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  • Curious Set

    Once In A Blue Moon
    • Age: 25

      Gender: Male

      Species: Earth Pony

      Appearance: Pale yellow with a grey mane. Carries very few personal effects, but usually has a notebook and pen on his person.

      Cutie Mark: An open book with figures and symbols flying out of it. It represents his studious nature and desire to free the knowledge hidden in tomes and textbooks to play and roam freely in his mind. And the occasional impulse to hit intransigent students with a textbook until something meaningful comes out.

      Personality: Curiosity about the natural world, magic, the sciences, mathematics and how they all interact is the first impression most of his students had, and would usually be followed by 'impatient', 'pedantic' and 'dull'. He dislikes those who consider themselves above learning, and his short temper rarely helps him convince them otherwise. He finds it easier to deal with ponies that share his fascination with the world, resulting in a fairly small social circle consisting of university friends and colleagues that are happy to have (or at least, willing to tolerate) lengthy conversations on whatever has caught his attention. He does care for other ponies, he wouldn't have gone into teaching otherwise, but getting that across isn't really his strong point.

      Backstory: Born in Canterlot to Earth pony parents with modest means but great ambition, Curious Set became fascinated by the magic that was used so freely in the unicorn-dominated city. Always disappointed that, as an Earth pony, he would never manifest magic in the same way as the unicorns around him, he studied mathematics and the sciences, eventually going into teaching. After a few years, in which he concluded that his love of learning and insatiable curisity was matched only by his loathing for those that didn't care about such things, he applied for a magical research position in the hopes of learning more about the magic that fascinates yet eternally eludes him.

    Curious Set

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