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  • Cloud Gazer

    Syannax the Changeling

    • Age: 21

      Gender: Male

      Species: Pegasus

      Appearance: Taller than avarage pony with a dark Blue coat, Always wears some sort of armor. Leather or chain mail. Even on rare instances. Plate Mail when it comes to war time.

      Cutie Mark: English Long sword<br />And a Shaped Cloud and a Telescope.

      Personality: I remain cheerful even during depressing times. I stay positive that things go well on my end, and others that I care about; and even those that I do not know. When I can I try to be playful with others. Due to the legion I remain on the defensive on those who threaten me, my family, or other’s lives. My pony friends that I have hanged out with when I was a young colt are like my brothers and sisters. We stay together, we trust each other, and we will defend each other if it cost our lives. We are thicker than blood can get. Usually I do not explore on my own because of how dangerous it is to just be alone in the woods nearby. I usually try to make a group to explore the wilderness out of fear of being snatched up.<br /><br />Whenever I feel like doing nothing, I fly up to the roof of the house and just gaze at the clouds and think what I should do with them next time. Often when my friends are unable to explore with me I go up into the clouds and make something for the fun of it. My usual thing to do with the clouds is that I fly up there and shape a cloud into my cutie mark perfecting it every time. I also decide be creative and make images for the village to guess out of fun.

      Backstory: I have lived in a village for many years of my life, shortly after my father had been drafted for service. I have been living with my mother. My mother does not stop me from exploring the surrounding area. My father has not been home in several years. Every couple of weeks we receive a letter from my father. Telling us how he is doing and everything, with a small amount bits to help support us. In one of his letters, that we received recently, it had stated he will be coming home in a couple of months. When my mother and I had read the news of him returning home in a couple of months we were very happy and hopped around the house all cheerful. We even hopped around in the village happily.<br /> During that time of him in the legion, I love to go exploring the woods next to the village with some of my pony friends. We all had knives to gather fruits and berries, the fruits and berries had not quite ripen yet but they were close enough to be sweet and edible. One day before my father came home, we come across something along our exploration, and we find some exotic animal. “Huh? What is that?” one of my pony friends asked pointing a hoof in the direction of a rather small scaled beast running through the woods. We had no idea where it was running to. "I am not sure but, let us stay clear of it. I do not want to cause trouble between us and its mother or father” I say taking the precaution in going the other way to find food to take back to our families for dinner. As we continued gathering food, we all froze as a terrifying roar came out of nowhere. We panicked and started to dash off back home from the roar. Unaware of which direction the roar came from we ran home in a panic, in a group.<br /> The day after that incident, my father shows up at the house, and knocks. I was the first to awaken and dash towards the door to open it. But my mother had the advantage over me for she was closer to it and opens the door. I skidded to a stop and exclaimed “Dad!” I dashed forward again and hug him as he hugged mom. “I am glad your home. We have missed you ever since you were drafted” I tell him. “I am glad to be back home, Cloud Gazer” He calmly replies and holds my mother and I close and then let’s go. “Those service days are over for this stallion” he tells us, and then he looks at me. “Cloud Gazer” he says my name I look at him as he reaches into his saddlebag and pulls a letter out then he gives it to me “I am sorry. I could not get them to stop.” He says as I take the letter and start to read it. The letter basically says that I have been selected on draft in replace of my father “Dad… Mom…” I look at them with mixed feelings about this draft that I have been elected to go. “I’ll make you proud” I simply state “I promise.” I hug them and then look at the letter again, seeing that I must report in a week. ‘So much for some family time with my dad’ I think to my-self.

    Cloud Gazer

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