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  • Civviq Writer

    Civviq Writer

    • Age: Early 20's

      Gender: Female

      Species: Unicorn

      Appearance: Civviq is a unicorn. She has a purple coat with a yellow snout. Her eyes are yello/orange and she wears orange glasses. Her manes are yellow with orange streaks and her tail is dark blue/dark puple. <br /><br />She wears dark blue/dark purple shawl and she has orange/yellow saddlebags.

      Cutie Mark: Her cutie mark is a quill on a road. The lines are all grey, so is the road. It means that she is a travelling writer, but for now, she has settled down.

      Personality: She is a nice and kind pony, always willing to help. She is very trusting and a bit naïve, which makes it easy to trick her and abuse her trust. Some ponies have done so in the past, which makes her a bit bitter at times.<br /><br />She loves books, that's why she chose being a librarian for a living. It is a bit lonely, but she does have some friends around. They're not always with her, though, which makes her sometimes a bit sad. But she loves making new friends, and her kindness helps her with that. <br /><br />She also loves to travel and write about it in her journal. Nopony has ever read the journal, however, but it's not really a diary. She can tell some interesting stories if she wants to, all read from that journal.<br /><br />Her greatest fear is that of being all alone. She truly fears her friends leaving her, and the sad thing is, is that this has happened before. Friends have left her because they moved on, or found better friends, or just left. She is sad about that, and even though she said she has moved on, she still remembers them. <br /><br />

      Backstory: Civviq is a librarian in a small town called 'Leading Trot', north of Manehattan, near the mountains. In her youth, she has travelled all over Equestria, but for now she's content with sitting in her library. <br /><br />From time to time she'll go to Manehatten to buy some stuff, but since being a librarian doesn't pay so well, can't go any further with the train. She dreams to go to the Crystal Empire one day, the one place she hasn't visited yet in her youth.

    Civviq Writer

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