Appearance: A slender, teal-colored pony with a white patch on his spine. His mane is bright red with orange streaks occasionally and is never kept tidy. Tail follows the same scheme is clipped short.
Cutie Mark: On both flanks is a gold bit. On his right flank the coin has an engraving of a book on it, on the left flank the coin has an engraving of a baseball bat.
Personality: Double Side's mind is split into two halves: Book Worm and Strikeout. <br /><br />Book Worm is a pony who keeps his snout buried in books and is an excellent thinker. He enjoys solving puzzle's and being and planning town events. However he is a pacifist and is scared of any sort of conflict. <br /><br />Strikeout is a complete contrast to Book Worm. Strikeout loves to get dirty and play baseball. He is very good as swinging a bat and likes to see what he can break with it for fun. Unfortunately he doesn't think about the consequences of his actions all that much.<br /> <br />Double Side cannot control which personality is dominate and will transition through them at random. Other ponies can have a conversation with either personality on command, but which one will be influencing his actions is up to his messed up puzzle of a mind. Both sides share the same trait of being rather desperate to hold onto any friend they have.<br /><br />Ponies who are friends with Double Side describe him as quirky, interesting, and never a dull moment around him. "It takes some time to get used to talking to a pony as if you were talking to two," One of his ex-marefriends had said once. "But once you do he's, they're, the sweetest colt ever met. You just have to learn to roll with things such as 'I hope you don't mind my brother tagging along for our date' or 'Are you up for a threesome?'"
Backstory: Double Side grew up secluded by abusive parents who didn't want anything to do with a foal. He was locked in his room and forbidden to even have his existence acknowledged. Until he would eventually rescued by Foal Protective Services, Double Side was given the bare minimum he needed to survive and nothing else. No love, no attention, and most importantly, no friends. So to keep from going insane from seclusion Double Side made the only friend that he could: himself.<br /><br />Nopony knows which half (if any) was the original side to Double Side, and physiologists have had a hard time explain just how he believes the other half is real. But one thing remains certain: He cannot be convinced that his "twin brother" is just a figment of his imagination.<br /><br />After his rescue Double Side had a hard time being integrated into society, especially with his mental disorder. Though with the proper guidance he was able to learn how properly behave himself and even made friends, whom he held onto tightly. His "Strikeout" personality quickly discovered that he had a knack for baseball and joined the team. While his "Book Worm" personality liked spending free time in the library and losing himself in the world of literature. Nopony understood how Double Side was able to develop two separate cutie marks for both his personalities; but then again the nature of cutie marks themselves are a mystery.
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