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  • Myopia Oncler

    Strong Copper

    • Age: 22

      Gender: Male

      Species: Unicorn

      Appearance: One of the proud few ponies that has taken to wearing clothing, Myopia Oncler has a grey coat with a black mane and tail. He has green eyes, but for the most part they are hidden behind a pair of dark sunglasses. <br /><br />On public occasions, Myopia is often seen wearing a black top hat with a green strip near the base, a green and white stripped over-jacket with a white shirt underneath with a green and black tie with what appears to be a small pink fluffy flower in threaded through right over his heart.

      Cutie Mark: Myopia's cutie mark appears as a small pile of dirty looking golden coins.

      Personality: A child of Manehatten's slums, Myopia knows full well the value of a bit and thus he safeguards the things he has earned with the vigor and fury of a dragon. <br /><br />That isn't to say he isn't generous with his wealth. He puts him money back into the community and runs a couple of programs aimed for those in the same situation as he had been growing up. <br /><br />While he appears as a well to do gentlecolt, those who spend time around Myopia will start to notice small but rather important signs of his upbringing, such as small nails sticking out of the bottoms of his horseshoes or a razor sharp piece of metal in the brim of his top hat.

      Backstory: Born in the poorer area of Manehatten, Myopia had a rather poor upbringing. What little money that came into the Oncler homestead was either spent on paying for his mother's medication or on his father's alcoholism. <br /><br />Even as a young colt, Myopia learned that if he wanted to have three solid meals a day that he couldn't count on his parents. Taking to the streets by day, he found he had a knack for finding ways of making money. <br /><br />Starting off as a mudlark with vision, combing the streets of Manehatten for lost coins, bits of metal, useful lumps of coal, anything that had some value somewhere. By the time he was eight, Myopia was employing other kids with control of large amounts of Manehatten's streets. Other gangs either avoided them or get taken over. Myopia wasn't a bad fighter and he could employ those who were better. <br /><br />At the age of 12, Myopia's clean up company was officially founded in Manehatten under the name 'Thneed Co' (If with a puppet CEO thanks to his mother) By 16, Thneed Co won the contract to be in charge of keeping Manehatten clean and Myopia officially took over the company. <br /><br />Thneed Co's growth skyrocketed as it offered it's serves to other cities. It also expanded into plumbing and waste disposal, Cloudsdale and other cloud cities paying fortunes to take away the more... pony related waste without having to hear complaints from their ground bound kin. <br /><br />While the money taking stuff away was large, the fact that most of the items removed were sold to one industry or another that made use of it only added to the profits. Myopia has been quoted saying that 'It often feels like I'm the only coal miner in the camp who knows what gold looks like'. <br /><br />Now 22 years old, Myopia has decided to branch Thneed Co out into mining and lumber with plans to also move into construction in the future.

    Myopia Oncler

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