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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

  • Faux

    Tom The Diamond
    • Age: 24

      Gender: Male

      Species: Non-Pony

      Appearance: Your standard Krokorok, Faux stands at 3'03'' feet, and weights 64.2lbs, slightly lighter and skinnier then most other members of his species.<br /><br />Faux also dons a pair of BlackGlasses which not only improve his vision, but also make his Dark type moves far more potent.

      Cutie Mark: N/A

      Personality: Faux is, most importantly, a compulsive liar. He constantly lies about everything, no matter how big or small. Getting the truth out of Faux is like pulling teeth, since he'll usually stick by his lie, even if it's been proven false. Faux doesn't really lie for his benefit though, he just can't help it. It's almost engraved in his soul.<br /><br />Faux also isn't the brightest, and is prone to being oblivious about his surroundings, other's feelings, and the consequences of his actions. However, Faux is also an incredibly proud Pokemon, and holds himself in high regard. He likes to believe that he's superior to other Pokemon, and will be more then willing to argue with others over this fact. <br /><br />However, when push comes to shove, Faux is really nothing special. If anything, he's below average. However, he's more then willing to keep covering up any faults he has with more lies, to the point of deluding himself into believing he actually can do the things he says, and the things he claims happened actually did happen.<br /><br />Faux also cares deeply about his BlackGlasses, mainly for one reason; he needs them to see. Without them, he's as blind as a Zubat. And the idea of a Krokorok, a species that is naturally equipped with great eyes that can withstand desert climates, with poor eyesight is incredibly absurd and humorous. Due to this, Faux is incredibly paranoid when in comes to his glasses, and anyone who knocks them off or messes with them is sure to get a stern rant.<br /><br />On another note, Faux is actually a rather sociable fellow, and enjoys the company of others, even if it's someone he doesn't care for, any company is good company to him. He particularly enjoys listening to other Pokemon as opposed to him talking, since he finds other's experiences far more interesting then his own.

      Backstory: Faux's story really isn't anything special. Born on the Mainland, Faux's early days were usually simply laying around, basking in the son. However, fed up with his son's laziness, his father, demanded that Faux assist him with his job as a Cartographer. It didn't take too long for Faux to realize that he hated assisting his father with such a boring job, with long hours that went deep into the night.<br /><br />Faux's life continued for a few ink-filled years, till one faithful day, an exploration team arrived to the store, wondering if they had any leads on an ancient treasure far in the East. Eager to leave, Faux claimed that he knew of the treasure's location, in a cave alongside the coast in the far east. However, he told the group that he would only show them the treasure if they brought him with them. The group agreed, though one Pokemon, a Charizard, was skeptical of the Ground Pokemon.<br /><br />After saying farewell to his father, Faux traveled the region with the team, enjoying his newfound freedom. However, he slowly came to the conclusion that it was about to end as they began to reach the coast. As they set up camp one night, Faux waited until late into the night to leave.<br /><br />However, even though he though he made considerable distance, he was suddenly attacked by the Charizard from the team, who said that he knew from the beginning the Krokorok was up to something, and demanded to know what. Faux, unable to come up with a good way to explain his actions without meeting any sort of anger, lied to the Fire Pokemon in hopes that it would curb it's anger, and allow him to go on his merry way.<br /><br />However, the Charizard was not convinced, and was angered by Faux's actions, and immediately began to attack him. Faux tried to hold his ground, but soon realized that the Charizard was an entirely different league then him, and was far more powerful. Faux then attempted to make an escape, but the Charizard unleashed a powerful Blast Burn on the Dark Pokemon. Though it wasn't too effective, the flames were potent enough to cause extensive damage to Faux's Eye membrane.<br /><br />As the Charizard recovered from all the energy it used in it's Blast Burn move, Faux took the time to escape and run as far and as fast as he could. Soon the night turned to day, as Faux looked behind him to not only find that the Charizard wasn't pursuing him, but also found that his eyesight was much, much more fuzzy then it was before.<br /><br />He eventually reached a port town, he got his eyes examined by a local doctor, who gave him a pair of DarkGlasses so Faux could be able to see decently once again. Depressed by the fact that his eyesight was damaged, as well as afraid of his father's disapproval if he returned home, Faux decided that his best option was simple; to run away.<br /><br />Faux slipped into a cargo ship one night as a stow-away, and hid in it's cargo hull during the long boat ride. Once the ship finally docked, Faux found himself on the island of Divisa. Eager to make a name for himself, Faux set out to begin his journey...<br /><br />Only to get mugged for all the Poke, food, and such he had on him by a small gang of Pokemon. Once we regained consciousness from his attack, he quickly became pissed. He did not travel hundreds of miles just to get mugged, he refused, he was better then that! After some investigating, he soon found out that the small gang that mugged him worked under a larger group called the Divisa Mafia.<br /><br />Eager to get his stuff back, Faux marched up towards Spirit Manor, the headquarters of the Mafia, and demanded to see it's leader, demanding to get his stuff back. As the local guard prepared to beat the Krokorok into a world of pain, one of the leaders of the Mafia happened to notice the Pokemon's rant. Somewhat impressed that a Pokemon was brave enough (And stupid enough) to march right up to the front steps of a major criminal group, that he approached Faux, and made him an offer he couldn't refuse. <br /><br />He offered the Ground Pokemon a position in their group as an underling, who would do various tedious things that would usually be illegal. And in exchange, Faux would not only get back the things that were stolen from him, but was also promised a decent pay that one could live off of. Not one to decline offers that couldn't be refused, Faux happily accepted!<br /><br />He has since worked for the Mafia for almost an entire year, and has done a plethora of activities, such as guard various places, paint forgery paintings, and even attempted to mug Pokemon! (He was badly beaten in that and has since not been allowed to do that again.) His future is looking so bright that he needs shades in order to see!


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