Appearance: <p>
Lory's build is just what you would expect from an Unicorn her age. Her long, fire-colored mane and tail are usually kept straight. She's got a few piercings: one on each of her ears, and two smaller ones on her lip. Those are the only kinds of ornaments she wears.
Cutie Mark: <p>
Her Cutie Mark is an icon of a microphone, with an audio wave scribbled on top of it. It represents her magical prowess in tweaking her vocal chords in order to mimic different sounds and voices.
Personality: <p>
Most of Lory’s key characteristics were developed during the time she spent on the streets of Manehattan. Firstly, she’s a troublemaker by nature: she loves to party just as much as she loves breaking the rules - and other things - and isn’t afraid to start or join in fights. But even though she enjoys a good melee, she's more of a taunting smack talker rather than an actual fighter. Furthermore, she is rather distrustful towards strangers, opting to not form any meaningful relationships for as long as she’s able to.<br /><br />
Usually laid back and carefree, she rarely troubles herself with unnecessary concerns. Nevertheless, she's headstrong for when she sets objectives for herself: she’s very determined and acts rather stubbornly when she doesn’t get things to go her way. Her philosophy is to never overthink anything: she mostly acts on instinct and always knows what she wants from the get-go. She can also be somewhat greedy.<br /><br />
Even though Lory isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed, she’s very intuitive nevertheless. Her gut feeling is rarely incorrect as she can often notice minimal, important details: most of the times by accident, and unknowingly to herself. She speaks her mind and hardly ever bottles up her emotions. She's rather short-tempered when dealing with others and is easily annoyed when she has to stay in a group for too long.
Backstory: <p>
Hailing from the slums of Manehattan, her birth name used to be Lilac Daybreak. Since her mother was unemployed and her father was a “mediocre” police officer, their financial status have never been well-balanced. For that reason, she was not able attend school. She’s mostly self-taught, and gained life experience from the days she spent playing outside around the neighborhood.<br /><br />
During her childhood, the filly was extremely unhappy. She was uncertain of what she wanted to do with her life: she didn’t have dreams, expectations, goals or any sort of plan regarding her future. Her only real hobby was listening to music, alone and disconnected from the rest of the world. Furthermore, she never managed to get along well with her parents, as they always ended up arguing over trivial matters whenever they spoke. For that reason, Lilac spent most of her time outside on the streets in order to avoid staying at home with her family.<br /><br />
Soon enough, she began following some bad influences around the city: she befriended a gang of thugs and eventually became one herself, performing minor criminal acts, such as robbery, and generally breaking the law. This episode only added more fuel to the family’s disputes, especially considering her father’s job as a cop.<br /><br />
Fights and heated arguments kept erupting within the household at higher and higher rates, until Lilac ultimately decided to flee from home definitively. She changed her name to Lorianne Vox - nicknamed Lory - and began living in an old, shabby apartment with her friends in Manehattan, attempting to forget everything about her past and start a new life.<br /><br />
Lory, alongside three of the gang’s members, decided to form a rock band called Garmuth, in which she took the role of lead singer. At that point, the mare managed to discover a rather unique talent: utilizing her magic, she was able to shift her voice to a wide variety of different pitches, tones, etc., being able to achieve most vocal ranges, as well as mimicking any other voice she’d heard before. A talent that made being a vocalist somewhat of a possibility - and that she also abused of, in order to enhance her troublemaker deeds.<br /><br />
They managed to release a few songs, along with their debut album, which became relatively popular within the city itself. Before they could go big, however, more heated discussions went on between the band members - especially regarding Lory’s maturity and devotion to the cause -, which resulted in their disbanding. Nowadays, Lory remains in Manehattan, sharing a small apartment with a roommate and living off temporary part time jobs.
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