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  • Nexus


    • Age: 31

      Gender: Male

      Species: Pegasus

      Cutie Mark: A star in the background, with a heart with wings in the foreground. It shows his medical expertise back in the clan of bat ponies he lived in. He has medical expertise rivaling the unicorns.

      Personality: Nexus is stoic, but not cold. As a changeling hunter, he doesn't make a lot of friends, but when he does, he will defend them to the death, and is fiercely loyal to those he cares for. He will always provide assistance when needed. He has a serious mannerism, and can sometimes come off as unfeeling. Deep down, Nexus is a broken pony, but puts on a mask to assure everypony that he is fine. He has a deep respect for the Royal Guard and authority, and a bitter hatred against changelings. He wears his fathers chestplate as a sort of remembrance to him. He may care for his friends, but at times, he seems distant.

      Backstory: Nexus grew up in his clan of bat ponies, in The Macintosh Hills. His father was a Royal Guard that served two years as Celestia's personal Guard, before being stationed in the clan. His mother is a field medic, and taught Nexus all he knew. When Nexus was around 15 years old, the clan was attacked by changelings, who sought to bolster their numbers by making more changelings, feed off of any love, and claim the clan as a new hive. It was here that he earned his cutie mark, a rare thing for bat ponies, given their nature, by attending to all the wounded better than most doctors. His wings were more dexterous than others, allowing them to function as makeshift arms. Nexus was ambushed by changelings, and would have perished if not for his father coming to his aid. He told him to get as far away from the colony as possible, and he did so without question. The clan was a loss, and his father was reported KIA shortly after. He soon became a changeling hunter, wandering Equestria, and killing any of their kind when he found them. He did this for 10 years after the clan attack, regret and misery eating away at him, until he was but a shell of the pony he once was. He finally settled in a small flat in lower Canterlot at age 25. It was here he met the 12 year old Crystal, and they became fast friends. He would babysit for her parents when they needed to go out on trips, and he did so until she was old enough to not need a babysitter. He still visited though. They have been good friends since. When the changelings invaded during the Royal Wedding, Nexus donned his fathers hoof claws, and killed a total of 12 changelings, and causing 8 more injuries before they were ejected from the city.


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