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  • Lordy Snow


    • Age: 20

      Gender: Male

      Species: Unicorn

      Appearance: There is a picture for you to bestow your eyes upon.

      Cutie Mark: Tea cup & Biscuits

      Personality: Born in the upper-middle class, he has been taught to follow the gentleman's code (18-19 century). Pretty friendly, your typical jolly good chap...but a kinda big ego and easily gets annoyed for non-gentlemanish behaviour. Also not very serious either...always seems to make a joke of everything. He loves tea and will always carry some with him. So... nobody will be forced to drink water.

      Backstory: He originates from the empire, one of the many distant countries formed by the ponies that didnt make their way to equestria. Even though tensions between races have calmed own over millena, now the races fight for power, as most nations do. The gift of flying and of magic has been forgotten after numerous purges, the pegasi have left while te knowladge of controlling magic was simply, lost.<br /><br />Lordy was born in the House Snow, a higher-middle class family that had their own store. Due to his luck in his families wealth, he has managed to experience some of the advantages of the gentry. He had also been taught fencing, violin playing, got a chef degree and some basic theology as well as a bit of medical knowladge. Most of the male ancestors had always served in the millitary, and Lordy was no exception. Joining the millitary school at the age of 7, he managed to get into officer school due to his high achievments. At the age of 16, he graduated and put in charge of a platoon as Lietenant. Battles were not in short supply in the area so, shwoing his millitary capabilities he easily got promoted to the rank of seargent. He had led troops both on land and at sea as a marine-seargent, even though he spent most of his time on land. However, due to low public support for a war, the goverment decided to boost the jingoism among its population. They ordered the army Lordy was in to march into a certain trap. It was a massacre and only 3 of the 5000 ponies survived. Lordy followed his Generals last order which was to 'save the colous', which he now carries everywhere. After the battle, Lordy learns of the trick the goverment used at the cost of his comrades and decided he had enough. He no longer returned to duty after battle, instead took a boat to a mythical land called Eqeustria. He didnt know much about the place, other then legends. But this is the place where he had to start a new life.

    Lordy Snow

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