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  • Max


    • Age: 25

      Gender: Male

      Species: Pegasus

      Appearance: Olive green with a light green mane. Wears a red fedora and concierge coat.

      Cutie Mark: A shield with a red cross. It shows the desire he has for helping those around him, however he can.

      Personality: A kind pony with a passion for giving back to the community. He will usually try to solve things peacefully, which will sometimes get him punched in the face. That doesn't seem to deter him though. He can have a bit of a short temper from time to time, usually during a disagreement. He isn't shy, but he does do poorly in social situations. He sometimes comes off as a pony who is trying too hard.

      Backstory: Max was born in Ponyville. His father was a pegasus and his mother was an earth pony. It is this reason that even though he is a pegasus, he has never fully utilized his flying capabilities. That is not to say he is a weak flyer-as his father had him on a custom made exercise routine-but he isn't particularly skilled in that field. His father worked in the weather team, while his mother ran a stall in the market. Growing up, he was usually shorter than most other foals, and even received some bullying because of it. Around age 16 however, he went through a rather rapid growth spurt, and now stands a few inches above the average pony. The flip side to that is that he is built slimmer than usual as well. He earned his cutie mark around 10 years of age. He started helping out his neighbors with tasks, here and there, and found that he really enjoyed assisting others in tasks that they needed done. While unusual, nopony really had an issue with it. He spent every summer taking up odd jobs for the ponies around town. It helped earn him bits, and made his summers very rewarding. The clothing he wears are hand-me-downs that date back to his great grandfather. H received them as a gift when he moved out at age 18. They may be a bit too formal on certain occasions, but he wears them with pride. When he completed high school, he received a scholarship to attend Canterlot University. Despite his passion for giving back to the community, he always had an interest in art, and spent the next four years taking several art classes and learning various different forms and techniques, as well as the usual basics, such as history, math, science, ect. When he graduated, he managed to save up enough money to rent a home in Ponyville, across town from where his parents live. He still does odd jobs around town, which has been met with a surprising amount of success, considering how active the town has been over the last few years. It isn't easy living in the same town as the Elements of Harmony, after all. He does art commissions on the side, but that has met less success.


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