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  • Livewire


    • Age: mid to late 40's (by pony standards)

      Gender: Female

      Species: Unicorn

      Appearance: <p> An older, slim (most likely underweight), Unicorn mare with an off white coat.<br /> Her mane and tail are wavy, and are dark grey with a teal gradient and teal highlights, her mane is pulled back into a short ponytail.<br /> She has piercing gold eyes, and defined dark circles and wrinkles.<br /> Her magic aura is cyan. </p> <p> <a class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image" data-fileid="253982" href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2018_05/image.png.806bf83530b28221a6a57dab4ee30d1e.png" rel=""><img alt="image.thumb.png.7f85e850e97784500b346a4bb04a1f74.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" data-fileid="253982" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2018_05/image.thumb.png.7f85e850e97784500b346a4bb04a1f74.png" /></a><br /> (show style art by <a href="https://mypaintedmelody.deviantart.com/" rel="external nofollow">MyPaintedMelody</a>) </p>

      Cutie Mark: <p> a Tesla Coil with teal lightning bolts coming off it </p> <p> <a class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image" data-fileid="253981" href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2018_05/image.png.81dd0c284f1756fab0116f03cef0d955.png" rel=""><img alt="image.thumb.png.92f85e068dd2962134f34bce31647cd0.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" data-fileid="253981" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2018_05/image.thumb.png.92f85e068dd2962134f34bce31647cd0.png" /></a> </p>

      Personality: <p> Bitter, Arrogant, Vengeful, Sarcastic, Deranged </p> <p> shes a "no funny business" type of mare </p>

      Backstory: <p> Even As a filly, Livewire held an intense interest in dead things. She never killed anything herself, but she always had a habit of collecting small dead critters, and all though it was seen as weird, nopony treated it as a warning sign. Maybe she was simply into that aspect of nature? Maybe she would run a morgue when she was older? Unfortunately none of that was the case. She got her cutiemark one day when she reanimated a small rodent, and that’s when things started becoming more obvious to her parents. They hoped that entering her into the Canterlot school of magic she would grow out of her new interest in necromancy, but instead it motivated her to commit more to it. She hid her experiments, this being easy as her reanimated friends only animated for a few moments before expiring once more. Her abilities grew stronger as she aged, her natural skills with general magic helping her along the way. She was seen as a prodigy and her talents in magic celebrated. She became a sorcerer for the Royal sisters, attending a Magical research academy. She was so sure of her abilities that once she perfected the magic she used to animate the dead, making perfect mindless dolls, she dared to pitch her fleeting idea to The Princess; Celestia herself. She told Celestia that her Necromancy could provide Equestria with an unquestioning army and guards, but Celestia was disgusted by this Concept. She told Livewire that it was immoral, even Insane to attempt this. Her academic colleagues claiming them as disgusting and frankly Childish! All her research into necromancy was then confiscated and destroyed, and she was disbarred from the academy, her rank stripped from her. She left Canterlot feeling humiliated, and fury welled in her heart. How dare Her work be destroyed over some petty morality! How dare Celestia call her insane! How dare her colleagues call her creations disgusting and childish! She wanted revenge for how they treated her and her work, and she was going to get it, but she wouldn’t be doing it alone. She found new friends. Friends who supported her work, celebrated it even! Friends who would ride or die for her, friends she would do the same for. They worked together, perfecting the art of making undead dolls made of rotting flesh, an attempt at an army to prove how strong they could be. </p>


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