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  • Midnight Comet

    Totally Ducklett
    • Age: 20

      Gender: Female

      Species: Unicorn

      Appearance: Her coat is navy blue, while her mane (mid-length, semi-wavy) has two colors: a lighter blue, perhaps that of the late evening sky right before sunset, and a jet black. Her eyes are also blue, but closer to an icy blue than her coat's shade of blue. She's about the average height and weight for a pony her age.

      Cutie Mark: Her cutie mark is a telescope with an unspecified constellation. She's an astronomer, after all.

      Personality: Midnight tends to be very friendly to everypony she meets, and often offers help when others have work to do. She tends to be very energetic, but depending on the situation or if she simply feels like it, she can be easily sit still and be calm. If a situation requires bravery, she won't just back down, though she isn't quite the bravest of all ponies. She can make keen observations and can be remarkably patient, as required by her profession (see below). She isn't very irritable, and it takes a lot to get her truly angry. She is also very forgiving of ponies who minorly or often even majorly hurt her, mentally and in some cases physically. If she needs to defend herself or her friends, she won't hesitate to do so, although her magic isn't usually used for combat. Midnight generally looks for the best in ponies, and tries to hold on to all her friends. A few negative things about her are that she tends to be untidy (you should see her bedroom!) and can easily misplace things. Also, if she is truly nervous she can eventually muster up bravery, but will express the usual effects of being nervous pretty strongly. And if she gents into a serious argument, she will try to end it but sometimes will accidentally fuel it and get wrapped up in it herself.

      Backstory: In her early teenage years, Midnight, to be honest, feel like she really knew herself. She was born in Las Pegasus, but ever since moving to Vanhoover around the age of 9, she had always felt like something was missing from her life. Of course, leaving her old friends behind didn't help, but she felt that wasn't just it. Midnight felt like she needed a purpose, and to be honest, she truly did: she was still a blank flank at the time. Luckily for her, the teasing about it was minor. She still was shy because of her lack of cutie mark, though, and could never really muster up the courage to talk to ponies other than her family. This whole predicament had just presented itself when they moved. So, Midnight had a few bad years. She wasn't depressed, per se - she just didn't feel complete. One night, walking home from running some errands for her mother - a loving family, by the way. They tried to help her, but nopony could find anything she really, truly enjoyed and absolutely loved to do. Until that one night. That night, she happened to gaze up at the stars briefly, and the most spectacular, beautiful, awe-inspiring comet streaked across the sky. It was the most amazing comet she had ever seen. A magic comet, in fact, shining down all kinds of colors. It lasted for about 10 seconds... and those were perhaps the most important 10 seconds of her life. Midnight had never thought that the answer to her problem would lie not in the ponies and life around her, but up in the sparkling night sky. She didn't know how, but she knew that night that this was it. This was something she truly loved. Wasting no time, Midnight saved up allowance for months. In these months, her personality completely shifted, from a shy loner to a friendly, outgoing, happy 15 year old mare. After she had enough, she raced to a nearby shop and bought her first, very own telescope. Days, weeks, months following, she would sneak out every night and trek up a hill in the local park, gazing at the stars for hours and documenting the grand Equestrian constellations in a little notebook and marveling at all sorts of remarkable things she saw. And one day, it finally happened. Midnight woke up one late Saturday morning like every other morning. She sleepily waved to her older sister in the hall with a yawn, and she simply stared. Not taking notice, Midnight made her way to the bathroom. She stared in the mirror for a few seconds, until something caught her eye. Something on her flank... a cutie mark! The cutie mark of an astronomer. She had found herself. Now 16, she excelled in school. She made many new friends, and got in contact with her old ones. Her life had completely shifted, for the better. And one day, Princess Luna herself made a visit to Vanhoover. Luna had become a symbolic queen for Midnight. The Princess of the Night! What could be cooler than that? She desperately wanted to meet the Princess, and show her all she had logged in her precious notebook. Midnight knew, however, that security would be tight. So in the weeks before the visit, she spent part of her time mastering a simple blink spell. When the event finally came, Midnight made her move. Quietly blinking in past groups of guards. She, in fact, almost made it to the Princess, as nopony who saw her really suspected her. Of course, as she got close to the Princess, she found that she had set off a magic detector. She was quickly apprehended, much to her dismay, but the guards took her right to Luna to ask her what to do with the intruder. Before Luna could say anything, Midnight shakily presented the notebook. The Princess looked through it, and quite easily understood what Midnight was doing here: she wasn't just a fan, or an admirer, but the Princess had become a heavy role model for her. Taking a page from the book of Celestia, Luna invited Midnight to have a little chat with her, though much to her security force's dismay. Midnight had explained to Luna all about the comet, and the telescope, and the sneaking out. This exciting experience and the face that a Princess made a few minutes of time for her was the final step in making Midnight who she is today. Now 20, she's attending college, while working as an assistant for an astronomer. Once done with her education, Midnight hopes to eventually work her way up to her very own laboratory and discover amazing things about the cosmos, perhaps even help get the first ponies into space - without Celestia rocketing them up to the moon for 1000 years. And now, she's truly happy.

    Midnight Comet

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