Comet Dust is a unicorn with purple eyes, an orange body, and a red mane and tail.
He is often seen with a look on his face that is a cross between a smile and a confident grin.
Cutie Mark:
His cutie mark is a pair of crossed swords.
His cutie represents three things:
1) His almost unmatched skill in both hand-to-hand combat and weapon based combat with weapons of any kind. His skill is often described to have immense precision and accuracy.
He is a truly dangerous opponent who is rarely beaten, and who will always defeat an unprepared pr demoralized opponent.
2) His passion to defend all that he cares about against any threat, no matter how much the odds are stacked against him. This does not mean however, that he will throw away his life if his future contributions would be more useful.
3) His viscous tactical skill, meaning that he always knows what to do and where to go in the middle of a fight.
Comet Dust is a calm and collected warrior who is very confident in his abilities and skills. In fact, his confidence often seems unbreakable against the mightiest of hardships and it is never a factor that his confidence would break under any circumstance. His confidence never translates into arrogance, he is simply 'incapable of arrogance' as he claims.
He is also a very kind soul and is very comforting when his friends may be going through something.
He is quiet and reserved and only speaks when he wishes to, or when he is spoken to first. He often spends much time thinking about the world around him and how life and other things work, and has grown passions for philosophy and history.
Comet Dust is always either spending alone time doing his thinking and personal research, or training to hone his combat skills, when he is not doing a mission for Celestia or guarding Canterlot Castle.
Comet Dust is the son of Princess Twilight Sparkle and Flash Sentry.
When Comet was born his parents were surprised that he was not an Alicorn like his mother, which is what they expected since Flurry Heart was like her mother. This led Twilight to do additional research about Alicorns, and she had found that many more were popping up in places all of Equestria as part of the new generation of ponies. Although little is still known as to why Alicorn children are now coming non-Alicorn parents, or why Alicorn parent don't necessarily produce an Alicorn child, Twilight does know that more research can be done especially since they are appearing in much larger numbers as part of an Alicorn baby boom.
When he was born, his parents noticed that he had his mothers purple eyes and his fathers orange coat. His red mane was not a trait from either of their lineage, which is also somehting that Twilight has considered in her new found research.
Comet Dust grew up in among the best of conditions in his mothers castle in Poniville, and it was through her that he grew his love for knowledge (although not as much as his mother). When he wasn't in the library learning more about what intrigued him, he would be talking to his mother when she wasn't busy or practicing his sword fighting with his dad at the Poniville barracks (who had himself transferred so that he could be with his family).
He trained for much of his life in both the arts of the body and of the mind, and has long since turned himself into a refined combatant and tactician, as well as a philosopher. Despite these skills, his lack of magical ability was something that his mother was never able to help him with. He could only do the basic levitation spells to hold his weapons, but couldn't learn any magic further than that. He often dreams of being able to use powerful magic, and hopes to one day be as powerful as his mother, the very element of magic.
Due to his quiet personality, Comet was not one known for making many friends, and didn't have one for long if he ever made one. His parents decided that among his training, studying, and dreaming that he could use another pony as a friend, even if it was just one. They decided to send him to Canterlot where he was openly accepted as a royal castle guard for his great combat and thinking skills, and precision thereof. While he did bond with some of the guards and dignitaries, the issue still remained that he did not find a close friend.
Now in the Canterlot royal guard as a First L<span style="color:#333333;">ieutenant</span>, Comet Dust is entrusted with the protection of the two sisters and is regularly sent on important political missions by Celestia. Sometimes when he is on guard in the throne room, him and Celestia would enjoy long philosophical conversations, and he regards her as his first proper friend.
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