Cutie Mark: She is currently without a cutie mark. She is still trying to find her meaning in life. She is very deteremined though to find her purpose.
Personality: She's very courageous, too the point of doing dangerous things without even realizing it. XD<br />She is humble and without hostility.<br />She will help anyone in need, even if it means putting her own needs last. Her priority is others wellbeing.
Backstory: She was born and raised in Manehattan, but dislikes it there due to the crowdiness, so she moved to ponyville to get away from the city.<br />She has heterochromia, so her eyes are two differnet colors, one being green while the other blue.<br />Whilst living in ponyville, she regularly visits the everfree forest to find clues/answers on whather destiny is and how she can acquire her cutie mark.
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