Appearance: He is a teenage St Bernard with chocolate brown and white fur with tufts of fur on his head and chest. He, like Pedro wears a small crown but with a different coloured gem.
Personality: Prince Frank is a gaming fanatic like his pony sister Harmony and his brother Pedro, he likes to cause trouble and violence like Pedro, but he is more warm-hearted and supportive to Harmony and often tells off Pedro when his tricks go too far. Also he is quite laid-back and calm, but he can get angry fairly easy (mostly by his brother) and often has great plans for revenge. He is quite imapatient and goes to extreme measures to get something but he does eventually know the error of his ways. He and Pedro have a good relationship even though they fight and constantly annoy each other.
Backstory: Prince Frank was Princess Harmony Spark's pet since she was a filly. When Harmony ascended into an alicorn, she used her imagination powers on the pets, turning them into walking talking dogs. Harmony Spark adopts them as her "brothers"<br />
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