Colt The Strahl (Dragon)
By Colt
Age: 1007 (lived 21)
Gender: Male
Species: Non-Pony
Appearance: A young not lost into greed for jewels or treasures dragon. He is still youn and little taller than 5 ft, it would seem the greed has not taken over him so his most beastlike self have not stolen the best of him.<br /><br />Most of his scales are black that in the right angle shown a deep blue glow, The rest is cover with sky blue scales with a series of golden ones wuning from his forhead to his tail his eyes are golden yellow and bright.<br /><br />Normally he stands on his 2 back legs giving him a height of 5 feet he also can walk by his 4’s an by that he is a little shorter than an average pony. <br /><br />He knows that ponies are afraid of his kind and a black shadow with demon wings passing by would scare more than one pony. <br /><br />His wings are flexible and “adaptable” so he fold them forward instead of backward to make them look like a long coat that is always open with a hood covering his head and face . The "coat" cover half of its arms and drop down to his knees they stay the same way it doesn’t matter if he is on 4 or 2 legs. <br /><br />Normaly he would have a lost sight on the horizon with a lost face trying not to catch te atention of those who would stare at his golden eyes.
Personality: Given the fact that he have “live” 21 of his 1007 years, this dragon is very attach to the life of the creatures he meets (background stuff). He is very aware of what his kind and appearance means to the ponies of equestrian so he tries to keep a low profile and stay out of sight.<br /><br />He is afraid of himself (background stuff again) and believes that the only way he can escape from his own nature is to face its own instincts and burden, by this he tries to help others and have a kind heart, things that his family taught him.<br /><br />He tries to be alone for the penance he believes he deserves but deep inside longs for partners, friends and a normal life between the pony kind, although its him who keeps them at bay. He finds an escape from himself by music and believes that is one of the few ways he has to fight his fears and share what he is despite his nature.<br /><br />He is knows very well all about himself and what “should matter”, centuries of a unconscious life taught him lots of lessons and tempered his force of will. In a way he knows what the most important things are but deep inside is afraid of destroying them.<br /><br />The other side of him can be found on the field of battle. Other than in his dreams the only time when he can feel free is when facing others, he feels himself unleashed while in the fight, he has somepony to protect and enjoys with ease the thrill of a good fight, part reflection of his savage nature.
Backstory: No many years before Celestia banished Nightmare Moon and became the sole ruling princess of Equestria a young couple of earth ponies were setting up their fruit farm near the south end of the pony territory. Close to their lands they find a cave with a strange glowing rock that to their surprise hatched into a little baby dragon. Yup that’s him<br /><br />The little dragon was taken by the young couple as their own offspring (not being able to have their own) and the three of them became a happy family. For four years he learn and enjoyed the peaceful life of the ponies full of happiness and love, while his natural talents as one of the dragon kin became part of his personality, yes he was also blessed with the gift of magic. “This is not unicorn magic”, said the elders of the village “this is something we have never seen before”. Some ponies were afraid of the little dragon but the love and care of his family was always there for him.<br /><br />Although things were to change, the dragon kin acknowledge that one of their own ”gifted sons” was among the ponies of Equestria, and the response was swift and strong. When his kind arrived to his home the little dragon stood up and bargain with his blood brothers. In exchange of a peaceful retreat and the promise that no pony should be harm the little dragon agreed to be taken by his bretheren to their homeland.Training and the search of power and perfection was what awaited him and the contact with his loved ones was severed exept from sporadic news of his family obtained by cunning ways “You have a sister” was the last he heard from them.<br /><br />For 15 years he studied the dragon scrolls and trained his natural born skills, making a life among his blood guided by a drive to regain his past lovely life. Good, bad and extraordinary events on his day by day showed a revelation that stroke his dragon masters. Results and progress such as his have never been seen. “In this few years he has accomplished what many of us couldn’t in a life time”, were the words of some fire breathers fuled by envy. But the fact was one and it was simple the now not so little dragon was much more than a not so little threat, and he knew it.<br /><br />Unable to stop his will of “walking his own path” some of his kin tried to finish him. The effort was in vain for he was able to beat his own masters with ease, until one of them casted a forbidden dream spell that was belived failed but would latter take the shape of a curse.<br /><br />With his freedom regained and no more threat to his loved ones the not so little dragon flew back home to find his parents long gone taken by the years and the ways of life itself. However life may tighten but never choke as he found his little sister the once fabled and believed lost. <br /><br />But their reunion was set to be tragical, as the failed dream spell was to be trigger by the happiness of the dragon. Taking both of the “siblings” into a eternal slumber. For him a world of nightmares horror and despair, for her a peaceful dream for the ages.<br /><br />Many would think his story ends there, in a way it did, however that would be their fate if he was not willing to live any more. For the first 10 years of his eternal slumber he suffered from the worst nightmares this magic and his own darkness could bring, nevertheless the light that those memories of happiness were for him the hope and strength to overcome the madness. Between the 12th year of slumber he understood that all was a dream and started to fight back. By the 500th year of constant fighting he discovered the curse itself took the shape of a living being within the nightmare that he fought endless times, by the 900th he was able to link with his sister soul and find a way to the awakening. By the 986th year of slumber he banished the spell from their souls and broke free to find the new world in which the two were reborn.<br /><br />This was the new world of Equestria, the time of the 6 wilders of the elements of harmony and a complete new age for discovery, chances and potential. “Maybe there is a place for us “<br /><br />Almost two years have passed since they awaken, finding places to go, adventures to have and lives to change that in a way have change them too and help them to grow. The unlikely siblings walk their own path now bound in a very unique way into a world that still waits for them. Which gave a chance as
Colt The Strahl (Dragon)
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