Appearance: He is a brown Neighponese unicorn with a darker brown mane pulled back into a topknot and a goatee. He wears A red Kimono-like outfit and fights with a Katana.
Cutie Mark: A pair of Dueling Swords.
Personality: He is extremely Patient and wise, but also quite fierce and demanding. all important traits for a pony of his profession.
Backstory: Deep Cut used to have a school of swordsponyship that was the most famous in all of Neighpon. a little too famous as it turned out, as he was taken hostage in the night by the pirates Deep and China Blue, who wanted him to train their Daughter Briny. His initial Reluctance faded as the young Pirate began to show promise. After a while both he and the pirates seemed to forget that he was a hostage, and he became a full loyal member of the crew.
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