Appearance: Average height with a white coat and auburn short suave styled mane and tail. Eye color is hazel blue/green.<br /><br />Enjoys wearing a mix of various accessories. A purple beanie cap, a cyan keffiyah or his favorite sling pack. Sometimes all at once.
Cutie Mark: A blue colored aloe plant with gentle white mist lines above it.<br /><br />Represents his talent for the physical care of his patients.
Personality: Is a mixed assort. Tends to be quirky and playful when around familiar ponies. But has a mature and has a generous and understanding demeanor. Sometimes during conversations he may seem to be pushy in sharing or confirming information about interested subjects.<br /><br />However when during stressful situations he tends to be reserved and unknowing how to abid to a solution.
Backstory: Born of a unicorn couple GT has had an average simple life growing up in Ponyville.<br /><br />For a majority of his older colthood and now coming to age he's simply lived a simplistic. He awakens and goes to work, chat with acquaintances and does the occasional bicker about how his family acts dysfunctional.<br /><br />Whilst interested in learning therapeutic arts he works part time at the Spa and at a local grocer. Managing about the hectic schedules he hopes to be qualified to work at the Spa rather then pouring tons of bits into education funding.
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