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  • Ebony Catalyst


    • Age: 26

      Gender: Female

      Species: Unicorn

      Appearance: Her right leg is a very realistic artificial one.<br />(Will edit pic soon)

      Cutie Mark: Her cutie mark is a conical flask that is empty. This represents her extraordinary ability of creating chemicals and finding an appropriate use for her creations.

      Personality: She is ruthless, manipulative, rude, spiteful, self centred, sociopathic, creative and boastful. She was heavily spoilt as a child. <br /><br />Traits: Speech and Science.

      Backstory: FoE; Pre war, she and her father and brother were sealed in individual stasis pods. She awoke a few weeks after the world had collapsed, she killed everyone in the stable (Brutally) and tested on their corpses.<br /><br />After she started running out of supplies she left the vault. She realized that the money she had planned to inherit was useless in these times when trying to trade with a caravan. She was captured by slavers after a month outside of the stable. By using her magic and psychology she manipulated the weaker minded slavers to help her overthrow the leader of the group. She commanded the slaver group for a short while. She then after a while of being a normal slaver decided that instead of turning in new finds to the individuals paying for slaves, used them of her tests, similar ones to the ones she'd performed at the stable. She quickly ran out of slaves to test on, turning to her thugs for the experimenting. She finally concocted the perfect poison, making the bones it made contact with liquefy. The process was slow and painful. She then started worked on creating an antidote after accidentally injecting her foreleg with the poison and having to amputate it before she became a pile of boneless flesh. She has yet to develop an effective antidote and has long given up trying, instead converting a friendly looking watergun into a tool to harness the chemical. She eventually killed off her entire workforce for testing purposes. Now to survive she must search to find a place of residence in the wastelands of the remnants of Equestria.

    Ebony Catalyst

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