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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky

  • Darkessie


    • Age: 25

      Gender: Female

      Species: Pegasus

      Appearance: Dark, silver coat with charcoal black markings. Her mane is a mix of dark and light lavender. Her eyes are dark violet.

      Cutie Mark: A Paladin’s shield. ((Also known as the Knight's Templar shield))

      Personality: Defiant; serious. <br />She believes the defense of oneself and one’s morals is of the utmost importance in life. Her brash defensiveness and brazen attitude is often held back by her adopted sister Siobhan; and in return Darkessie reminds her stay vigilant.<br />She guides her followers as a General would guide their soldiers; teaching them mental, emotional, and physical endurance. They must only promise to cooperate, and in return she will lead them to become courageous, fearless, and honorable.

      Backstory: Darkessie was an only child, raised by her single mother Klarix. When she was young, she often saw more than she should have. At an early age she learned that if you didn’t let others know what you wouldn’t stand for, they would crush you. She learned that, sometimes, people are cruel, and you can’t change that; but you also can’t let it affect you.<br />She was still very young when she met Siobhan. Her mother refused to tell he about the circumstances in which her new sister became an orphan. However, in time, Siobhan told them both the full story herself. After that, Darkessie’s whole world changed. Siobhan vowed that she wouldn’t stop searching until she knew what had killed her family, and why. Darkessie vowed to protect her on her journey.<br />Siobhan, ever since the night her family had been killed, had been able to see Inorganics; creatures of the Astral Plane. While not exactly demons, Inorganics could take the form of anything: a pony, a dragon…a wisp. Inorganics live to feed off the energy of the living. Most could not see them in the Physical Plane, as they did not exist there. However; Siobhan’s Third Eye was exceptionally strong, giving her the ability to see the creatures that dwelt among them, just out of sight. Darkessie and her sister taught themselves to Lucid Dream and perfected the art of Astral Projection. With the ability to pull their souls out of their very bodies, they could wander anywhere they pleased and next to no one would see them. However, they could sense a storm brewing. It was the very same feeling Siobhan had gotten the night her family died.<br />Then came the ponies that could see them as they walked invisible to all the rest. These were the ones they deemed chosen. If you were seen while in an Out of Body Experience, it meant that the one seeing you also had a strong Third Eye.<br />They named their secret order the Lucerna. In the beginning, Siobhan and Darkessie started with four followers who would later be referred to as The Origins. In time, their organization grew to substantial power. Only Celestia and Luna knew of their existence; and though not affiliated with the Royal Sisters, Lucerna often aided any problems they had concerning the other Planes of existence.<br />Siobhan and Darkessie, now known as The Weaver and The Keeper respectively, decided to build a sanctuary, a massive cathedral, for their followers. It would be built underground, a place to hide or to rest whenever needed. No one would be turned away. They named the cathedral Celatum, and the structure spanned the underbelly of an entire city. They experienced just two more years of peace before all hell broke loose.<br />The Sota Peilin ((War of the Mirror)) was considered the war to end all wars. Every battle occurred on the Astral Plane, rendering the entire bloody affair invisible to all regular inhabitants of Equestria. It ended with most of the Lucerna dead or defeated. The creatures they were fighting disappeared, as did both Siobhan and Darkessie. They remain missing to this day. The Celatum was abandoned and fell into disrepair.<br />The surviving members of the Lucerna went underground, anxiously praying for the day that the Weaver and Keeper returned to them.


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