anything new.<br /><br /> Mediocre performance in combat disciplines was matched by good endurance, even by earth pony standards. Limited medical and first-aid skills were countered by near peerless orienteering, cartography and navigation. Mathematics and the sciences were passable, but vastly outshone by geography and the earth sciences. But beyond all of the lessons and training, the wide world called to Carto Sketch. She would see this once-great land that she was finally taught about, or whatever remained of it, and she would map every last corner of it. </p>

    Carto Sketch

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