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  • Moonbane

    • Age: 30-40ish (Doesn't age, b'cus he's undead)

      Gender: Male

      Species: Non-Pony

      Appearance: Average height, Gray fur all over. Wings and legs are sewn on by dark magic (Faint stitching lines running down his legs and wings). Eyes are simply glowing blue wisps in the sockets. Smells like slightly gone off ham.

      Cutie Mark: His cutie mark is a telescope with a star orbiting it to represent his talent for astrology.

      Personality: Grumpy, angry but quite humorous. Can completely ignore people he thinks aren't worth his time.

      Backstory: Was born during a traveling trip his parents had had, nearby where current times Ponyville would be. <br /><br />As a batpony, he was very nocturnal and thus struggled in education as he'd constanly fall asleep in classes. He stayed up from late night until early morning, staring at the stars. On his 8th birthday his father gave him an old telescope he'd has as a kid. A few days later from getting the telescope he earned his cutie mark, a telescope with a star orbiting it. He worked constantly from that moment on to discover the cosmos. Until a class report came in, claiming he was failing almost all his subjects. His father converscated the telescope and told him that if he failed his studies, he'd never see it again. He tried and tried but ended up nearly failing every exam he'd been set except the physicals due to his sleeping patterns and his habit of staying up until the crack of daylight. He never saw the telescope again.<br /><br />During his first few years at military training he excelled at every challenge before him. He quickly became on of the best and most respected among his division. About three years into his training he was told that he had been personally requested by a well paying client to bodygaurd a certain individual. It turns out the individual that needed protecting was the princess Luna and a rich aristocrat had hired him as they had agreed on a large deal that involved a fairly substantial portion of the royalty's riches. He was promiced that at the end of the contract he would be given a percentage of the earnings of the project. <br /><br />During his Employment as a night guard for princess Luna he was always on the watch for any enemies to the princess of the night. Never interacted with her on a social scale but ensured her safety if she ventured out into Canterlot city at night. One bizarre sitauation happened when a wasted earth pony attempted to mug her, the poor earth pony had no idea what would happen next. He flew down and tackled the drunk into a wall and proceded to detain him while the princess recovered from being berated by a drunk. After that one instance he never really saw any action again during his employment. When he finished his service he retired to the Crystal Empire <br /><br />Before he died he lived happily alone, a retired guard for Luna and chose to live in the Crystal Empire. During his time there he met a mare, for a while they had an on/off relationship which was not too serious. When Sombre came for the first time she was one of the first to be taken to work for him. He tried to stand up for her but Sombre found it amusing and let him think he could save her. After finding her in the crystal mines he was captured by Sombre's enforcers. He was taken to Sombre and directly punished. They pulled him apart by tying rope to eqch limb and pulling him apart, litrally. His remains were given to the mare as a warning to those who didn't submit to Sombre and what would happen if a rebellion occoured. She buried his remains at the edge of the empire before being dying to overworking and exhaustion. <br /><br /><br />He was a resident in the crystal empire and when sombre first came over and took over, he was made prisoner. Sombre being a sick psycho found happiness in torture and killed him in a Attila the Hun fashion, sombre was banished and empire went awol, Then he came back and during Sombre's return, his remains are imbued with dark magic aas he was brought back to life by stray magic, his body held together by dark magic.<br /><br />After being brought back to the plane of the living he was outcasted from the emipre for being accused as a servent to Sombre. Currently lives in the outskirts of Appleoosa but remains covered up at all times. Does astrology from his new home and hopes his identity is still uninown to the denisens of Appleoosa. He is certain that if they find out who or what he is, he'd be chased out like a monster.<br />


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