Pat.rio.t./Star Spangled Man
By Pat.Rio.T.
Age: Young Stallion approx.19-25
Gender: Male
Species: Earth Pony
Appearance: Dark blue coat, with white spot on forehead<br /><br />Dark brown mane and tail with white streaks<br /><br />White hooves<br /><br />Medium deep blue eyes<br /><br />Pointy ears, usually swept back<br /><br />Lightweight with average buffness <br /><br />Often seen with a white cowboy hat, tan trench coat, or both(always both in SSMan ego)<br /><br />Occasionally wears reading glasses(only in Pat.Rio.T. ego)(They make him look smarter)<br /><br />(SSM Ego only)<br /><br />Wears skin-tight tech body suit, with dark red tech belt, covering everywhere but the mouth and nose. colors: main color blue, with red patches and stripes, and SSM insignia on both sides of head and on breast over heart. Clear light blue eyepieces
Cutie Mark: A waving American flag on a post, for his patriotism
Personality: Very mild-mannered<br /><br />He is generally very quiet, not necessarily because he is shy, but because he does not have much to say. He usually tends to just do.<br /><br />Although he is somewhat of a geek, his intelligence remains in about the just slightly above average level. He tends to be stronger in wisdom than knowledge<br /><br />Despite being very quiet and somewhat of an introvert, he tends to be a "Glass is half-full" kind of guy<br /><br />He is very tolerant kind and compassionate, and rather than boss people he tends to submit to others, a fact of which other people sometimes take advantage.<br /><br />It is extremely hard to get him to lose his temper and he doesn't get annoyed easily.<br /><br />One of his quirks is that he occasionally has moments where he gets obsessive with something that he is doing.<br /><br />He often works alone, but does not mind being on a team, as long as he doesn't have to be in charge.<br />He doesn't do a good job with leading because he doesn't like telling others what to do and sometimes lets others get away with things because he is afraid to tell them otherwise.<br /><br />He enjoys things like music and nature, he has a thing for trench coats and cowboy hats, and he is very patriotic.
Backstory: (Originally for this character's backstory, I used the original human version, because I came up with this character even before I became a brony, until I had came up with a ponified version of said backstory. I kept it for a long while now, but because of discrepancy caused by the difference between the human and pony worlds, I have reverted back to a modified version of the original human version, in order to not have to completely rework his backstory, and to avoid confusion caused by inconsistencies.)<br /><br />Patterson Rio Tacitus' parents were missionaries in the Middle Eastern country of Saudi Arabia. A very oppressive country, where food and supplies are scarce, and their lives are always in danger from the religious police, because of their beliefs. Patterson was born in the mission field and lived there for several years, along with his family which would come to grow larger.<br /><br />Throughout his schooling, he especially enjoyed learning about the United States of America, his home country. He loved almost everything about it, especially its freedom which seemed to set it apart from every other country in the world. He wanted to be living there right now. His family occasionally poked fun at his extreme patriotism, and enthusiasm for America.<br /><br />One day, Patterson stumbled across an young orphan girl, who appeared to be trying to escape from a bunch of officials scrambling around a small over-turned truck, with a load of supplies spilled out on the ground, saying that they had to find her and bring her back to somewhere. From behind the corner of a house, he watched her trying to escape into the alley that he was, and by the way she was crawling, he could see that something was wrong with her legs. She had almost escaped unnoticed when Pat heard one of them alert the others as she rounded a corner out of sight. Patterson knew he had to do something now, so he ran to meet her halfway, just as she collapsed out of fatigue. Pat picked her up, they stared into each other's eyes for a second before she blacked out, and he ran off toward home, just before the officials came around and saw a dark figure running away. <br /><br />Patterson carried her safely home, where his parents took her to a doctor to see about her legs. They found out that her legs were paralyzed, and there was nothing they could do about that. They decided to take her in at least as long as someone else didn't come and claim her, but because she wouldn't talk they didn't have any idea where she came from. They didn't know her name, They kept trying to come up with something to call her. Ever since Pat saved her, she seemed to form a mental bond with him, and she would follow Patterson everywhere, and would not go anywhere or do almost anything without him. In turn Patterson seemed to take responsibility for her upon himself, and he cared for her, almost like a father, a big brother, and a best friend at the same time.<br /><br />Ever since she started living there, strange things began to happen, like items falling inexplicably, or shifting, or, on rare occasions, even floating! One day she finally started speaking, fairly well actually, Pat was surprised, but for a while she only really spoke to him. She told him everything what she could remember about her life, and her first name, which was the only name she could remember, River. She tried to explain to him that she had secretly always had telekinesis. Up until after she had been saved, however, she had been able to keep it completely under control.<br /><br />One day, Patterson's family decided that they simply could not raise their family here for any longer without something going extremely wrong, especially since they were aware that the government was still trying to get their hands on River for reasons they still didn't understand completely. Plus they couldn't even get a wheelchair for River. After just barely escaping the oppressive country, they headed back to their home country. America!<br /><br />Patterson was just turning 16 when they arrived in America, and he was so excited to finally be there! It was even better than he imagined, and now they were going to live there! They didn't lack for anything anymore, Pat was able to roam the streets freely, with out having to worry about the religious police, or officials trying to take River, and everyone was just so friendly(well mostly everyone). <br />After they moved into their new home in New York, for a while, life was fairly normal. And although River eventually became a little more comfortable around other people, she still prefered to hang around Pat more than anyone else, which he certainly did not mind.<br /><br />Pat learned about the super hero Captain America, who promptly became his favorite, and a role-model to him. He read everyone of his comics that he could get his hands on, and dreamed that he could be like him. He even learned how to fight with a bostaff, and took krav maga, inspired by his hero, and others. He did have other interests though, he had been singing all his life, and he took up piano soon after they moved, something he couldn't do back in the Middle East. Pat later moved to an apartment in Pennsylvania, taking River with him so that he could take care of her, and both of them really didn't want to be that far apart from each other.<br /><br />One day, he got terrible news. His uncle, who stayed back in the Saudi Arabia, had been captured, along with some other missionaries and many followers, by the religious police, and placed in a prison camp. He knew he had to do something. With River's help, he came up with a plan to infiltrate the camp and liberate the prisoners. After believing he was ready, he went off on his rescue mission. However, he failed to carry out the mission as planned, and was just barely able to save his uncle and a few of the missionaries. The rest of the prisoners were killed because of his mistake. Devastated, after barely making it out alive, Patterson returned home, feeling unfit to take on such a great responsibility as standing up for the lives of many.<br /><br />About a month of depression went by after the previous events, with River being the only thing cheering him up everyday. He was beginning to move on from his mistake, but he wasn't about to try anything like that again any time soon. One day, while out-of-town, Pat was walking down the street, and being quite distracted, bumped into somebody and fell flat on his backside, as if he had run into a brick wall. He apologized and looked up at the dark figure who turned around to look at him, while shrouded in a hooded cloak. Pat found himself staring into two ominous glowing eyes. River ducked behind him. A little nervous, Pat had no idea what to do or say to... whoever, or whatever, was staring so intently at him, unsure of what it would do. He slowly readied his hand to grab his collapsible staff under his coat, as the figure slowly raised its hands. It then lowered its hood revealing an android head, and said "Hello! My name is Nano. I'm sorry let me help you.", offering its hand to Pat. <br /><br />Patterson was very much startled and confused, but he slowly reached his hand up, when a woman came towards them looking for the android. She apologized for Nano unintentionally scaring them, and introduced herself as Galatea. They started talking for a while, and got to know each other better. Pat had a lot of questions, considering he had been face to face with a robot from the future. Galatea told him about Nano, and how he was a robot whom she created. It really wasn't a secret that she was from the future, which led to more questions. Galatea told him a little bit about where she came from(No spoilers!), and about what she did for a living. Pat told her about himself, and it was only fair that he told her some of his backstory as well. He told about the country he was born in, about River, and finally about the rescue mission he went on. She told him that it was amazing that he could take on such a task, and said that he should take similar missions from other people. But Patterson reminded her that he failed, and he probably would never be ready to take on a task like that again. He did not want to be responsible for any more death. Before they went their separate ways, Galatea reminded him that she failed, and now she had to start her life over. She told him that if there was anything that she could help him with she would be happy to do so.<br /><br />For a while after they parted ways, Patterson just couldn't get his conversation with Galatea out of his mind. Two days later, he was walking down the street at night, when he came across a home invasion. He quickly ran in and subdued the criminals, even saving someone's life. He then realized that he really could make a difference. And if not him, then who?<br /><br />After about month or so of even more training, Patterson remembered Galatea and Nano, and he had an idea. He went back and found them, and told her that he was taking her advice. He asked if she could make gadgets that could aid him. But she was reluctant to help, as in her original timeline, advancements in technology had sparked a civil war. She did give him nanites that were programmed to repair the human body.<br /><br />For a while, he didn't see much action, just a few local robberies. But after he rescued a large group of hostages, in a terrorist attack, some people actually asked for his help. Galatea, having heard of his recent endeavors, and not having forgotten his previous request decided to make a special suit for him. He very gratefully accepted the gift, and has since used it on every mission, which he accepts from anyone asking for his help. His sister River helps to coordinate his missions. As for his normal job, he runs a music store, with River working alongside him in this as well.<br /><br />(For the purpose of roleplays Pat lives in Hoofington with the same job, and his parents live in Manehatten)
Pat.rio.t./Star Spangled Man
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