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  • Feyrona Avitori

    Syannax the Changeling

    • Age: 25

      Gender: Female

      Species: Earth Pony

      Appearance: A dark blue Earth Pony often dressed in Dark Clothing due to her Profession. (mostly what you see in the picture, think of Mare-do-well and make her clothing black, with a change of mask.)

      Cutie Mark: Doesn't show, but I won't tell ;)<br /><br />Anyways. I haven't came up with one. Maybe a Dagger dripping with blood? Or maybe even poison.

      Personality: Feyrona is very heartless, killing targets, fillies, foals, colts, mares, stallions, all the like. By any means she wishes to choose their death often enough. She even accepts what ways the contracts wants their death for a little extra coin, or even if its a offer she can't refuse. She is very emotionless and hard to read, this is one of her best attributes besides putting a knife into your back, coated in poison of course. Feyrona brings hirelings to a fight, this isn't cowardly in her eyes, but tactics. When she realizes when she is beat she backs out of the fight to fight another day.<br /><br />If you call her by her real name, she'll make a point in killing you either right there and now or when your going home. For only her Enemies are the only ones who know her name. Other than that, she is called "Fey"

      Backstory: Feyrona Avitori has had a life of nothing but murder and massacre. Growing up under her Grandmother guiding Fey since she was a young Filly, to become one of the best Assassins in the lands of Equestria. As growing up is concerned, Fey kept her training up as her grandmother stayed on top of her and harsh enough to endure the pain. Fey doesn't see her Mother and Father knowing that it is the way of the Assassins guild. As life moves on, Fey learns everything from her Grandmother. Having no need to attend the local schooling as she is taught everything from her Grandmother. As this phase of her life is going she starts learning the use of Daggers, the Bracer Daggers (from Assassins Creed), Swords, Maces, anything she can use to kill an opponent with in confidence. As years progress, her Grandmother starts sending her on low level threat contracts to give her real experience than practice with animals. As she comes to the point of the thrill of killing never felt so good to her, the Stallion's blood all over her hooves. She giggled enjoying the adrenaline rushing through her body, as it continued she starts to laugh in a maddening sense. She stops as she noticed a witness just stumbled into the area. She quickly puss her hoof-held Crossbow and kills the witness without any other than reaction than emotionless. She does what she has been taught, pulling a small bottle out and pours the contents onto the dead stallion. She then pushes the witness over beside the stallion as the content from the bottle slowly starts to eat the evidence of the two ponies. Doing everything she has learned from her Grandmother. Once she has finished her contract, telling that it has been completed.<br /><br />"Well done Fey, as it seems that you have passed my test. It appears to me, after a little longer here, I have to push you out of the guild so you can expand our guild's influence across Equestria."<br /><br />Fey bows respectfully "Yes Grandmother, I will do as you request of me"<br /><br />"I see great potential in you, my little Fey. Do this old Mare one last thing at the end of our journey of your training?" She ask, rather kindly and Fey notices this. "Promise me..."<br /><br />Fey looks up "What is it that you wish me to do at the end of my training, Grandmother?" She notices the grim look that her Grandmother gives her.<br /><br />"End me, so that your inheritance comes to you faster than one of the next Idiots in line comes to take my place." She gives Fey that look.<br /><br />"Yes Grandmother, I promise..." She gives a look of confusion as if she doesn't quite know what think.<br /><br />"This gives you the time in the way to be ready for what your duty is, I have had to do the same as my training ended. It is tradition to do this every other generation."<br /><br />"I understand Grandmother" She tells her not sure herself that she believes those words or not. "For the tradition of our Family and Guild, I'll do it."<br /><br />Her Grandmother nods. Thus as her training continues and closer to the end, Fey continues perfecting her trade. When that time comes, Fey readies her self to end her Grandmother's life.<br /><br />As the day comes, her Grandmother, looking out the window of the tower. "It seems the time has come..." She says still looking out the window, she stands up and then turns. "Are you ready to prove your self, Feyrona Avitori?"<br /><br />A closer look at her Grandmother shows that she is armed as the Assassin she is. "I didn't expect a fight." Fey Smirks a little, analyzing her Grandmother.<br /><br />"This is to show me what you have in you Feyrona, remember everything I've taught you." She starts walking slowly not looking aggressive, nor defensive either. Fey starts to walk forward with caution. Her Grandmother walks up to her the rest of the way and she gives her one nuzzle. 'Now!' Fey thought and thrust her Dagger into her Grandmother's chest. As that happens her Grandmother drops to the side bleeding out.<br /><br />Her Grandmother chuckles "You will.... Do well... Feyron... Grandmother... Loves you..." she looks up at Fey and her head slowly rests its self onto the floor.<br /><br />Fey looks at her hoof, the bloodied one that had slide her dagger into her chest, about where the sweet spot is, knowing that wound would be painful and yet her Grandmother did not yelp or mutter a single word of pain. "Good bye... Grandma... I love you too... Rest in piece and forever be in the Eternal Herd with our Ancestors." She finishes, wipes her blade off, looking down now at the body, Knowing that it would be wise that she use the bottle of a slimy liquid again to dissolve the evidence of her death. She pulls out that bottle and drops a couple droplets on her Grandmother's body, this time watching what the droplets do their work.<br /><br />After 10 to 20 mins, a small cube of where these droplets forms after disposing of the body. Fey thinks of how useful this is as the cube slowly trails off looking for food. Fey gets up and goes to get ready to leave everything behind and everypony as well. Knowing this is her last time seeing this place from the inside. She gets packed up and starts traveling to ponyville, Her First destination of her new life being free, yet unknowing what to do from here on out, other than the training she has had to guide her hooves.

    Feyrona Avitori

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